Saturday, February 12, 2011

Love is in the Air

It’s a season of love and indeed love is in the air. Not just the love between the opposite sexes but love for all of humanity.

Many people will take this time to rekindle their love and spend quality time with their partner; some too will simply blow their partner away with amazing surprises.

It is a good thing to celebrate your partner in this season of love but also know that you don’t necessarily have to wait for valentine to show whomever how much they mean to you.

Every day is a good day to show the ones that mean the world to you how much they really mean to you. I know love in itself cannot be quantified but it certainly can be expressed so go out, have fun but not too much fun. And if you must DO IT please PROTECT YOURSELF but like I always say, ABSTAINACE still remains a very wise DECISION.

Valentine is a time to show love and not a time to take advantage of the ones we claim we love, do things we are not prepared for or make UNWANTED babies.

Valentine only comes once in a year but love is always around all through the year. In as much as you celebrate love with/for that/those very special person(s), equally celebrate love for all of humanity for love is the very essence of existence.

It is no news that love is the most powerful force in the world. Love is one thing that transcends culture, tribe, race or skin colour. Everyone is capable and deserving of love so show love to everybody…

Ok! Maybe you are thinking… Why is Emma talking so much about love? Is he in love or is he some sort of love ambassador? Well, I am a self acclaimed love ambassador and I will continue to push for us to love ourselves as long as God keeps me alive.

Let’s face facts; hatred is by no means man’s friend. It has caused so much harm and it is still causing much harm.
Hatred restricts; love releases. Hatred strangles, love gives freedom. Hatred brings remorse; love brings peace. Hatred agitates; love calms. Hatred divides; love unites.
Hatred hardens; love softens. Hatred hinders; love helps. I guess it is even now much clearer that hatred has absolutely nothing to offer humanity but love is loaded with so much for us all.

It’s not a season to hold on to hurt so forgive freely and love like you've never been hurt. Make that phone call. Mend that broken friendship; you won’t regret it.

Let all that you do from the time forth, be done in love and don’t forget to show love to all and not only to those you know or because of what you’d get in return.

Just Sharing My Thought
Listen. Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share.

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