Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Who has your heart? – Heart Check, Life Check

For a while now, GOD has been dealing with me on a whole range of issues. And one question that keeps lingering on my heart is does GOD still have our hearts?

JESUS in Matthew 15:8 spoke about a people. He said “These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me.” Now I’m wondering if that in anyway describe you!

We live in world that in growing increasing godless and many of us (Christians) have wandered away from GOD. Our hearts have practically left God. We are no longer “falling into sin" but actively pursuing it.

We no longer admit our premeditated sinful actions and repent of them rather we’ve redefined sin to be “silly mistakes” we make every now and then… our hearts are so far from GOD and I wonder what happened!

Let's be real people. How many of us can say I (so and so) truly love GOD with the whole of my heart/life? Oh! You think attending church makes you a righteous person? The bible says a tree is identified by it FRUIT.

Although we confess CHRIST as our Savior; our Life demonstrates that our heart belongs to Satan.

I know you may not agree with that but then it’s the truth… we like Satan’s music. We date his sons, we date his daughters, we like his hate, we like his UN-forgiveness, we like his pornography, we like his clothes, we like his gossip,we like his greed, we like his lust we like his sex outside of marriage(fornication/adultery) and more.

We may not readily admit we like all these stuffs than we desire to please GOD but the way we prioritize our day and live our lives show what is important to us and what is not. It shows in whom/what we place our value. It shows what we are thinking about for the most part of the day.

It shows we no longer desire GOD instead we desire to listen to music that doesn’t edify us, watch mindless TV shows, gossip, have our boyfriend/girlfriend rub our back, build silly unhealthy relationships and more! It shows that we have replaced GOD with stuffs.

Why is it that though we claim we love GOD we HE no longer has first place in our lives? How come we don't talk to HIM, don't spend time with Him and aren't intentional about having a deeper relationship with HIM?

We only what to serve GOD when it is convenient for us and remember HIM only when everything else begins to fall apart- why? We need to realize that whatever we are chasing, if it is not GOD's will even when we catch/grab/get it, we still won't be satisfied.

Friends, we cannot hide from GOD. We need to STOP running from HIM. HE sees us and knows our thoughts even before we start thinking them. We don't have to continue living our lives feeling lost, broken,and ashamed.

This is an open rebuke and a wake-up call to us all. This isn’t a time to run from GOD but a time for us to run to GOD. We cannot continue to turn our hearts away from HIM. He is READY to take us back into His ever loving arms.

I encourage you to check yourself and see who/what has your heart! If there is something you need to repent of hastily do so. The spirit of GOD always convicts us of sin but if we fail to listen and repent, we won’t escape sins consequences.

In order for us to truly experience GOD we MUST seek after Him with ALL of our heart!!! He MUST be the ONE THING that drives us…Seeking Him must CONSUME our lives so get RID of anything that is hindering you; let go of whoever is pushing you around. Let go of the distractions. Let go of whatever is causing you to STUMBLE.

Forgive whoever has hurt you, HATE SIN, take time off facebook, twitter, and social media and bury your head in your BIBLE. Intentionally PURSUE CHRIST and seek a relationship with HIM.

Don’t look at where you have been or how much of a mess you have gotten yourself involved in and start looking unto CHRIST. You may not feel like it but when it comes to living for God, we cannot wait to feel like doing so before we do so.

Christ coming is imminent. Please don't miss out on RAPTURE for anything in this world. Scripture in Mark 8:37 ask this all important question! "What can a man/woman give in exchange for his/her soul?" I don’t know about you but I don’t want to go through HELL here on earth and end up in HELL. God forbid!

My concluding thought is; if God doesn’t have your heart; you better give it to Him right now! I urge you to fully embrace CHRIST with the whole of your heart and intentionally pursue HIM daily!!!

Just Sharing My Thought
Listen. Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Its May Eleven and Dazzle's Birthday!

Today is indeed a blessed and a special day for me because on this day twenty something years ago my friend - Miss Blessing Oluwaseun Bolaji aka Dazzle was born.

Her birthday is as much a celebration for me as it is for her and maybe more! On this her special occasion, I choose to express how special she (my friend) really is to me…

From the first time I heard your voice to the first time we met and even till this day, my happiness have known no bounds. Our friendship has blossomed, like a rose and we have become very close.

You came into my life when I really needed a friend. And no! It wasn’t a mere coincidence that we met. It was destiny… Getting to know you has been an awesome joy! The fun we have talking to each other, the confession sessions we share together, the laugh, and every moment spent with you I will forever treasure.

You and I are different and in many ways the same. The more I get to know you, the more I get to know myself better. You have so much blessed my life that whenever I count my blessings, I count you twice.
You possess qualities that represent the qualities of the woman described in Proverbs 31 and I have no doubt in my heart that you will indeed be a virtuous woman. You are already on that path.

You are an embodiment of wisdom, your great sense of humor, your godly heart and your strong desire to be a godly woman stands you out. God bless the man that gets your hand in marriage (I hope ……*some text missing*……)

You have given me so much-- supported me, encouraged me, cared for me and prayed for me. You are a gem of a person; a rare diamond to find. If I could make this day any special for her, believe me, I would.

I don’t only hope, I know all your dreams will come true so close your eyes and wish for all that you desire. God will grant you whatever you want and GIVE YOU REASONS TO SMILE ALL YEAR LONG.

Perhaps I haven’t told you this before and even if I have, let me reiterate that whenever you need me I will always be there standing by your side... your friendship is very important to me and I wouldn’t want to lose it for anything.

Dazzle with Julie - Her bestie! 

May each birthday of yours be better than the last! You will achieve success and prosperity in every phase of your life. Your days will be filled with happiness, joy and pleasant surprises and may your nights be filled with comforting dreams…

As you celebrate this special day of yours, my three wishes are that you will be as happy as you have made me, we will remain friends forever and you know the third!

I celebrate you Miss. Blessing Oluwaseun Bolaji. Do have a blessed and a happy birthday dear… 
Love and care loads!!!