Have you ever tried to forgive someone only to discover that you are still angry toward that one? Well you are not alone in that situation…
There is a natural instinct in every human being to feel upset, angry and offended when someone wrongs and or hurt them however, some people are more easily offended than others. It is thus important that we learn to forgive so as to free ourselves from unnecessary pain.
Have you observed that whenever you feel hurt, wounded, abused, abandoned or violated, it is usually caused by the ones very dear to you? Yeah! And this often makes reaching forgiveness very difficult.
Oftentimes we feel we have valid reasons as to why we shouldn’t forgive certain people because of the weight of what they’ve done but the truth is, no amount of grieve, pain, hurt or anguish will undo what’s already done.
What is done is done and of course there is no future in the past so we all must learn to look beyond whatever was done. Only then can we forgive freely.
What forgiveness really does is to heal us of all the hurt and the pain of the past so that we can be at peace with ourselves. Like Tyler Perry said, “forgiveness is not for the other person(s), it is for you.”
When we hold on to hurt, we hurt ourselves even more. Letting it go is letting our self loose. Many of us hold on to bitterness and anger for far too long; sometimes for years.
I’m not saying you don’t have a right to be angry over something that was done wrong. Anger they say is a common response to insult.
All I’m saying is that you learn how to let go of your anger, because every moment you spend angry is a moment of happiness you can't get back.
As human beings, it is not strange that we often want vengeance and some of us think that holding off from reaching forgiveness is the best way to get even but that is where we get it wrong. Two wrong can never make a right.
It is not about getting even. It is about doing what is right. The desire to get even with people who offend us is what hinders us from reaching forgiveness.
We must realize that forgiveness in itself is a two way thing. You have to forgive in order for you to be forgiven.
I know some hurts are heart wrenching but it really doesn’t matter the weight of the hurt we feel.
There is no hurt that is too great to be forgiven.
As you go through life you’d realize that even the one person that wasn't supposed hurt you or ever let you down, probably will and you too will hurt people.
Not to forget, we’ve all hurt and wronged God in many different yet even before we ask Him for forgiveness; He would have already forgiven us. This is exactly what is expected of us too.
Let’s all strive to reach forgiveness. Just like the Bible rightly puts it, “to err is human but to forgive is divine.”
Forgiveness is that feeling of compassion that springs forth from within you. Let it out and forgive freely just as your heavenly father forgives you.
Just Sharing My Thought
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