I was
having a heart-to-heart discussion with some youngies (teenage boys) when I asked
the question “are you the same person
that you were last year?” There was about 3 minutes of silence in the room
as each one of them had to think hard about the question I asked.
of them said so many different things but one thing that stood out for me was “I haven’t done/change/achieved much
because of this/that… they said I haven’t stopped partying, clubbing, and chasing of different girls
It baffled me that
these youngies at such a young age had imbibed the terrible value -
irresponsibility. But it wasn't much of a surprise because right from Genesis, humanity has always refused to take responsibility for
Adam said, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the
tree, and I ate.” Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this that you
have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” And that has
not changed.
Our culture has
taught us how not to accept responsibilities and we've accepted. We lie but we hate to be called liars. We
steal but we hate to be called thieves. We only care about ourselves but we
hate to be called selfish.
discussion with the young lads prompted me to write this blog to challenge all
of us… that being said, the biggest room
in the world is the room for
improvement. And the journey to self improvement begins only when we accept responsibility for our lives.
We need to realize that all of our lives is the sum total of the choice we've made over time.
And choices (whether good or bad) have
consequences. Each of us is responsible
for our life. You are responsible for what you do, you are responsible for what
you say, you are responsible for how you act and responsible for what you
year is but three months old and I’m wondering… are you self improving? Life is
but a vapor and none of us is getting any younger. Some of us need to put
our big boy and girl pants down and grow up.
We can’t be doing the same things that have
gotten us nowhere year in year out.
We often turn to work
hard on many different things leaving out the major thing we should work hard
on – ourselves. When we work hard on ourselves to become better, we work better;
we live better, we love better, and do everything better.
We must grow in faith, our faith may begin small,
but that doesn't mean it should stay that way. Year in year out, we should be
growing in our walk with the Lord. Whatever
keeps us away from growing, we must cut off.
We must grow in character; character is what forms the core of an
individual not looks, money or any other superficial thing. We must pray for those who abuse us, love unconditionally, and
meditate on the Word day and night, doing so will build in us real character.
We must grow in love; my
number goal for this year is to love people the way God loves me. Love is kind, patience, doesn't hold a grudge, doesn't judge etc. - 1 Corinthians 13. I don’t only want to verbalize these; I
want to live it out for real.
We must grow to hearing from God; God
still speaks… I don’t care if anyone told you otherwise. Whenever you hear a still
small voice inside of you, that's God saying, be reasonable and do it my way! If you want to hear God speak to you, open
your Bible.
said (and rightly too) that “you are
what you eat.” This is true both spiritually and physically. The kind of
environment you hang out in, the kind of things you subject your mind to - that is exactly what you will grow into. Your ears and your eyes are the quickest
entry to your heart; guard both.
We must grow in Discipline; discipline is required in all things especially when living
a life acceptable unto the Lord. We must be careful so that we don’t get distracted by
gossip, bad company, mindless entertainment, or whatever else. No matter the
distraction, we must remain focused on the task at hand—improving ourselves.
yourself everyday to do a little extra. Read at least 1 book a month. Quit
procrastinating on your goals. What you don’t start today you won’t be finished
by tomorrow. I can tell you that from experience…
Final thought… we are powerless in changing our
selves all by our self but with God, we can make the necessary changes we
When Christ infiltrates your life He will change
you then you can improve in every area of your life. I am a living proof to
this truth so love God, love His
word, and passionately pursue His will and purpose for your life.
Just Sharing My
Listen. Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share.
Grace and Peace ♥
wonderful piece bro
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