Not every one of us guys had our father around to teach us how to be a man. We just learn as we grew so I guess some of us deserve some credits for being great guys… (Ladies please applaud)
Being a man is much more than being a male. It is putting your family first, always being there for you children, forsaking all other women and making your wife your only true queen, not breaking the vows of matrimony and most importantly, staying committed to God.
Interestingly, not all our dads fit this description. In fact, many don’t even come close but that doesn’t mean they aren’t great dads. They are. They are great fathers and wonderful husbands (at least that is what mummy will say).
I find it very fascinating that there are more irresponsible men than responsible ones; more fatherless babies that motherless babies; more single mothers than single fathers etc why?
Is it that men are not doing well enough or what? It’s a man’s world isn’t it? So why aren’t men making the most of their world?
Come to think of it, the phrase “it’s a man’s world” is a phrase I think is demeaning to the whole of womanhood.
Instead of saying “it’s a man’s world”, I would rather we say “it’s a human’s world” because if it solely a man’s world then it certainly means women don’t belong here.
This kind of statement often leads people into discriminating against women and long before they know it, they start to discriminate against their very own wife, sisters and mother.
Women are humans too. If they were lesser beings, God wouldn’t have created them.
Women they say are everywhere but good women obviously aren’t everywhere but that notwithstanding, women everywhere deserves respect.
I frown at guys who delight in hitting their girl friends and men who have turned their wife into punching bags. The practice of hitting a woman is very wrong and should not be encouraged.
The fact that you saw your daddy or your grand daddy do it doesn’t mean it is the right.
I know some women are very provocative but hitting a woman is never right under any circumstances.
Provocation will always make you do something that you will regret later so I believe no matter how hard someone provokes you, the best thing to do is to walk off and cool off.
The truth is, real men don’t hit their women.
Lately, there have been a lot of noise about gender equality… the truth of the matter is, both genders can never be equals because God made it so. God in his infinite wisdom placed man as the head of woman and that will never change. However, that doesn’t mean women don’t have their place.
Guys! As future husbands and fathers, it is very important that we inculcate in us an attitude of appreciating the women God has placed in our lives (beginning from mothers, sisters, female friends to our wives) because they are God’s gift to the universe and all we need to do is love them and treat them right.
If your woman is not getting along, take your time and help her understand you and every other thing. Don’t hit her. Don’t say mean things to her. Make her your QUEEN and she will surely make you her KING.
Just Sharing My Thought
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