Monday, October 13, 2014

Let’s talk about Purity [Part One]

Purity is one topic that has been one on my mind for so long. I’m glad I finally get to talk about it in this note.

A few days back, I had a chat with a certain man who has been married for over six years and he asked about my relationship so I told him, Michelle and I are growing very well, God has been doing an incredible work in our lives and we trust Him for a beautiful future together.

He said “that’s ok…” and a whole lot of different things then he asked, “Have you had sex with her yet?”

I said NO. We are not married yet and we are committed to honoring the Lord with our body.
He said “well that’s the only way you two will bond. You know women cannot be trusted that much I’m talking from experience.”

I responded your experience will not be my reality. If having sex [with someone who’s not my spouse yet] is the only way for us to bond then I don’t want to bond. I’d rather lose a relationship than build one on sin. If I cannot lead her in purity, what area can I lead her?

Well our conversation ended as there was nothing else to talk about. I refused to be dragged into a godless conversation. As a matter of fact, I think I sat with him for too long.  “Evil communication corrupt good manners” scripture says.

Walking out on him seemed rude but you see we do not have to apologize or explain ourselves when we are seeking to make righteous decisions. We do not have to explain why we have to separate ourselves from certain situations, circumstances, or people that cause [or may cause] us to stumble and fall. Scripture repeatedly tells us not to walk in the counsel of the ungodly nor heed to their advice.

How can we truly stand out if we are constantly trying to fit in with the crowd? We must make sure every conversation we engage in and every situation we find ourselves is edifying, encouraging, God-led and God-honoring.
Singles, engaged couples, newly married people, we must all be very cautious about those we take relationship [and marriage] counsel from. We must take care not to take counsel from those who do not take counsel from God.

Michelle and I have decided we will only seek and adhere to godly counsel therefore regardless of the individual giving us advice, if our "advisors" words don't match the words of God, their word will not be heeded. We cannot expect to drink from unclean waters and not get sick. Any advice that doesn't come from the throne of God is soaked in sin and filthy in nature.

Early on in my relationship with Michelle, we discussed extensively and decided on the issue of purity. We concluded that purity for us is a must. Sex for us will only happen in marriage not before. We know better than to build our relationship on the sinking foundation of sin when God has called us to a holy living. We know God will not bless sin.

We’ve decided we will honor God not our flesh. We’ve decided to honor God with our life and body. Scripture tells us our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. The temple of the Holy Spirit [our body] must be holy. We refuse to provoke the Holy Spirit to anger.

I know many people [singles and even those in relationships] struggle in this area of purity even though many would not readily admit it. If you are one of such, I want you to know that purity is possible. You can do all things through Christ and that includes being pure.
You and your mate should repent before the Lord, seek to honor Him, grow in discipline, get accountability and keep away from every situation that could cause you to fall. A convicted and repentant heart cannot continue in sin. The convicted and repentant are so sensitive to the Holy Spirit that they dare not grieve Him.

Sexual intimacy is reserved for a married man and woman and that is not going to change today, tomorrow or any other day regardless of what anyone thinks or what the culture says.

There’s a whole lot more to be said but that will be in a different note. As I conclude part one, I propose a purity challenge to all. I believe you all saw the Ice bucket challenge that went viral online. Let’s go viral with this #PurityChallenge. Let’s encourage each other to good works.

Gentlemen this challenge is particularly for us. We must lead the cause of purity. If we cannot lead the women in our lives in love and purity, what area will we be able to lead them?

Understand that until you marry her she is not your wife.  She is your sister so treat her with absolute purity. “Treat older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity” 1 Timothy 5:2

And to the Ladies, like Apostle Paul would say, I beseech you by the mercies of God that you make sure your legs are closed. Don’t give to a man the benefit of marriage when he hasn’t married you. True love waits. I say that again. True love waits. If you give to him the benefit of marriage when he hasn’t married you, what will be the incentive for marrying you? Choose the path of purity.

In this day and age of sexual perversion, Michelle and I have chosen the path of purity and we urge you to join us in our decision to honor the Lord with our life and body.

True love leads closer to God and not to sin. Purity is a MUST.

Until next time, stay focused.

Just Sharing My Thought
Listen. Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share.
Grace to you and Peace.

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