Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Is it Wrong to celebrate Christmas?

A couple of hours and its Christmas! I didn't intend to do another blog for the remainder of the year however; I received a very interesting/disturbing mail about Christmas from a friend so I felt I needed to say a few things.

In summary her mail reads “our pastor told the Church that Christmas is idolatry and it’s a sin to celebrate it so now I’m confused as to whether to go with my pastor’s view or with what I know in my heart is true.”

Well, there are a lot of different religious views on Christmas which didn't start today and obviously won’t stop this year. That been said, I want to expressly say I’m not a theologian so whatever I say here is what I know in my heart is truth. Truth for me may not necessarily be truth for another.

Is it sin to celebrate Christmas from a Christian's point of view? My straight answer for this question is NO… Christmas is not mentioned in the Bible.  There is NO single verse or book commanding Christians to celebrate Jesus' birthday, or to observe ANY holiday for a fact however, celebration of Christmas or any other religious holiday is a matter of an individual’s personal choice.

It breaks my heart when I see the church divided over petty issues such as celebration of Christmas. That to a great degree misleads new believers. The central theme of the Bible is Jesus so if I decide to celebrate Jesus’ birth, what’s the fuss in that?

It is said that Christmas was once a pagan holiday from the Roman Empire which was celebrated in December 25th in honor of Mithras-the god of light. Around AD 200 Christians started to talk about Jesus’ birthday. December 25th had become the accepted date but how the church arrived at December 25th is not clear.

Emperor Constantine, after having the vision of a cross in the sky around 312AD, decided to officially recognize 25th as the celebration of Jesus’ birth and that helped Christmas gain prominence as an official holiday. I urge you to do a further study on December 25th.

That said, Jesus was not born on December 25th so for those who don’t know please note that no one honestly knows when Jesus was born. But this lack of knowledge does not diminish the value of celebrating His birth. We may not be sure about the date of Jesus’ birth but we are sure about his love for us.

There are many things that originated from pagans and pagan worships. A simple example is the days of the week.
The First Day: Sunday was named after the Sun god.
The second Day: Monday was named after the moon goddess.
The Third Day: Tuesday was named after the god Tyr.
The Fourth Day: Wednesday was named after the god Odin.
The Fifth Day: Thursday was named after the god Thor.
The Sixth Day: Friday was named after the goddess Frigga.
The Seventh Day: Saturday was named after the god Saturn.

Unless we are to conclude that celebrating Christ's arrival as God in the flesh is a bad thing, its celebration on what was once a pagan holiday is irrelevant. Christians who celebrate Christmas are not pagans. They honor Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

According to Hebrews 4:12-13, God judges us by the motives of our heart because that is where sin begins. He knows whether we’re focused on expressing our gratitude for the gift of His Son or indulging in pagan festivities. So as long as our hearts are right we’re not sinning if we celebrate Christmas.

Christmas like every other holiday can be celebrated in two ways… in honor to God or in the way of the world.  A true Christian observance of Christmas does not include drunkenness, fornication, carousing or any other conduct unworthy of saints.

Christ entrance into the world was a cause of great rejoicing and celebration, because it made possible human reconciliation to God. At his birth people who loved God rejoiced in praise, and even the angels sang for joy (Luke 1:46-2:38).

It is appropriate to celebrate the Lord's birthday for those who choose to do so. I personally celebrate Christmas because it is a very significant event in my salvation. If Christ wasn't born, lived and died, He wouldn't have reconciled us back to God.

Whether you choose to celebrate or choose not to celebrate Christmas, that’s fine. Just make sure in all you do, you’re seeking to honor Jesus Christ (Romans 14:5-6).
In conclusion,
"Who can add to Christmas?
The perfect motive is that God so loved the world. 
The perfect gift is that He gave His only Son.
The only requirement is to believe in Him. 
The reward of faith is that you shall have everlasting life."- Corrie Ten Boom

It is a wonderful thing to celebrate the birth of the Savior, God's gift to mankind. 

Just Sharing My Thought
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Grace and Peace ♥

Saturday, December 14, 2013

It's Just Around the Corner

And it's just around the corner. I know what you’re probably thinking is “what is just around the corner.” Well, I'm referring to Christmas. A couple of days and ……..it’s Christmas!

