Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter Reflections

As we enter and move through this Easter season, it is a good time for us to reflect on the reason for this season. I want us to focus our attention on Jesus Christ and not on the season. I don't want to preach but I desire to magnify Christ and edify you as we all draw closer to God during this special time of the year.

Our society puts a lot of emphasis on Christmas celebrating the birth of Jesus and His coming to the earth with so many activities. Certainly Christmas is essential, for it is the beginning but there was a greater day - EASTER! 

The birth of Christ was a wonderful day to mankind but without Easter, Christmas would be meaningless. Easter is the apex of the Christian faith. Without Christ’s death and resurrection salvation would have been nothing but a pipe dream.
You see, in the beginning, God made man in His image. He created man in perfect innocence and placed him in a perfect environment. Adam was given dominion over all the Lord had created and he was presented with a perfect companion- Eve.

Adam and his wife lived, free from pain, disease and sorrow. Every need they had was met and they enjoy unbroken, unhindered fellowship with God Himself.

The only restriction they had was one tree which is located in the Garden of Eden “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" which the Lord warned Adam not to eat from, for to eat its fruit will bring death.

Things went well in the Garden, until one day when Eve finds herself confronted by a serpent controlled by Satan. The serpent tells Eve that God does not want them to eat the fruit because God knows that when they eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they will be like him.

Eve fell for the lie, succumbed to the temptation of the devil and eats of the fruit and gives Adam also to eat.

In an instant, they lost their innocence, man became a fallen being and everything changes! The rest of the story is found in Genesis 3.

After Adam and Eve sinned and became aware of their nakedness, they attempted to cover themselves by making aprons of fig leaves. But, their efforts were insufficient and God killed an innocent animal to provide a covering for their bodies.

God wanted to show them, and us, that we cannot save ourselves and the works of the flesh can never atone for, or cover sin. It requires the death of the innocent in the place of the guilty. Sin is taken away only through the shedding of innocent blood, Heb. 9:22.

In the midst of man’s greatest tragedy comes the revelation of man’s greatest hope- Christ Jesus! Gen 3:15
Sin brought separation as a result there was a need for reconciliation and restoration so God sent Jesus into the world primarily to come and die to restore the relationship that was lost as a result of Man’s sin.

Jesus came as a baby but he did not remain a baby. He grew up and became a man. He learned obedience, he was wise, and how can I forget about the many miracles He did.

He was unjustifiably hated by men though he was innocent of everything these men said of Him.  They pronounced a death sentence on Him to be carried out on a cross and He was brutally executed between two thieves.
Christ death wasn’t an odd event. It was God’s will that He will die as His death will be the permanent payment for sin no wonder Jesus on the cross said “it is finished.”

Easter really is about a resurrected Christ not about a bunny, merchandise or many festivities! Easter is not just another holiday but a holy day for it is the holiness in Christ that gave us a new life.

Though we don’t buy new outfit, give out gifts or sing Easter carols, Easter is when the greatest miracle in the whole of human history (Christ death and resurrection) happened.

Let me ask even ask you; do you know for sure the real reason for the season? Do you know Jesus as more than a baby in a manger? Is He your personal Savior? Or is He just a story in a book? You need to be sure!

You see, there is more to live than earth. There is eternity where we will be after we have done our time here. You need to know where you will go when Christ comes or when death calls. And truth be told, where you go hinges upon what you do with Jesus Christ.

Are you saved? If you are then praise the Lord! But if you are not then there is no better time to ask Christ into your life than now. Make this Easter a memorable one.

Happy Easter fam! Keep being God’s pride…

Just Sharing My Thought
Listen. Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Instead of complaining, make a Change.

One of my personal goals for this year is to stop being negative about situations. Looking back at my life I realized that I have to some extent being a very good complainer. However I know I am not alone in this.

We live in a culture that is filled with complains and complainers. We whine and complain about almost everything. We complain about our jobs, we complain about our boss, we complain about or spouses, we complain about our children, we complain about our friends, we complain about the government, religion, and everything in-between. We just love to complain.

Complains in itself is not entirely a bad thing because if something is failing, it is very normal for us to talk about it but beyond the place of talking lies the question “what are you doing/going to do about it?”

There is a story about a young black seamstress (Rosa Parks) from Montgomery, Alabama who in 1955 refused to give up her seat for a white man and move to the back of the bus as was expected of black people due to racial segregation.

Rosa Parks made up her mind that “enough was enough”. She said mistreatment of blacks was not right and she was tired of it. She had an option of complaining but instead she made a change.

Her actions made the United State Supreme Court on 13th November 1956 rule that segregation on Montgomery bus was unconstitutional and racial segregation was outlawed in the United States. The rest of the story is history.

A lot of times we talk of change and the need for change but only a few of us really take steps to make changes in areas of our lives we really need change. We whine and complain about bad leaderships but during elections we don’t go out and vote in the right candidates.

We complain of poor health but we don’t take our dieting seriously much less exercise our body regularly. We complain about bad roads, poor healthcare, epileptic power and more but we never pay out taxes and when we do, we don’t pay in full.

We say it’s the government’s fault that the standard of education has fallen but we seldom want to pursue a career in education. We hate the classroom. Young people only want to work in the banks and oil industries.

We Africans set high expectations for their leaders yet never hold them accountable for their transgressions. The worst part is, even when they (our leaders) are taking us the wrong path, we still re-elect them.

I have seen people complain about abusive relationships they know they shouldn’t be in yet they refuse to make a change and/or move on.
My point is this; complaining about the state of anything does not count as participation. If you don’t like it, what are you doing to change it?

My biggest problem with complaining is that it doesn't accomplish anything.  Complaining about something that we can something to fix is an absolute waste of time and energy. It will only leave you feeling worse off.

If something is within our sphere of influence the least we can (and should) do is, just fix it. If the dishes aren't getting done, do them. If the house isn’t looking clean, role up your sleeves and clean it up.

If you do feel that you really need to complain about something, bring a solution with it. Complaining brings a great deal of negativity into one’s life both internally and for those around you.

If you don't go and cast your vote during elections, you shouldn’t complain about whoever got elected. Complaining won’t change the president or the senators. It will only drain you emotional, spiritual and physical energy.

True change is usually a long and painful process. However, it results are freeing and fulfilling. And the urge to make a change comes from within that is why in Romans 12:2 scripture tells us “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”

We cannot make any meaning change until we change ourselves because sincere change is not something that begins with the other person. It’s something that must begin with us.

It’s only a mind that is renewed that can make a positive change so my question to you is, is your mind renewed? Don’t just stand on the sideline of life and while and complain about everything. Let Christ change your heart so you can in turn make a change no matter how little.

Imagine things you could get done if you stopped complaining and started doing!

Instead of complaining, make a change…

Just Sharing My Thought
Listen. Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share.