So a couple of hours ago, I popped the all important question and #PutARingOnIt 💍. Yes I did and it was just so beautiful. I asked my beautiful friend Miss Somtochukwu Ifunanya Michelle to marry me. I told her I did not want to live my life without her in it. The look on her face was priceless as she said YES.
Earlier in the day I intentionally annoyed her so that she would not have any idea what was going to happen this evening. I planned an apology strategy with my friend and brother Mr Sunny Okafor. We decided to go get ice cream at the eatery. She didn't even get dressed for the occasion but that wasn't necessary.
[She was sweating profusely]
My commitment to her is more than this piece of Silver 💍 I kept on her finger. She has a part of me I never given out before - my heart and I trust God that she will treasure it the same way I would treasure hers.
Babe our story is officially just beginning. Next stop is for me to see your parent and solemnize our union. I want to marry you already. I'm quite aware that you don't belong to me yet and until we are join in holy matrimony I am committed to honoring you as we build this relationship in love and with absolute purity.
Until the day we start to share a beautiful life together,, I'm forever thankful that God would make our path cross and of course thank you for saying YES. It is great honor and a privilege.
When I met you, I knew I had met a rare treasure that is worth my lifetime. I'm excited about our journey and for how far the #Lord has brought us.