Monday, April 14, 2014

Dress Craze

I notice that there is a lot of talk about dressing and as it’s typical of most people (especially Christians); we've over flogged the whole issue. We've turn a social issue into a religions issue and that really is going too far.

I want to approach this subject in the most loving manner but before I do, I will first of all like to correct a notion. I have heard people say this isn't Christian or that isn't Christian dressing but that pops the question is there such a thing as Christian dressing?

Well there are ways people (not just Christians) shouldn't dress but there isn't such a thing as Christian dressing so let’s not get caught up in legalism.

I firmly believe that people should dress appropriately but I notice that a lot of us (men and women alike) often dress craze (sometimes unknowing to us) so now... What is dress craze?

Dress craze is any dressing that is contrary to good reason. In other words, dress craze is the inverse of a gentle, responsible, well-articulated dressing.

That been said, I would like us to look at that purpose of clothing… It is said that “when the purpose a thing is unknown, abuse is inevitable” and it so true with everything… so what’s the purpose of clothing? The sole purpose of putting on clothes is to cover up our nakedness. (This is a basic truth many people seem to have forgotten).

Since the sole purpose of clothing is to cover up our nakedness, when we put on clothing that reveals (especially sensitive part of) our body, the purpose of putting on clothes is defeated. This is so basic, it isn't rocket science...

I found out that the issue of clothing/dressing is purely an issue of common sense but sadly, one challenge we have in this day and age is that common sense is no longer common as it used to be.

It is common sense to dress properly. It is common sense to dress decently. It is common sense to know that any clothing that put your assets on display is not good clothing.

It has become the norm for people (especially Christians) to blame the devil for anything and everything so I often hear people say the devil made me do this and that but could that be true? Of a truth the devil does play on our ignorance but I don’t think it’s the devil’s fault that people dress craze.

If you got drunk, you got drunk. The devil didn't make you get drunk. You took the liquor and drank it. If you dress silly, you dressed silly. It wasn't the devil that made you dress silly. We have blamed our poor choices and foolish decisions on the devil for far too long. High time people got responsible.

If a person doesn't dress properly, they have a dress/wardrobe problem and not a devil problem; don’t go about giving the devil credit he doesn't deserve.

The issue of dressing is one so trivial yet so prevalent because of our inability to discuss and address it in the most loving manner.
There is so much more I will like to say but I will conclude by saying love yourself enough and dress properly. People will form an opinion about you based on what they see on the outside; appearance does matter a lot.

And in case I went too far with this, apologies... I just felt in my heart to remind us that dressing is a common sense issue so let’s put to use the senses God give us and dressing appropriately accordingly.

There is a second part to this dress craze issue but I am going to discuss that comprehensively in a different blog. In the mean while, Grace and Peace be multiply unto you immeasurably. ♥

Just Sharing My Thought
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