Last year I wrote a piece “if Christmas means anything, then it must mean everything” that note was perhaps one of my best writing ever. See it here: http://sureboy.blogspot.com/2012/12/if-christmas-means-anything-then-it.html

For most people, Christmas is about fun, gifts, family time, new clothes, decorations etc. You may wonder what harm is in that? Well, nothing but if gifts, cloths and decorations are your only reason for Christmas then you've missed it big time.

Am I being too harsh? Maybe Yes, maybe No! Gifts are great (I love gifts). Decorations, trees, light, all those stuff are great too but do they form the core of Christmas? Its stomach turning not to know the truth about Christmas, it meaning and essence yet go about celebrating.

Our secular culture has influenced us so much so that many of us (believers) have lost the real essence of Christmas. Most people are deceived to think Christmas as just an ordinary celebration but NO! Christmas is like no other celebration. It is a spiritual celebration.

It’s not a Fall-festival, Halloween, Valentine, Yam festival or whatever celebrations there are. I believe if there is something Christians should celebrate; it’s Christmas (Christ’s birth) and Easter (Christ’s death and resurrection).  These two events form the core of our Christian faith.

When the day, songs, and activities are no longer about Christ, then the holiday cease from being worth celebrating. Jesus hasn't been welcomed into many of the houses people are decorating this season and that’s an anomaly.

Whose birthday is it again? Don't be more concerned about mistletoe than you are about the reason for the season. Jesus is the reason for the season so if you don’t know Jesus and have a personal relationship with Him then, who or what are you celebrating?

Dressing up, decorating your house, giving/receiving gifts and all the other ritual traditions of Christmas have no meaning if you don’t have Christ living in your heart.

In Christ Jesus there is restoration of life, healing from disease and pain, total forgiveness for our past and whatever hold of pain and suffering that might have us. In Christ Jesus there is healing for our hearts, hope in every situation, help in every situation, as the Holy Spirit is our helper.

What a blessing Christ Jesus is to us… If God did nothing else for us aside giving us Christ Jesus, trust me HE’s done enough.

I can't help but wonder how anyone could refuse the offer, the gift, and inheritance that they could have in Christ Jesus!

Well in conclusion, I want to say if you don’t know Jesus, please don’t allow this season roll by. I have tasted and I say without controversy that the LORD is good. This is the singular reason why I am very loud about my faith.

Christians, we are called to be righteous and set apart. To be in the world but not of it-- meaning don't do as the world does.  There is absolutely no reason why you should get into debt buying things you don't need in the name of Christmas.
Furthermore, you should have nothing to do with anything that doesn't honor God in this season and beyond. Abstain from all appearance of evil. -1 Thessalonians 5:22

We have a responsibility to make sure that our choices and actions don't become stumbling block and hinder people from getting to know Christ. I've been celebrating Christmas all my life and I can tell you we can have loads of fun without sinning.

Whatever you do, make sure you are honoring God. At the end of the day, the Christmas season is all about Him.

Season’s greetings everyone! Love you all, praying for you always…

Just Sharing My Thought
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Friday, December 6, 2013

I’m thankful for Two Thousand and Thirteen

The year is almost out… wow!  It’s unbelievable how the months rolled by. 2013 for me have been a magnificent year.  I’m grateful for the privilege to be alive and thankful for the countless blessings I have received throughout the year. God is good and He is all the time

There are so many random things and people I need to be thankful for so in no particular order;

I am thankful for a rich, deep, meaningful relationship with God. I have never experienced God like I did this year and I am so thankful He loved me enough to sacrifice His son, purchasing my redemption, satisfying His wrath, and displaying His glory.

I’m thankful for having a family that loves and fears the LORD; a mother who lovingly brought me (Katherine, Mercy and Samuel) into this world and lovingly led us to the One who created this world. “As for me and my household, we will FOREVER serve the Lord.”

I’m thankful for the Bible. I read the Bible more this year than I ever had and trust me no other book come close. The Bible is God’s revealed word and I am so thankful for the privilege to teach, preach and write from this magnificent book.

I’m thankful for good books- knowledge is power, knowledge is priceless. I was able to read about thirteen books (excluding my Bible) this year and I must say there is an incredible amount of knowledge at our disposal. I wish more people take time (get off social media, put off their T.V) and read. Growth is impossible without knowledge.

I’m thankful for the company I work and the privileged position I hold there. I love being an accountant and I absolutely love my job. Shout-out to Tosin Adetunji, Mr. Ayoola Olajunju, Bolade Olatunji Adebimpe Adeleke and the entire finance staff.

