Sunday, May 29, 2011

Face book

In my last note, I talk about social networking and how is has redefined the dictionary meaning of friendship… Although loads of social networking sites exist, face book appears to be the number one social networking site for many.

Couple of years back, “yahoo messenger” and “yahoo chat room” was the coolest thing. I remember then in secondary school, me and my boys will go to the cyber café after school and chat with as many people as our pocket would allow us.

Yahoo chat room was so cool that I never for once thought it could ever be outdone but here we are... today it’s all about " Face book”.

Face book has given millions of people around the world a common platform to come together and socialize. And with it cool and unique features, even a 5year old can operate face book account.

Without searching for old friends, they pop up in a corner of your page and you guys instantaneously reconnect- now this is one feature only face book has.
There have been a lot of friendships, hook ups, relationships amongst other stuff courtesy of face book.

These days, one does not necessarily need to print invitation cards to invite friends for an event. By simply creating an event on face book, you can invite as many friends as you like from anywhere in the world.

Although face book offers us a huge platform, many of us do very little with it.

Many are those that are unemployed and urgently need employment. If know of a job vacancy, put it up here let us know. Many are those in need of business ideas, plans and partners. If you have a business idea, share with us.

Many are those in need of somebody to cheer them. If you can inspire people, write inspirational notes for us to read. You if think you can help with any of these and more, please do.

Feel free to flaunt your talents here. Whatever you do that is worthwhile, let us know of it so that we can learn from it. Face book aside socializing can and should serve us in this regard.

With the aid of face book and other social networking sites, many people have organized protest and perpetrated inhuman crimes around the world. But I don’t suggest we do that. I’d rather we will use face book as a medium to build ourselves as young people.

About three years back, I use to someone who could not go a day without checking his face book account but today there are people who cannot go 30 minutes without checking their account; as a matter of facts some people practically live online.

Check out these amazing facts about face book.

Every 30 seconds, 50,000 people update their facebook status, more than 250,000 comments are made, the same numbers of photos are uploaded and messages sent amount to almost 70,000.

According to
- 750 million photos were uploaded to Facebook just over the 2010-2011 New Year weekend!
- 48 percent or nearly half of 18 to 34-year-olds check Facebook when they wake up.
- 28 percent check their Facebook from bed with smart phones.
- The 18 to 24-year-old group that uses Facebook grew by 74 percent last year.
- More than 70 percent of the Facebook users are outside of the U.S.
- More than 71 percent of the U.S. Web users are on Facebook.
- More than 30 percent of the userbase is over 35 years of age.
- There are more than 500 million users on Facebook.
- That means one in every 13 people on the entire earth are on Facebook, and that means one in every 4 internet users are on Facebook.

Indeed, we cannot possibly thank God enough for Mark Zuckerberg- the creator facebook. And by the way, have you seen “The Social Network”, It’s a movie on how facebook was formed … I think you should see it.

In the interim, have fun and feel free to let me know what your experience with “Face Book” has been like.

Just Sharing My Thought
Listen. Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Social Networking

Social networking has come a long way from just being a platform for people to meet and interact, to one of the major tools of business. The main objective of social networking (sites) still remains the same - meeting and interacting with friends, old pals and like-minded people anywhere in the world.

Yes! Anywhere in the world and this is why I think social networking in general is so special and cool. Social networking sites help us to reach out to the world.

Socializing, doing catching up with friends and keeping in touch with our extended families is much funnier than ever before.

Take Face book for instance, friends of friends can meet and start new friendships; and we can make a new friend from the comfort of our homes without any effort. We can also share ideas, pictures, films, music and so on with anyone we want to share it with.

Gone are the days when distance between different countries and continents was a barrier. With social networking sites, distance is no longer a barrier. We can communicate fast and easy with the people dear to our hearts irrespective of where they may be.

We are living an era of the globalization where our world has become a global village. As social beings who love to share our experiences with others, social networking sites sure present us with a common platform to share our thoughts and ideas with the world.

Having said all the fun and cool stuff about social networking, I must also add that SN is not all fun fun. Although chatting with friends and family might seem to be a harmless activity, it could also pose serious threat. As the information we are share can be seen by almost everybody anywhere in the world.

One major concern for many people is that one cannot always be sure about the true intentions of a new friend.

I did read somewhere that murders has been reported as a result of the information the murderers gathered from social networking sites. It went further to say that the murderer had everything at hand as regarding the location of the victims, their lifestyle and daily schedule.

Time and again, I have heard friends say my account is being hijacked or somebody has changed my password or somebody is using my account with me.

