So we've already gone
some days in the New Year... but it’s still a New Year so happy new year
A few days ago a friend
and I were talking about all the LORD helped us achieve last year and share our
plans for 2015. My friend had a long list of things he wanted to do. Something
he called New Year resolutions.
Like most people, he had
penned down his “resolutions”. Things
he hoped to stop doing, things he hope to start doing and things he hoped to
continue doing. My concern wasn't with his long list but whether he will have
the discipline to follow though all he has resolved to do.
New Year's resolutions are
great...all those name it, claim it, throw it, and whatever else are great but
understand that a New Year doesn't guarantee a new you, it doesn't guarantee fewer problems nor does it guarantee a better life.
changes unless you are changed. Change does
not happen by osmosis and change does not occur just
because you say you have a desire for it. It must come from the heart.
Christ changes the heart, and a changed heart leads to a change of actions. The proof of true change
is seen in the individual’s actions.
you make your new year’s resolutions, one resolution you mustn't miss out on is
to be a changed person. What are you willing to do
differently? What are you willing to stop doing totally? Your actions not words will reveal whether or not you are serious about
Nothing changes until
you change and if you are ready for change, do it now! GOD has given you another 365 days ensure you make the most of it. A
new year is not just for you to do your own thing but to live for HIM.
This year realize what is most important in life. It is not about the properties you can accumulate or the
popularity you could amass. It is about
serving the Lord in spirit and truth. It is about spending quality time your
family and friends and creating [new] beautiful memories with extended
families. It is about being thankful at all times. It is about sacrificing self
for the well being of others.
This year, whatever the LORD tells you to do; do it
immediately, do it all and do it right. The book He told you to write will not write
itself. The business will not start itself. Moving to the new place will not
happen unless you make the appropriate actions. Obedience is not optional. It
is MUST. “And
Noah did according unto all that the Lord commanded him.” - Genesis 7:5
conclusion, I will say eternity is a
breath away for all of us. We must live each day bearing this in mind. Consider the life you live and the
decisions you're making. Don’t
forget we all will one day stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and give
account for every word, thought and deed and as a righteous judge that He is;
He will judge righteously.
Have a blessed year everyone and until
next time, stay focused.
Just Sharing My Thought
Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share.
Grace to you and Peace. ♡