Thursday, May 31, 2012

Waiting is NOT Wasting

HOW come everyone keeps getting jobs but I cannot land one?
WHY don't I have my promotion-- I really have worked HARD!
HOW come everyone else is getting married except me?
WHY aren't things working out for me?
WHY am I not done with school?
WHY am I not happy?

Have you ever had any of these thoughts? My guess is, at a point in our lives, we all have…

Let's be honest, many times we question, “Why do we have to wait”. We wonder what good can come out of waiting. What is the point of waiting when so much can be achieved within a little time? We live in a fast moving society and if there is one thing people in our generation hate, it is to wait.

While our natural inclination hates waiting, we must realize that God always sees things from a different perspective and HE doesn’t rush. While we worry about how fast we want to move and grow, God is more concerned about how strong we grow.

Waiting is not something anyone enjoys doing; but the waiting period is used by God in developing our character, building our confidence and strengthening our dependence on Him.

God molds and shapes us little by little until we are fully prepared and ready for all He has for us. However, our frustration often is that God's timetable is rarely the same as ours, but we must realize that no matter how we rush ourselves, we cannot rush God.

The Bible is full of examples of how God used a long process of waiting to develop character.
Abraham waited twenty-five years before his wife Sarah gave birth to their child of promise.
Joseph slogged through thirteen years of betrayal, false imprisonment, and abandonment before assuming the leadership of Egypt.
Moses spent forty years taking care of sheep before God called him as a deliverer of His people.
And David waited for fourteen years before the throne of Israel would be his.

So what is God having you wait for today and how long have you waited? Don't look at it as a denial to your requests. God is in control, even when it seems like nothing is happening, He hasn’t forgotten you! He is working behind the scenes.

I love Ecclesiastes 3:8- It says that there is a TIME for everything under the sun. There is a time for YOU and everyone on the planet, so wait on God. Your "TIME" will come but you cannot make that "TIME" come any faster by complaining, murmuring, or being mad at God.
Although, we find it difficult and frustrating to wait for anything, ‘the waiting season’ is one of the many seasons of our lives and we all do have our waiting periods. One thing about seasons is that, they are guaranteed to change.

In conclusion, I want to say when God puts you on hold, don't hang up! God's delays are never His denials. God has so much for you and before long, you will be out of the waiting room smiling again. WAITING IS NOT WASTING…

Just Sharing My Thought
Listen. Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share.

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