I’m thankful for Sunny Okafor, Francisca Atie, Mary Achieng, Wahab Ajibola, Daniel Atie, Bolaji Blessing, Emmanuel Peter, Afolabi Olajide, Winifred Orji; a circle of individuals  who've enriched my life in many ways.

I’m thankful for those that have been a part of my life though they’re miles away from me. God bless you Ella Twum, Ebi Smart, Mary Achieng, Joshua Eze, Comfort Oliba, William Young and Toluwase Ayorinde.

I’m thankful for warm, caring friends who stood by me through good and tough times. You all are amazing. Some of you shared with me real extraordinary experiences and I salute your courage. I’m grateful for the opportunity to be part of your lives.

I’m thankful for great times, triumphs as well as challenges, frustrations, disappointments, sleepless-nights, heart-breaks, stress, all of which helped me improve and made me a better person.

I’m thankful for Twitter followers, Blog readers, Face Book friends and the whole social media community. Social media is amazing. I thank God I didn’t come in the 1950′s era but God put me in this age at this time.

I’m thankful for my church - Church of God Mission Int’l, All Nations for Christ Bible Institute and the precious souls that hold me accountable in my walk with the LORD. Following Jesus is the greatest decision I ever made.

There are many things that I have to give thanks for... but this one note isn’t enough to capture all however, I mustn't forget to mention that I’m thankful for you… you reading this. I’m thankful for the support that you give me, the likes, the comments, retweets, favorites, shares.... God bless you!

All of us have something to be thankful for. To say God hasn't been good to you is the highest form of ungratefulness. Just because God didn't do in your life what you saw HIM do in your neighbor’s life doesn't mean He isn't good.

One of the worst injustices that you can do to yourself is comparing yourself to others. God didn't create us the same. All of us are unique but different. Someone may appear to have it better than you but that doesn't mean their life is better than yours. Be grateful for your portion.

Psalm 105:6 tells us Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD”. That literally means if you are alive, you have every reason to be thankful.

God appreciates our thanksgiving and gratitude. He doesn't need it but He wants it. He is already perfect and complete all in Himself. The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me. - Psalm 50:23

Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name.” - Psalm 100:4

Life does test everybody of us at some point but no matter what you go through somebody, somewhere has it much worse than you do so be thankful. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” - Philippians 4:6
When we take time to give thanks for who GOD is and all HE does, it increases our awareness of HIS presence in all that we do and in all that we are. All that we are God made us… All that we have God gave us. “For in him we live and move and have our being” Acts 17:28

Be thankful and don't let any situation push you away from God rather; let every situation remind you of how much you need Him.

I don’t know about you but as for me, I trust God no matter what it looks like, seems like or sounds like. My hope firmly rests in His promises, guidance and provision. There's absolutely nothing that can move me or make me change my trust in Him. I'm firmly rooted.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

I’m thankful for two thousand and thirteen… are you thankful?

Just Sharing My Thought
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Grace and Peace ♥

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Don’t Idolize Relationships

I have been meaning to write about relationships for a while now but I often hold back because I felt for someone who’s not in a “relationship”, talking (and giving advice) about dating relationships can seem a bit awkward but then I realized that, the fact that I am not experiencing something doesn't mean I have no idea about it.

Same way the fact that someone is experiencing something doesn't mean that they have all the knowledge about it. That been said, I pray this note helps and blesses someone.

Recently a bosom (girl) friend of mine got engaged on her birthday and as I stirred at her finger with the beautiful golden ring on it, it dawned on me “Emmanuel you are single”. For a moment, my countenance dropped but I smiled through it.

There are so many of us desiring to be in a relationship with someone of the opposite sex and that is good. Our desire to be in a relationship is not an ungodly desire but a healthy desire God has put in us however, we must not be careful so we don’t idolize relationships or become desperate about it.

There is danger when we idolize relationships and even more danger when we get desperate about it.
When we become obsessed with wanting someone or needing someone or being in a relationship to a point it becomes the only thing we think about, it has become an idol. An idol is anything wanted/desired more than God.

Desperation leads to depression and there are many people who are depressed because they don’t have that special person in their life. I have heard people say “if I don’t have a relationship I am nothing. If I don’t have companionship, I’m nothing. If I don’t have him/her, I’m nothing to the point they lower their standards and compromise their values in other to have someone.

What they are saying in essence is that a relationship (with a human being) is what gives them their worth. They are idolizing relationships and that is wrong. God never intended for us to intensively need anyone.

