Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Social Networking

Social networking has come a long way from just being a platform for people to meet and interact, to one of the major tools of business. The main objective of social networking (sites) still remains the same - meeting and interacting with friends, old pals and like-minded people anywhere in the world.

Yes! Anywhere in the world and this is why I think social networking in general is so special and cool. Social networking sites help us to reach out to the world.

Socializing, doing catching up with friends and keeping in touch with our extended families is much funnier than ever before.

Take Face book for instance, friends of friends can meet and start new friendships; and we can make a new friend from the comfort of our homes without any effort. We can also share ideas, pictures, films, music and so on with anyone we want to share it with.

Gone are the days when distance between different countries and continents was a barrier. With social networking sites, distance is no longer a barrier. We can communicate fast and easy with the people dear to our hearts irrespective of where they may be.

We are living an era of the globalization where our world has become a global village. As social beings who love to share our experiences with others, social networking sites sure present us with a common platform to share our thoughts and ideas with the world.

Having said all the fun and cool stuff about social networking, I must also add that SN is not all fun fun. Although chatting with friends and family might seem to be a harmless activity, it could also pose serious threat. As the information we are share can be seen by almost everybody anywhere in the world.

One major concern for many people is that one cannot always be sure about the true intentions of a new friend.

I did read somewhere that murders has been reported as a result of the information the murderers gathered from social networking sites. It went further to say that the murderer had everything at hand as regarding the location of the victims, their lifestyle and daily schedule.

Time and again, I have heard friends say my account is being hijacked or somebody has changed my password or somebody is using my account with me.

We can curtail some of these things if we manage the personal info we put out there. Keep in mind that there are bad people online who only care about hurting as many people as they can help, so we must ensure we keep personal information safe. What we let out can eventually be used against us.

To conclude, I’d say that, I enjoy social networking. It has given me a huge platform to share my thoughts by way of writing and helped me meet great people from all over the world.

Indeed social networking is great and has countless opportunities for us all to explore- let’s explore but with caution… Like Jesus Christ would say “be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.”

Just Sharing My Thought
Listen. Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share.

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