We can curtail some of these things if we manage the personal info we put out there. Keep in mind that there are bad people online who only care about hurting as many people as they can help, so we must ensure we keep personal information safe. What we let out can eventually be used against us.

To conclude, I’d say that, I enjoy social networking. It has given me a huge platform to share my thoughts by way of writing and helped me meet great people from all over the world.

Indeed social networking is great and has countless opportunities for us all to explore- let’s explore but with caution… Like Jesus Christ would say “be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.”

Just Sharing My Thought
Listen. Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Reading Quotes

Before reading this quotes, I’m guessing you’ve already read my post titled ‘reading matters’. And I equally hope you’ve resolved to begin or re-begin to read.

There is so much information around us. We have to as much as we can assimilate as much knowledge we can afford too.

Knowledge they say is power and it is so true. Many of the great world leaders (past and present) were great readers. ‘Thomas Jefferson’, ‘Bill Clinton’,

‘Benjamin Franklin’ are but a few great leaders that give heed to reading. Enjoy these amazing reading quotes.

“Never be entirely idle; but either be reading, or writing, or praying, or meditating, or endeavoring something for the public good.” Thomas a Kempis (1380 - 1471)

“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” Sir Richard Steele

“If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are rotten, either write things worth reading or do things worth the writing.” Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790

“Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours.” John Locke (1632 - 1704

“No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting.” Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689 - 1762)

“If the riches of the Indies, or the crowns of all the kingdom of Europe, were laid at my feet in exchange for my love of reading, I would spurn them all.” Francois Fenelon

“Happy is he who has laid up in his youth, and held fast in all fortune, a genuine and passionate love of reading.” Rufus Choate

I cannot live without books. Thomas Jefferson

The book to read is not the one which thinks for you, but the one which makes you think. James McCosh
A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. Chinese Proverb

Anyone who has a library and a garden wants for nothing. Cicero

Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life. Mortimer J. Adler

Be as careful of the books you read, as of the company you keep, for your habits and character will be as much influenced by the former as the latter. - Paxton Hood

Don't join the book burners... Don't be afraid to go in your library and read every book. Dwight D. Eisenhower

A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. Martin Tupper

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends: they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. - Charles W. Eliot

A library is a hospital for the mind. Anonymous

If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads. Ralph Waldo Emerson

In a very real sense, people who have read good literature have lived more than people who cannot or will not read. S. I. Hayakawa

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go. Dr. Seuss

The best effect of any book is that it excites the reader to self activity. Thomas Carlyle

When I step into this library, I cannot understand why I ever step out of it. Marie de Sevigne

Prefer knowledge to wealth, for the one is transitory, the other perpetual. Socrates

When I got [my] library card, that was when my life began. Rita Mae Brown

We are drowning in information but starved for knowledge. John Naisbitt

The books that help you the most are those which make you think the most. Theodore Parker

None is poor save him that lacks knowledge. The Talmud

An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. Benjamin Franklin

Learning is weightless, a treasure you can always carry easily. Chinese Proverb

Literacy is not a luxury, it is a right and a responsibility. If our world is to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century we must harness the energy and creativity of all our citizens. - President Clinton

You're the same today as you'll be in five years except for the people you meet and the books you read. Charlie "Tremendous" Jones

No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance. Confucious

Some people will lie, cheat, steal and back-stab to get ahead... and to think, all they have to do is READ. Fortune

Today a reader, tomorrow a leader. Margaret Fuller

A book is the most effective weapon against intolerance and ignorance. Lyndon Baines Johnson

When you sell a man a book you don't sell him just 12 ounces of paper and ink and glue - you sell him a whole new life. Christopher Morley

The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who'll get me a book I ain't read. Abraham Lincoln

There is no substitute for books in the life of a child. May Ellen Chase

Reading takes us away from home, but more important, it finds homes for us everywhere. Hazel Rochman

Reading gives us information. Information gives us ideas and ideas rules the world so if you want to rule the world, all you need do is read.- Emmanuel(Yours truly)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Reading matters

'Read and you shall know', was one quote, I often heard my (late) dad say and that inspired me to read. The more I read, the more I realized I needed to read more.

In today’s world of competitiveness, it's always advantageous to amass vast knowledge, and there is no better way to do so, other than reading. My (late) dad again did say “no amount of knowledge no matter how small is ever wasted.”

Have you asked yourself the question, "Why is reading important?” I guess a very simple and short answer to this question is that reading enriches one in all aspect of life.

According to Prof. A.C. Grayling, “To read is to fly: It is to soar to a point of vantage which gives a view over wide terrains of history, human variety, ideas, shared experience and the fruits of many inquiries." This is so true isn’t it?