When we think about relationships at all, in every relationship, our relationship with God must come first and unless we have a meaningful viable relationship with the Lord Jesus ourselves, we shouldn't go any further in building a relationship with anyone else.

Our first and most important relationship is the one we have with God through Jesus. Every other relationship is secondary to this one. God wants us to want Him more than we want anyone. It is in direct relationship to our walk with Christ that everything else falls into line.

One of the major problems with most of us (especially single people) is that we want a human more than they want Jesus and that is an anomaly. How can we seek a person more than we seek the God who created us?

God wants to be first in our lives and He is not going to negotiate that spot. If your relationship with God is a mess trust me every other relationship in your life (family relationship, friendship relationship, marriage relationship, courtship) will be even a greater mess.

Jeremiah 9:23-24 tells us not to boast of anything but that whoever boasts should boast in this, that he understands and knows God. The only thing we are allowed to boast off is our relationship with God.
How we love God will determine how we love others (and our spouse for those that are married). Our commitment to God will determine our commitment to our others/spouse. If someone cannot be faithful in the walk with God, what makes you think they will be faithful to you?

Our relationships are supposed to help us grow spiritually, emotionally, make us holy and push us closer to Christ not away from Him so if your relationship isn't pushing you closer to Christ, making you more holy but leading you to sin, you need to break it off.

Let go of every meaningless relationships and focus on your relationship with God. Any relationship that interferes with your relationship with God is a dangerous relationship and need to be cut off.

In as much as we may want companionship, we must never pursue someone unless we ourselves first have a relationship with God and before you allow anyone to pursue your heart, make sure they are pursuing God's heart first. God must be our first priority.

Our worth doesn't come from people (we should know this by now) our true worth comes from God and only HE (not people) can fill whatever voids that’s in our lives. Some relationships fail but a relationship with God lasts forever.

It should be everyone’s goal to build a relationship with GOD first before beginning a relationship with anyone else.
For those in (whatever kind of) relationships, make sure your relationships honor God. Have it in mind that God will not bless a relationship He is not involved in so make Christ the center of every of your relationships.

For does desiring a relationship, like I said in opening, your desire to have a relationship is a healthy desire but it shouldn't consume your heart. Be contented with your relationship with God and if you don’t have a relationship with God, begin now to seek Him with the whole of your heart before you seek anyone.

I know this isn't popular opinion and not many will agree with me on this nonetheless, it is the truth. We shouldn't seek the creature more than we seek the creator – that’s idolatry.

I desire to have a relationship with (none other than) my future spouse but I want my relationship with God more. Christ’ coming is imminent and all of us must live in light of His coming. I don’t know about you but as for me, I will trade anything I mean everything even what makes me most happy to be with the Lord.
At the end of day, a relationship with God is the most important relationship anyone can have so which is more important to you; your relationship status with God or your relationship with status a human?  Don’t idolize relationships.

Just Sharing My Thought
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Grace and Peace

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Picture Craze

We live in an era of cheap imitation where someone starts something (even if it’s something silly) and everyone jumps on it and social media has become a tool that is misleading a lot of people unknowing to them.

Recently, a random girl took a nude picture of her whole body and sent it to me. I was so upset I felt like punching her in the face. Why would she do such? Anyway, I decided I will speak to the ladies about this issue of picture craze that is fast becoming a trend on social media.

I felt in my heart to address this issue because until you know something is wrong, you most likely will continue in it.

I see ladies upload many different pictures on Facebook, instagram, twitter and other social media platforms. They take pictures of different angles of their face, they take pictures of themselves in the bathroom, they take pictures of themselves in the bedroom, and they even take nude pictures of themselves.

I take pictures too and I absolutely love pictures so I am not against taking pictures but I am concerned about the kind of picture people (especially ladies) take and put out there. If I can see your whole body in a picture you put online, you are doing too much.
Impression is very important and you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. When you put out a picture that shows your whole goodies, I’m going to form an opinion about you based on what I have seen.

One of the things I learned as I grew is, I have learned to respect women and I believe all of us men must respect women (and those who don’t respect women should learn).

That been said, I think since men must respect women, it is only fair that women give us something to respect. It is hard to respect someone who doesn’t respect themselves.
There is a saying “don’t leave your dirty leaning outside.” The statement is still true.

Nobody is interested in seeing all your goodies (maybe some people want to but certainly not me). Don’t jump on anything and everything you see going on social media space. 

