Saturday, January 4, 2014

A New Year Is Before Us

If you were given the opportunity to re-live 2013 would you? If I were given the opportunity to re-live 2013, I would 20 times over. 2013 for me was an incredible year but the reality is, 2013 is over and a new year is before us. I am so thankful to be in 2014.

So now…is a NEW YEAR the best time for new beginnings?

I think we all have some pressure of some sort to make a resolution to DO something or NOT do something anymore. I personally would make a list… My resolutions were oftentimes so rigid and then, life would inevitably make one or all of my “resolutions” nearly impossible.

I would have to break my seemingly ridiculous resolutions – which will be followed by total frustration and even anger towards myself…

Over the years however, I learned that a new year does not make a new you; only Jesus can transform us and make us new so do not get caught up in the hype and emotionalism of making resolutions. Making new resolutions when you could barely follow through with the ones you made last year is needless.

Does that mean making resolution is baseless? No… what it means is, a good choice or change can be made not only at the beginning of a New Year but daily, even moment by moment. You don’t have to wait for January as there is never a wrong time to do the right thing.

That being said, what were you like a year ago? Each year, we should be growing. A little less emotional, a little less "self" led, a little more God-led, a little nicer, a little more patient, a lot less jealous, a lot less envious and a little more positive.

If you find that you haven't grown as you would like too, a new year is before you… all you have to do is resolve to resolve…. Cut off from every activity that has gotten you nowhere. Life is progressive and God doesn't like stagnancy.

Enjoy these Twelve Wisdom Nuggets as a New Year gift from me!

  1. Fix your eyes on Christ and keep your eyes solely on Him. You cannot go wrong when God is leading you. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Proverbs 3:6 "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
  2. Evaluate yourself from time to time. Constantly ask yourself “I’m I living the life God ordained for me to live?” You may be shocked by the answer but whatever it be, make sure you are not living in deception. Be consistent in prayers and ask the Lord to show you areas in your life you need to work on. You mustn't live less than the life God ordained for you to live.
  3. Be responsible and reliable. When you say you are going to do something, do it. If you give someone your word, make sure you do what you said. You must get to a point where no one has to tell you to get to work on time, pray, submit to God, etc
  4. Evaluate your relationships... The people in your life are supposed to add value to your life not stress and trouble. Realize that as you grow older, some relationships should not grow with you so evaluate all of your friendships/relationships after which you terminate, demote or promote accordingly. Truth is, not everyone deserves access to you...
  5. Know your worth and be comfortable in your skin… If you live on people's compliments you're going to die from their criticism. People are fickle; they will praise you one day then bash you the next day. Don't let the negative people in your life be the ones with the most impact. Love yourself, be yourself.
  6. Do not confuse motion with progress.  Not everyone who appears to be moving is making progress in life. It’s not a matter of whether or not someone is moving but what are they moving towards? Motion does not necessarily mean progress so envy no one.

  7. Learn and grow… learning is a prerequisite for growth. Stop waiting for someone else to tell you everything. There are so many books, tapes, mp3s, etc. out today that could teach you what you do not know.  Get knowledge. “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom” – Proverbs 4:7
  8. Sometimes it’s OK to keep quite...You are not supposed to express every thought that runs through your head. Some things are best left unsaid. And there are some things that must be said and even with the things that must be said, use wisdom before you speak. A few wise words will do much more than a lot of foolish babbling.
  9. Spend time with your Maker... I don’t hope God answers prayers; I know He does so get on your kneel and communicate with your heavenly father daily. God shouldn't be the last person you run to when all Hell break lose, He should be the first.Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will answer you”- Psalm 50:15
  10. Reach others with the gospel… When is the last time you shared Christ with someone? Jesus told us to go into all the world and preach the gospel – Mark 16:15. Sharing Christ must be something we do with joy. God has given us another year not only to live for Him but also to reach out with the gospel. Christians make that a priority.
  11. Let go of everything that’s holding you back... If you are still held back by something in your past, you are not in freedom; you are still controlled by past incidents. I pray for healing in your heart, mind and body.
  12. For some people, 2014 is a second chance. There are some of you GOD told to do something in 2013, but you didn't. The WORD of the LORD is coming again… will you like Jonah respond this time?
In conclusion, I want to say 2014 is going to be a great year for us all. Just make sure that God is leading you in all the things you do. I know it sounds cliche but trust me; you cannot go wrong with God on your side.

Each day is a gift from God, not a given right so cherish every minute that God gives you breath!
Happy New Year Everyone… Make the most of 2014

Just Sharing My Thought
Listen. Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share

Quick Announcements
This year, I hope to do a lot of Q&A’s so if you've got questions or have a topic you’ll like me to blog about, feel free using the portal – to ask your question anonymously (if you so will).
I’m half way through with my book Thought of A Youth – TOY. I’m so excited and I trust God that I will get published this year. Please keep a brother in prayers. Prayer is free! For more detail on TOY, check its exclusive blog site --à

Lastly, if you want Christian motivation or a reading plan to read through the Bible in one year, visit or You can read the Bible online there; get daily prayer point and a whole lot more.

Grace and Peace ♥