When something goes wrong, some of us feel it's time to determine who is at fault and who is not.
As human beings, we have the tendency of blaming others for even the things we do wrong so it is not surprising that oftentimes when things turn out differently from what we originally intend, instead of taking responsibility for what has happened, we look for people to put the blame on.
Interestingly, when someone is blamed, that person tries to pass off the blame to another person and that person either tries to put the blame back on the first person or pass it to someone else so the ‘blame game’ goes on and on.
In many homes, when a child behaves badly, the father will blame his wife for not doing her job well and the wife on the other hand will blame the husband for not staying at home often to see to his fatherly responsibility and so the blame game goes back and forth.
It behooves couples to deal with challenges that confront them together but the habit of blaming others for the things that have gone wrong has caused and disharmony in many homes today.
Many people blame their parents for the things that have gone awry in their lives. They say that their lives would have turned out better if they had gone to school but the truth is, it is not everybody that went to school that had their parent send them to school.
Some too say their lives would have turned out better if their parent were richer but reality check reveals that it is not only those born with a silver spoon in their mouth that make something out of life.
I sometimes wonder if it is an inherent aptitude in humans not to accept responsibility for their own life and deny responsibility for their own mistake or wrong doing.
If something isn’t working well in your life, must it always be somebody else’s fault?
This person did this; that why I am this way or that way doesn’t hold water. I read somewhere that “you are not a failure until you blame someone else for your failure”.
Don’t say you’re not involved with this because everybody somehow plays ‘the blame game’. We blame friends, parents, government, and society for a lot of things.
On a wider spectrum, we are quick to blame politicians for their failed polices and promises however when it’s election time, many of us don’t vote and even those that do vote, do not vote for credible and competent leaders.
Many of us say Africa is what it is today because of our colonial masters but after 30years, 40years or 50years since they left, is our underdevelopment still their fault?
Undoubtedly, it is so easy to blame others for our downfalls. But even when we blame others does it really make us feel better about ourselves?
It’s not as if people and our societies don’t have a hand in the things that go wrong in our lives but must somebody always be responsible for everything that goes wrong in our lives?
If somebody is always responsible for everything, what are responsible for?
In the end it doesn’t really matter who you blame or who is to blame because nobody in the world that has won laurels for playing ‘the blame game’. And don’t forget that when you point a finger at someone, your remaining fingers points at no other but yourself so if you really want somebody to blame, look in the mirror.
One of the many lessons life has taught me is that I’m always solely responsible for my actions. As to whether I was influenced by somebody or society doesn’t matter.
We can't always blame your friends, parents and others for everything because everybody has got a life and what they do with it is totally up to them.
Instead of spending ample time blaming others, take time to check yourself. And while doing so, ask yourself what can I do differently to change things for the better in my life.
Where you find variances in the kind for life you lead, endeavor to make the necessary adjustments and that way, you won’t have to blame others for everything that goes wrong in your life.
We must all learn to hold ourselves responsible for our actions and for whatever happens in our lives because we will all give account of our lives and when the time comes for us to stand before the LORD and answer for our life; we will be standing ALONE.
Stop playing the blame game. The life you have is all you have and will ever have so take charge of it and make it count…
Just Sharing My Thought
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