If you want to be popular, putting up nude pictures is not the way to go. If you want to be popular, start a blog, write a book and just do something positive. I have a decent presence online today but I didn’t get there doing anything stupid.

My mentor once told me “you will always attract your kind” and that is so true. If you put out pictures showing all your goods online in search of a man, you surely will attract some men but you will attract a dog not a real man... A real man doesn’t want to see all your goods.

I don’t know who needed to read this, but I felt in my heart to address this anomaly so if you are involved in this madness, stop it. If you know someone who is losing her mind on social media, be kind enough and call her to order.

This is not about modesty or religion (notice I didn’t quote even one scripture all through?). This is simply common sense and nothing more. The bitter truth is common sense is not common.

Ladies love yourself, respect yourself, know your worth, keep your clothes on and portray yourself as a woman of class and you will be perceived as such and will command respect. Don’t follow the crowd.

In conclusion, I want to say ladies, I am sorry if I went too far with this but it was heavy in my heart and someone has got to tell you the truth and I am that someone that will tell you the truth and point you towards what is right. 

I want you to know I love you all and I am praying for you. Keep being the best person you can afford to be at all times and remain God’s pride!

Just Sharing My Thought
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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Honesty Moment

In my last note “None of Us Is Perfect”, I talk extensively on the need for us to be sincere with our imperfections. In this note, I’m sharing with you my personal struggles not for you to crucify me with them but for you to pray for me (prayers is free) and learn from me.

When it comes to accepting our human imperfections, many of us try to resist it. And this is evident in the fact that people think of imperfectness as something that destroys ones self-worth but does it?

What is that one thing in your life that no one knows about? What are those areas in your life that you use all your energy to hide? What weakness are you covering up?

When I ask myself these same questions, what comes to mind is plenty… I really try to hide those days when I really don’t feel like following Jesus because I keep telling everyone to follow Him.

I have a tendency to over-analyze and over-think. My mind is always set on something to the point where I have difficult time sleeping. I move from one assignment to the next assignment and as my responsibility grows I have noticed that my nights have gotten shorter and my days, longer.

I give myself excuses as to why I must work so much and so hard but I know most of it is just foolishness. There's a time to work, and there's a time to rest. 

I love to inform people so I blog but most of you have no idea how hard it is to put one’s words and thoughts online for anyone who cares to look to see. Sometimes it difficult, not because of what people will say, but because of what it shows about my character.

I have said, I am sorry a million times yet it has not stopped from hurting people I love (unintentionally)… lol but seriously,

The number one struggle I had for a long time was my fear of failure. I stay up most night terrified that I was not going to be a failure until the day I made a bold decision to give all of my fears to God and have Him mold me into all He wants for me to become. 

Often we try so hard to be strong that we don't give God the opportunity to be strong in our lives. And that is wrong. At some point, you have to give all your mess to God and stop trying to figure out everything. 

It's ok to feel weak, because God is our strength. It’s ok to feel lonely; God is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. He even cares about the situations you put yourself in... So let go of your pride, take a moment to surrender all that you are to Him. 

The reality is this: We all go through tests and trails. We all have good and bad days. We all have struggles and although we all can choose to be positive in the mist of negativity, it is far better if we surrender all that we are to Him.

Grace is the fact that God knows every stupid mistake we will make, He knows all of our faults and struggles yet He still chose love us regardless.

Cover your sins, cover your weaknesses and God will expose them but expose your sins, expose your struggles and God will cover them.

Just Sharing My Thought
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Saturday, October 5, 2013

None of Us Is Perfect

What if I told you God doesn’t use perfect people!
What if I told you, you don’t have to be perfect for God to use you!
What if I told you not wearing certain types of clothing doesn’t mean you are a saint.
What if I told you going to Church, quoting scriptures and singing psalms doesn’t automatically make you a Christian!

I know I am going to get some bashing for this, but I’m going to go ahead with it anyway….

Someone may wonder, why I’m writing such a piece so for the purpose of clarity here is my heart for this note. I constantly receive texts and e-mails from people telling me of their struggles especially with regards to their walk with God so I felt in my heart to write on this issue of perfection.

We live in an overly religious culture where we constantly bombard us with the thought that God only uses perfect people so we have to be perfect for God to use us. Well, that is the furthest thing from the truth.

Looking through The Bible, you will realize that it is filled with examples of how God loves to use imperfect, ordinary people to do extraordinary things in spite of their weaknesses. The truth is, if God only used perfect people, nothing would ever get done, because none of us is perfect.

