Gratitude is one of the few things that when demonstrated have positive effect on our lives. This is true because we turn to attract more of the things we appreciate and are grateful for into our lives.
Let’s face it. We live in a society that is all about focusing on what we don’t have. TV commercials, magazines, movies all remind us that we can be wealthier, smarter and have more stuff. Well I don’t believe that it is bad to strive for more. Goals keep us moving forward – they give us a sense of purpose and direction.
I’m only suggesting that we take time every day to focus on what is good, what we have done right, what we love about whom we are and the people in our lives.
It is important that we cultivate an attitude of gratitude for everything good that exists in our lives. We can all find things to be grateful for. Now here is my gratitude;
Most of all, I’m eternally grateful to God for the precious gift of life and good health. I’m thankful for my parent and siblings, and all my relatives. I’m thankful for my friends, and colleagues; for my niece and cousins and for the joy I get been around them.
For every school I ever attended and the people that were part of my life there, I am thankful.
For the friends and co-workers I had at AVLSC Lekki, Netcodietsmann Nigeria Limited and Aid to Artisans Ghana.
For anyone I’ve ever considered a close friend. For the rough times I’ve had this year and in years past that have made me a stronger person. For any ex-girlfriend I’ve had that made me a better guy, I am thankful.
I’m grateful for the gift of family, friendship and love. For all this and for so much more, I’m eternally grateful.
The truth of the matter is, no matter how bad you have it or how rough things may be right now, there’s always someone who has it much worse. And by the grace of God it’ll get better.