Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Choose or Lose Nigeria

Elections! Elections!! Elections!!! That is all we hear and breathe as the election days draws nearer. The race for who will sit in the throne at “Aso Rock” and governors offices around the country has intensified over the past weeks and months.

On television, radio and the print media, all we see, hear and read is politics and election stories.

From the streets to our living rooms, the topic being discussed is “Who is fit to lead and deliver the Nigeria that we seek”.

For months and weeks now, the politicians have been all over the place campaigning and making promises upon promises.

When it comes to promises, we have more than enough politicians who can give them but when it comes to delivering on promises, there is only but a few politicians whose words hold water.

A noticeable event going on at campaign rallies is the politics of blame and insults. This party is accusing that party of what they did but did wrong and what they didn’t do but should have done and so on.

Nevertheless, these events are not new to us. They are political gimmicks to canvas for votes. Ideally, what the politicians should be telling us is what they will do and how they will go about what they want to do should they get the nod to lead instead of throwing tantrums at fellow politicians.

The problems of poverty, bad roads, epileptic power insecurity etc are not problems that are peculiar to a certain political party, ethnicity and don’t care about personality.

We have heard all they have to say; it’s now our turn to decide who goes where. It is about time we change everyone and everything that is not working.

Many people in the past vote sold their votes for little favors and some too just vote for a political party they sympathize ignoring whether or not it has a candidate that can deliver.

Ideally, where our vote should sway should not be based on the name or size of a political party. If a party has got a candidate that you think can deliver irrespective of its name or size, vote for that one. Don’t follow the crowd.

Good roads, a proper education system, proper health care, safe drinkable water, improved electricity, employment, security etc are not privileges; they are basic necessities of life that every Nigerian deserves and it is only the right candidate can deliver all of these and more.

Vote for someone that has the plight of Nigerians at heart and is ready to serve selflessly.
Vote for someone that will involve the people to move the country forward and not someone that will exploit the people and make their pocket fatter.
Please vote for a true Nigerian that will deliver the Nigeria we all crave for.

On our own, we can never know the true intention of any politician. It is only Almighty God that knows the true intentions of any human being so trust Him to lead you to vote for the right man/woman.

Lately, there has been a rise in politically motivated violence. The irony is that, politicians never send their children to fight or kill for them so why should we hurt or kill others so that a so called politician can get into power?

Be wise. Shun pre or post elections violence. Politics is not a do or die affair. NO POLITICIAN IS WORTH THE BLOOD OF ANY NIGERIAN.

Furthermore, do not cease to pray for Nigeria. If there is anything this country needs now than ever before, it is certainly prayers.

History beckons on us so be part of history by going out to vote. Your vote is your power; your voice is your voice. Make it count.

Finally, always remember to be the best Nigerian you can afford to be.

Naija oni baje o…

Just Sharing My Thought
Listen. Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share.

2nd April is local government elections. 9th April is Presidential election, and 16th April is Governorship and State Assembly elections.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Speak up

Many people today are often too scared to speak up when they should. In a bid to avoid rejection and criticism by others and the society at large, we oftentimes shut our mouth and swallow so much of what we shouldn’t swallow up.

There are a lot of people faced with lot of issues and challenges yet don’t want to talk about them so I wonder how they are going to get help.

At times all you need for an issue to go away is to talk about it but we seldom talk about the real things that trouble us. Some of us want to be seen as one with less or no problems but that is where we get it wrong.

There is nobody in the world that hasn’t gotten a problem or two. We all smile and laugh with each other but dip down we know there is a burden that we wish could just go away.

The first step involved in being liberated is “speaking up” so speak up. If you don’t speak up, you can’t fight for or against. Only you truly know what troubles you and if you don’t speak up, how can anyone know?

Many people have missed great opportunities because where and when they should have spoken up, they failed to speak up so the opportunity comes and goes begging.

Many are those in abusive relationships yet they fear to speak up for the fear of not losing whomever. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in that relationship. An abusive relationship isn’t something that anyone should stomach up.

Anyone in any of such relationship obviously needs help so if you are one of such, speak up.
Don’t think that the hurt you feel inside will pass with time. Hurt and pains only get deeper with time.

There are many women that are suffering from domestic violence yet won’t speak up. To them, speaking up is weakness. They say a real woman can deal with anything.

There are also loads of children who are being abused even right under their parent’s roofs, by uncles, aunties, relatives and whomever but because they’ve not been thought to speak up, they keep quiet and wallow in pain and misery.

I use to be someone who hardly talked about anything that troubled me. I concealed every form of discomfort. I felt no matter the situation I was in, it was going to die or phase-out with time but I was wrong.
For a long while, I wallowed in loads of pain, hurt and discomfort until I realized the value of speaking up.

Speak out your fears. Somebody might hear and help you get through them.
Speak out your worries. Somebody might hear and help you get over them.

Of course it is not everything that you will blatantly say out but certain things shouldn’t be concealed. If you feel speaking up would bring you trouble, concealing it certainly will bring you more trouble because if you are troubled within, you will inadvertently be troubled without.

There is at least someone around that you can talk to/with and even confide in. If you can’t find anyone like that then you probably haven’t looked well enough.
If you don’t speak up, no one will hear you let alone reach out to help you. Don’t whisper where you should speak out. Speak up! Even if nobody hears you, God hears you.

Speak up against domestic violence, speak up against child abuse, speak up for what’s right, speak up for good morals and values, speak up for responsible living; speak up for good governance.

Think about this; all the crimes and bad things happening around are not only because of wrong doings of the bad ones but more because of the silence of the good ones. SPEAK UP FOR A BETTER WORLD.


Just Sharing My Thought
Listen. Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Our words matters

Have you ever been in an unhappy situation and somehow someone shows up and says something nice to you and suddenly you begin to smiles? Yes! That’s what kind words do.
People battered and wounded by life situations are often healed by the words of encouragement we dish out to them. Kind words can bring back the lost, change the past and correct the present.

Words are like seeds. If we sow the right words, it can inspire someone to reach his or her potential. If we sow the wrong words, it will bring about deceit, strife, malice etc.

Human beings are such that even when we are wrong, nobody likes been corrected so be careful with how you correct others.
Be humble with your words. Hurtful words can escalate an already dreadful situation. A true friend always cares about the feelings of others so always speak the truth in love.

Many of us have broken hearts, broken trust, broken friendships and relationships because of the hurtful things we’ve said about someone.
If you hear something about someone, don’t hurriedly jump into conclusion.

Ask yourself if it is true. If you are not certain whether it’s true or not, say nothing. The truth will always reveal itself with time so wait. Careless words break trust; careless words break friendships; careless words cost lives.

Anyone who cannot control his/her tongue inadvertently will speak wrong and hurtful words so please endeavor to control your tongue and watch what you say.

When people say cruel and hurtful things to you, you shouldn’t say hurtful things back nor curse them. Words have creative powers and nobody can take back what they’ve already said. I RETRACT MY STATEMENT RETRACTS NOTHING. Once it’s said, it’s said.

Be quick to say words like “I’m sorry”. It doesn’t matter who caused what; a sorry heart is a cheerful heart. Do not say to someone I WILL BE THERE FOR YOU if you know you won’t and do not say I LOVE YOU if you don’t mean it. Our words require us to be responsible.

Always bear in mind that you more likely to regret the things you say than the things you don’t say. Hurtful words can cut like a knife. It might take you just three seconds to say them but its effect can last a life time so be careful what you say because YOUR WORDS MATTERS.

Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the mind and healing to the body. Proverbs 16:24 (AMP)

Just Sharing My Thought
Listen. Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share.