Most people really hate the truth, and sadly most of them call themselves Christians. So what is the truth that nobody wants to hear? It is the truth about our sinful-selves. We really don't want to hear anything negative about ourselves so we act like we are perfect and pretend like we have it all together.
Most of us Christians always put out a false version of ourselves… usually; the person you meet when you meet someone at first is probably not the real person. People always put out their best trying to impress everybody. 

I receive loads of awesome, breathtaking incredible mails and text from different people all over the world telling how I inspire them especially in their walk with God. While I get humbled each time I receive such a modest compliment however, something I always stress on is, it is not about me but all about Him.

I must be frank with you people… I am not perfect and none of us is. I don’t care if you your mother told you that you are perfect, you are not. All of us including my humble self have struggles. Some people feel because I reach out with the gospel and encourage them in their walk with God, I am a better person (Christian) than them, - that is a lie.
I wish I could tell you I have it all together but truth is I don’t. True I love God and my earnest desire is that everything about me honors Him, from my thoughts to my words to actions but I don’t get it right all the time.
I am not ashamed to admit that sometimes I fall short. I am not ashamed to admit that sometimes, I struggle to pray and read my Bible. I'm not ashamed to say that I sometimes do things that make Him shake His head at me; I am not ashamed to say daily I need directions from God.

I know it’s scary to be honest. I know it’s scary to be open… but let’s face it people!

If we are going to be effective with the gospel message, we need to be real. No hiding, no faking… the fact that we are Christians doesn’t mean we are perfect. That God uses imperfect people should be encouraging news for us all.

We need to stop hiding our weaknesses and imperfections. Someone who hides can’t be known let alone helped. To be truly human is to be real. We are supposed to be honest with each other and encourage each other in our walk with God.

I know confessing one’s struggles is one of the hardest things to do because even if you are heard out, chances are you still will be ridiculed but as for me, I want people to know the real me not the “I got it all together” me.  

James 5:16 tells us “Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed.” – (MSG)

There is absolutely no need of us pretending, having a holier than thou attitude doesn’t mean you are perfect. Wearing the most pious cloths don’t mean you are a saint. On our best day, our righteousness cannot be compared to God’s standard of righteousness. “Our righteous deeds are nothing but filthy rags” – Isaiah 64:6

As a human being I have to be realistic and tell you in our walk with God, all of us are going to fall at some point. We are going to stumble and fail God but that perfectly normal. Christ already made provision for that on the cross. When we stumble, even if it is repeatedly, we can take our failure before the Lord in repentance, and receive forgiveness.
My biggest testimony as a Christian is that with all my mess and all that I am, God still loves me, and He has the patience to pick me up, dust me off, and set me back on track whenever I miss the mark.

Now, here is a very important question! Can a Christian sin? Answer, yes! Sadly enough yes a real Christian does fall into sin but here is the difference. A real Christian doesn’t live in a continuous state of sin.

“Though a righteous man falls seven times, he will get up, but the wicked will stumble into ruin”. - Proverbs 24:16

David is known to be “a man after God’s heart” but anyone that has ever read the Bible knows David was a long way from a saint. He had flaws, he wasn’t perfect. You see, we are saved by grace and not works. I’m not saying works isn’t necessary but works only comes in after we have been genuinely saved. We don’t become better to get saved. We get saved to become better.

When you think of the limitations in your life, you may be tempted to conclude, "God could never use me." But God is never limited by our limitations. God is not looking for the strong, perfect or most able individual. All He is looking for is the available.  In fact, he enjoys putting his great power into ordinary containers.

God doesn’t only use our best part. He also uses our worst parts. He take the good and the bad, mixes it together for our good and for His glory. You are not too much of a mess that God cannot possible use you for anything. The thought that “God only uses perfect people” is one of the most destructive lies a person can believe.

I don’t know who needed to read this but I trust God that this piece will speak to your heart. Don’t kill yourself trying to be perfect. Stop pretending, stop hiding. If you have struggles, come out and seek help.

The most important question in life has nothing to do with whether or not you are perfect. The most important question is “do you have a relationship with God through Jesus?” if yes then seek to grow that relationship and the Holy Spirit will gradually conform you into the image of His dear son.

I'm not perfect, you are not perfect, and none of us is perfect. God is still working on us all and until the day we are glorified in Christ Jesus none of us will ever be perfect.

Flaws are just a sign showing us that we all need a savior…

Just Sharing My Thought
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