Reading provides our mind with nourishment. Knowledge is the food for the mind. Reading encourages us to think. It increases our hunger for knowledge. Knowledge clarifies the difference between the ‘right’ and the ‘wrong’ and helps us inculcate the right virtues.

It is very sad to say that many of us (young people) don’t read. And those that did read have stopped reading… the reason for this is that the reading culture overtime has deteriorated and of course not all of us were introduced to the concept of reading early in lives.

Reading thus has become a struggle for some of us. Our societies also have refused to give top priority to reading. Our education system has become ignorance of the important of reading- the no library or library no books conditions in our (public) schools speaks volume.

One can easily understand that we’ve all become very busy with our day to day work. And in these busy times, where we don't have time to eat breakfast, it isn't surprising that most of us have forgotten the importance of reading.

Having no time ourselves means not having time for books but then, the importance of reading cannot be over emphasized. Reading yields great benefits thus there is absolutely no excuse whatsoever why we (young people) shouldn’t read.

Some of us tend to restrict reading to be only reading of (school) textbooks but there is more. We can and should read everything from encyclopedias, novels, newspapers, magazines etc. It really doesn’t matter what we read. What matters is that we read.

As to whether you like fiction or non-fiction is also not important, what is important is whether you like reading or not!

In the ancient time, reading was limited to books. But today, it goes beyond books to reading on the web. Reading from the Internet is an easy option for those of us that don’t like walking around with books. There are some very good sites that provide us with authentic information.

Books and the web are the richest sources of information. They cover a wide range of topics and provide us with an enormous amount of information. They tell us so much about ourselves, others and the world we live in.

It is quite easy to distinguish between someone who reads and someone who doesn’t. Anyone who takes to reading will definitely become a better person. Reading helps us develop mentally. Reading helps us shape our lives- it shows us the right path. As youths, books should be our closest companions.

Reading is one of the best way of relaxing. Books make very good friends. Reading leads us only to read more in the never-ending pursuit of knowledge.

My pastor once said “when you read, you know and when you know you understand. So true! Understanding is very keen if we want to be successful individuals.

Reading also improves a person's vocabulary and communication skills. More importantly, a good reading skill is directly related to good writing skills (so don’t wonder how come I write this well).

I know this is such a ‘big call’ to many of us but it’s a call we must endeavor to answer. Let me reiterate that the importance of reading cannot be over emphasized. It is the beginning of a journey in search of enlightenment.

Let’s become curious about reading. Curiosity will cause us to thirst for knowledge. It will cause us to open up a book and read even when we don’t feel like doing so.

Together, let’s revive the dying reading culture by resolving to read because READING MATTERS. …

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Apology (Sequel to ‘reaching forgiveness’)

The thought of admitting a fault and apologizing is more difficult than actually doing it. For some of us, apologies don’t come easy. It is thus prudent that we learn how to be apologetic so that we make things right whenever things turn sour.

In our daily business dealings, social and personal lives, there are always times when we either intentionally or unintentionally hurt people- even the people we love.

The first step involved in reaching forgiveness is acknowledging that something was done wrong but oftentimes, we fail to acknowledge the things we do wrong let alone render an apology for it. Most people only want to take credits for the things they do right.

Each time we say and [or] do something we know we shouldn’t have said and [or] done, it behooves us to admit our faults and apologize for them to avoid any form of conflict.

If we don’t want to lose the relationships we have with people, we will have to say sorry for whatever it is we do that is hurting to someone.

Many of us fail to realize that an honest ‘I am sorry’ can soften the hurt, anger and pain some of our actions and inactions cause others.

When things don’t go according to plan, an apology provides an opportunity to show to people that you care about their feelings. A sincere apology can restore friendship and [or] mend a broken relationship.

People often misunderstand the purpose of an apology. They think it is just saying ‘I am sorry’ and that’s that but there is more.

Making amends requires much more than saying ‘I am sorry’. The apology is only but the first step. Many of us after apologizing go back and do the same hurtful things over and again (because our apologies are not genuine).

A genuine apology should lead to a genuine change of heart. In that regard, we must display sincerity and honesty when we extend our apologies.

Apology means learning to change and learning to become a better person. It is making conscious to prevent a repeat occurrence of something awful.

Don’t be afraid to acknowledge your faults no matter how big they may be.
Don’t be afraid to say “I’m sorry.” You may at first hesitate in rendering an apology but always remember that you have to render it because it is the right thing to do.

Being apologetic doesn’t mean you are weak neither does it take anything from you rather it makes you a better person. I believe if we all learn to be more apologetic, we will have fewer conflicts in our world. Don’t you think so?

Just Sharing My Thought
Listen. Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share.