Monday, December 15, 2014

I’m thankful for 2014

In a couple of days, two thousand and fourteen [2014], will be history. I don’t know about anyone else but for me, I am grateful to God for 2014. It’s been a year of bliss, grieve, joy, ups, downs and more but with all that happen this year, God has brought us this far.

Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD”. – Psalm 105:6

Some of you may [or may not] know that every year [since 2010] I write my thanks giving testament highlighting some random things I am thankful for and this year sure won’t be an exception.  When I look at all the LORD has done for me [and those around me], I can help but be thankful.

That said, here are a few random things that I’m thankful for in no particular order:

I am thankful for a relationship with God through Jesus. Following the LORD is the best decision I ever made and I urge you to get to know Jesus [if you don’t already know Him]. It is the most important decision you’d ever make.

I am thankful for each and every second for another opportunity to live. Many died this year but God loved me enough not to take life from me. To have lived another year is a blessing, God alone gets the glory!

I am thankful for family; I’m blessed to have a mother who raised me in the LORD and siblings who love and fear the LORD. I love each of them to the end of the world and back. “As for me and my household, we will FOREVER serve the Lord.”

I am thankful for my Church, I am thankful for the body of Christ, I am thankful for All nations for Christ Bible Institute, I’m thankful for the opportunity to serve in God’s Kingdom.

I’m thankful for Radisson Blu [I thank God I have a job]. If you have a job, be thankful for it; many people don’t have one. I love my job and I don’t take for granted all that I’m tasked to do there.
I am thankful for deep, purposeful friendships that have enriched my life. God bless you Sunny Okafor, Francisca Atie, Mary Achieng, Wahab Wahab Ajibola, Emmanuel Peter, Afolabi Olajide, Winifred Orji, Tosin Adetunji, Bolade Olatunji, Adebimpe Adeleke, Comfort Olibamoyo and everyone who has been part of my life in anyway. You inspire me to be the best person I can be. God bless you.

I am thankful for the Somtochukwu Ifunaya Michelle [and her family]. I won’t say much about her but I will say that God presented her to me in almost the same way he presented Eve to Adam. I am truly a blessed man.

I am thankful for social media - Twitter followers, Blog readers, Face Book friends and the whole social media community. Social media has given me a platform to share my heart and thoughts with the world and I appreciate all the feedback I get by way of comments.

I am grateful for trials, temptations, challenges; difficult people, annoying people all of which have helped me mature and become a better person. Indeed all things work together for Good to them that love the Lord.

I am grateful for good books, and for the love of reading. This year I was able to read 14 books [aside my Bible of course]. Did you read a book this year? If not, why not? Recommit to reading. Knowledge sets you apart from the rest.

I am thankful for good health… Ebola came but God didn't allow it get to us.
There is so much that I am thankful for but there are isn't enough words to describe God’s goodness. I am beyond thankful.

Are you thankful? If not, why not? Never feel you have nothing to be thankful for. Can you count you amount of breath you receive in a day? Who woke you up this morning? If you think you don’t have any blessings, remember your heart is still beating.

Don’t be among those who count their blessings on their fingertip but magnify their problems with a calculator; instead do the reverse.

There are people who will gladly take your problems than deal with theirs. There are people who have a lot less than what you have and are thankful. No matter your lot in life understand that God gives each of us enough to take us through the day. Be grateful for your portion.

The constant attitude for believers should be one of thankfulness. We should be thankful we did not lose everything even when it appeared we lost some things. True joy and satisfaction doesn't come from earthly things but from CHRIST – cling to Him.

“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”- 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Until next time, stay focused.

Just Sharing My Thought
Listen. Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share.

Grace to you and Peace.

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