Monday, February 28, 2011

Celebrating Fathers

Fathers are the least appreciated amongst our parents. (I stand to be corrected though)

If I’m to ask ten people who amongst their parents they like the most, seven are bound to go for their mothers. Why? Mothers are caring, loving and affectionate; they easily understand and they don’t scold as often as daddy etc.

Well, the truth is, we all love our dads but we are fonder of our mothers… It is a natural phenomenon and I don’t think it will change. Many of us feel more comfortable being around our mother than our father. (Very few exemptions)

Leave or take, the importance of a father in one’s life can never be over emphasized. Father’s are integral parts of our lives; in fact, they gave us life…

They are the bread winner; they provided shelter, clothing, food; they pay the bills (Medical, school, water, electricity etc); and together with our mothers, they guide and help us mold our lives properly.

Take fathers away and life will look vague and ambiguous.

To some of us, the fear of our father is the beginning of wisdom. *He smiles… (Those with strict fathers will understand better)

We all need to first be grateful to GOD for giving us wonderful fathers and be thankful to our fathers for always been there for us and always been alive and committed to their responsibility.

For many reasons, some people don’t have fathers but that doesn’t make them bastards. In fact, there are no bastards. There are only irresponsible fathers.

If you fall under this category, please don’t feel bad. Always know that the greatest father of all is undoubtedly our Heavenly.

Not all of us have/had outstanding fathers. Some have/had great fathers and some have/had not so great father but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t respect our fathers. Every father deserves to be respected and appreciated.

Some people feel like they’ve grown so they talk back at our fathers. I have seen it a lot of times and I must say it is so wrong. No matter what/who your father is, he deserves to be respected. God in his infinite wisdom brought you to life through him.

Don’t walk out on your father because he couldn’t pay the bills and don’t talk back at him because you owe school fees. What you should do is to love, respect and pray for him to be alive to his responsibilities. Being a father is not an easy thing.

My late dad wasn’t the greatest father in world but to me, he was the best. He taught me so much and I can never stop thanking God for giving me him.

As a human being, daddy had his weakness but so also had he his strengths. He was a man with a great mind and I just wish he is still around.

Nevertheless, I have no doubt in my heart that he is happy for the man I have become. I miss you daddy and I love you endlessly.

This part of the note is dedicated to Comfort Maxwell; Ebi Smart; Victor and Victoria Ita; Promise Ekpe; Esther Sunday; Oluchi Adingupu; Nduka, Estelle and Amechi Chukwuemeka; Me and my siblings and anyone who have lost their father.

Death, though a natural phenomenon, isn’t a pleasant experience especially when it involves a loved one. And in this case a father.

If you’ve lost your dad, please don’t grieve for long. Death is just another stage in life. God knows best so put your total trust in HIM. Believe that if He took your father away, He is going to be your father and guess what? HE will care of you like no one else would.

I know you miss your dad; it is normal that we miss our loved ones when they are no more. Know that you are not alone. God is with you and everything will get better with time. Just trust GOD…

Our daddies might have passed on to glory but their memories will continue to live on in our hearts. May their gentle souls rest in the bosom of the Lord.

Just Sharing My Thought
Listen. Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share.

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