Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My 2010 Testament

All too soon this year is coming to a close. 2010 no doubt has been a great year for most of us and thus there is no better way to begin this note than to first say a very big thank you to God Almighty whose grace has sustained us up to this moment.

I know most of us at the beginning of the year made resolutions and did set targets for ourselves. Some of it we might have achieved or maybe even all of it. Whatever the case, God has brought us this far.

2010 has been an exceptional year for me and my family. God did so much and He is still doing even more.

The year has been filled with the good times, the not too good times and of course the bad times too. There were times when it was though, hard and dry.

Some people had it better than others but overall, nobody had it worst off (at least none that I know of) we’ve all somehow PREVAILED.

To those that wedded this year congratulations. Do have a blissful marriage and let the kids start coming in…

To those hoping to get married the next year, keep praying and believing God. I know He can and will do it for you.

To those who found love this year, stick and stay with it because love is hard to find but true love is one of a kind.

To anyone that graduated this year; congratulations. I pray and hope you land your dream job in no distance time.

To those who got admission this year, make sure you take time to study very hard as no amount of knowledge no matter how small is ever wasted.

To those who tried to get admission but somehow couldn’t get it, don’t lose hope and don’t be too bitter. Your break will surely come perhaps this coming year.

To anyone that lost a loved one, I know it’s not a pleasant experience but don’t grieve for long. God knows best.

To anyone that got saved this year, wow! It is the best thing that can happen to you so hold on to God and bet you; you won’t regret it.

To anyone I might have hurt or wronged; from the depth of my heart, I apologize… since I can’t take back what I must have done, I can only say I will do better next time.

To anyone I promised to be there for and wasn’t, I apologize. I have too many wives and kids too.

To anyone I gave my word and didn’t live up to it, I say I’m sorry. To anyone I let down when they needed me the most, I apologize. To anyone I promised to call and did not, apologizes.

To anyone that affected my life this year and made me a better person, thank you, God bless you endlessly.

To the woman in my life; mom, I love you endlessly. Thanks for being a pillar in my life and for always believing in me. God bless you.

To any new friend I made this year, thanks for the gift of friendship and again it was really nice meeting you.

To my friends on Face Book, My Space, hi5, Urban Chat, Buddie, Yahoo Pulse, Badoo and all those following me Twitter and Blogger, thanks for staying true to friendship. I hope I haven’t been a bad friend though…

Thanks for liking my status, thanks for writing on my wall, thanks for viewing my pictures, thanks for the live chats, thanks for the messages, thanks for following my twits amongst other things.

In this yuletide season, show love to someone and also show your loved ones how much they mean to you… Go out, have fun but not too much fun. If you must DO IT please PROTECT YOURSELF.

If you must drink, don’t drive and if you must drive don’t drink. In whatever you do, make sure you stay safe.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. God bless us all and may He keep us all till 2011 and beyond…

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Be Yourself

In our human society and today's competitive world, one can never be good enough, right? Wrong!

Everyone is as good as they want to be. The more you believe in it, the better you will keep getting. You cannot be happy with yourself, if you keep wondering whether or not you're good enough. However, we shouldn’t stop working towards self improvement.

Our biggest problem is often our minds. Most times we are too concerned about what others think of us.

The thing is, people will always think whatever it is they want to think about you so let whomever think whatever… If you allow, people will wrap you up and tie you to a corner.

The life you have is all you have. You have to take charge of it and make it count. You cannot live for everybody so it is better you start living for you. Nobody is absolutely useless or insignificant; everybody is significant.

We are most times given the thought that we aren’t “good looking enough”, “intelligent enough”, “articulate or smart enough” and too top it up, “good enough”.

We sometimes find ourselves imitating some other person(s) just to impress somebody in order for us to enjoy certain favors from them. We go out of our way to accept certain things that we aren’t comfortable with just so that we can be accepted by certain class of people and the society at large.

Truth is, we cannot succeed in life by living another person’s life. We’re not them. We shouldn’t sabotage our destiny through fake pretences. God in His wisdom created us unique from everyone else. We must not live as a cheap imitation.

Here is the twist! In life, not everyone will like you, want you, understand you, appreciate you, share in your vision or lend a helping hand when you need it the most.

A lot of ladies go as far as toning their skins just so they can look attractive. Even guys these days do it. Who said we aren’t attractive the way we are?

Dark skin, white skin or red skin; everyone is beautiful or handsome because God makes no mistakes. It is up to the other individual(s) and the society at large to accept us the way we are but first, we must appreciate ourselves or nobody will appreciate us.

If certain people cannot handle you being yourself, then they should as well look elsewhere for companionship.

Be original! Imitation ruins originality. Being you creates uniqueness in your personality.

Try everyday to be the best person you can be, that way you won’t be mad at yourself if some other person(s) can’t deal with you being you.

No one ever said life was going to be easy, but with the right attitude, hard work and dedication, you can turn your world upside down and start living the kind of life you thought was only possible in your wildest dreams.

There is only one BARACK OBAMA, one BILL GATE, one NELSON MANDELA, one KOFI ANNAN, one ROMAN ABRAHMOVICH, one MIKE ADENUGA JNR one WOLE SOYINKA, one ME and of course only one YOU so be the best YOU.

Be original, be, authentic, be you…

Just sharing my thought…