Life we all say is not that fair. Every now and then, life throws a challenge at us that we have to deal with. As far as human beings are concerned, there’s none that is immune from life challenges.
At every point in life, it is always either we are going through one challenge, getting out of a challenge or about getting into a challenge.
Anything can be a challenge. A job, A relationship, Accommodation, Un-employment, Career, Ill health, A nagging Husband/Wife, Friends, Family, Finance, you name it…
When challenges set in, life may appear to be hard but that’s because challenges are never pleasant but then challenges are not always bad. Some challenges are opportunities for growth. Sometimes it is when challenges sets in that we sort ourselves out and this is so true.
We turn to become more organized when problems come knocking. We turn to learn how to save and spend money wisely when we go broke.
Challenges either make the WORST of us or bring out the BEST in us (we should settle for the latter). Challenges make us work harder. They make us try to be the best person we can afford to be, they make us make adjustments.
We are sometimes compelled to let go of some attitudes in order to be able to handle a challenge. Again, challenges help us know who are true friends are. It is said that “it is circumstance that reveals who our real friends are.
Some people are friends only in good times and not when trouble shows up or a challenge comes knocking. Respectfully letting go of such friends is like sweeping the bits of your life away. The people who stand by us in our difficult times are not necessarily our friends.
Challenges always pop up when we least expect and when they do; our minds become plague with worries as to how we are going to face “the sudden problems”. Challenges always turn to disorient and discourage us.
It is a known fact that when one is in crises, it is very easy to lose perspective but depending on an individual’s capacity and strength; a challenge could either be a comma or a full stop.
So when life’s many challenges show up should we run away? Personally I wouldn’t advice that neither will I advice that we try to go around them- (the things we go around always come around somehow).
Running away from a challenge doesn’t make it go away. Learning to face challenges squarely is getting it over and done with.
So how do we deal with challenges? Truth is I don’t know but here is how deal with mine. Firstly I believe no matter how bad things turn out, it can be sorted out with time.
Secondly, I go to God with my troubles and problems. Why do I go to God with my problems you might ask? Simple! If I can trust Him with my life, I can trust Him with my problems. The truth is before I got the challenge, God has the solution.
When life’s challenges set in, we all ask the question, where is God? God why me? Instead of us saying God why me, say LORD here is my problems. Help me fix it. I’m not much of a preacher but this much I know and that is, there is nothing that happens to us that God isn’t aware of.
When adversities, afflictions and challenges come, the best way to deal with them is by calmly talking to God. If He cannot fix it, no one else can.
A challenge might appear to be bigger than us but no challenge is bigger than God. God always comes through for us whenever we invite him into our situations.
It is not over until God says it over so no matter the challenges you go though in life, keep looking on the brighter side because God is going to come through for you.
So friends, when life seems so vague and all you see is trouble everywhere, you might be tempted to look elsewhere for help but the best place to look is to look to God. Challenges are sure going to come but then, we can overcome every challenge with God on our side and if we endure long enough, we are sure going to win.
Life has never been easy but many has made it through life despite its up’s and down’s and we to can make it through life.
God bless you and may He see you through any challenge that you are going through. Life might not be fair but God is always fair. Gracias…
Just Sharing My Thought
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