As we enter and
move through this Easter season, it is a good time for us to reflect on the
reason for this season. I want us to focus our attention on Jesus Christ and
not on the season. I don't want to preach but I desire to magnify Christ and
edify you as we all draw closer to God during this special time of the year.
Our society puts
a lot of emphasis on Christmas celebrating the birth of Jesus and His coming to
the earth with so many activities. Certainly Christmas is essential, for it is the beginning but there was a
greater day - EASTER!
birth of Christ was a wonderful day to mankind but without Easter, Christmas would be meaningless. Easter
is the apex of the Christian faith. Without Christ’s death and resurrection
salvation would have been nothing but a pipe dream.
You see, in the beginning, God made
man in His image. He created man in perfect innocence and placed him in a
perfect environment. Adam was given dominion over all the Lord had created and
he was presented with a perfect companion- Eve.
Adam and his wife lived, free from
pain, disease and sorrow. Every need they had was met and they enjoy unbroken,
unhindered fellowship with God Himself.
The only restriction they had was
one tree which is located in the Garden of Eden “the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil" which the Lord warned Adam not to eat from, for to eat its
fruit will bring death.
Things went well in the Garden,
until one day when Eve finds herself confronted by a serpent controlled by
Satan. The serpent tells Eve that God does not want them to eat the fruit
because God knows that when they eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil, they will be like him.
Eve fell for the lie, succumbed to
the temptation of the devil and eats of the fruit and gives Adam also to eat.
In an instant, they lost their
innocence, man became a fallen being and everything changes! The rest of the
story is found in Genesis 3.
After Adam and Eve sinned and
became aware of their nakedness, they attempted to cover themselves by making
aprons of fig leaves. But, their efforts were insufficient and God killed an
innocent animal to provide a covering for their bodies.
God wanted to show them, and us,
that we cannot save ourselves and the works of the flesh can never atone for,
or cover sin. It requires the death of the innocent in the place of the guilty.
Sin is taken away only through the shedding of innocent blood, Heb. 9:22.
In the midst of man’s greatest
tragedy comes the revelation of man’s greatest hope- Christ Jesus! Gen 3:15
Sin brought separation as a result
there was a need for reconciliation and restoration so God sent Jesus into the
world primarily to come and die to restore the relationship that was lost as a
result of Man’s sin.
Jesus came as a
baby but he did not remain a baby. He grew up and became a man. He learned
obedience, he was wise, and how can I forget about the many miracles He did.
He was
unjustifiably hated by men though he was innocent of everything these men said
of Him. They pronounced a death sentence
on Him to be carried out on a cross and He
was brutally executed
between two thieves.
Christ death
wasn’t an odd event. It was God’s will that He will die as His death will be
the permanent payment for sin no wonder Jesus on the cross said “it is
Easter really is
about a resurrected Christ not about a bunny, merchandise or many festivities! Easter
is not just another holiday but a holy day for it is the holiness in
Christ that gave us a new life.
Though we don’t
buy new outfit, give out gifts or sing Easter carols, Easter is when the
greatest miracle in the whole of human history (Christ death and resurrection)
Let me ask even
ask you; do you know for sure the real reason for the season? Do you know Jesus
as more than a baby in a manger? Is He your personal Savior? Or is He just a
story in a book? You need to be sure!
You see, there
is more to live than earth. There is eternity where we will be after we have
done our time here. You need to know where you will go when Christ comes or
when death calls. And truth be told, where you go hinges upon what you do with
Jesus Christ.
Are you saved?
If you are then praise the Lord! But if you are not then there is no better
time to ask Christ into your life than now. Make this Easter a memorable one.
Happy Easter
fam! Keep being God’s pride…
Just Sharing My
Laugh. Smile.
Relate. Share.
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