Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The FIRST Christmas GIFT

As we dive into the festivities of the season, I will like to draw your attention to the first gift of Christmas.

The first gift of Christmas was not wrapped.
The first gift of Christmas had no bow.
The first gift of Christmas wasn't purchased on Amazon or any online store.
The first gift of Christmas was not bought on Wal-Mart, Shoprite, Mr Price or Game.
The first gift of Christmas was a simple gift.
The first gift of Christmas was a sacred gift.
The first gift of Christmas wasn't gold, frankincense or myrrh.
The first gift of Christmas was a gift of love and life and peace and hope given by a father to all his children that he so loved.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” - John 3:16
He gave us His son à The Christ and He is the gift.
The most important part of about Christmas is the first six letters.

All the presents in the world are worth nothing without the presence of CHRIST.

This Christmas season, discover the gift, embrace the gift and share the gift with everyone you meet.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

Merry Christmas everyone…. #ShareTheGift  

Monday, December 15, 2014

I’m thankful for 2014

In a couple of days, two thousand and fourteen [2014], will be history. I don’t know about anyone else but for me, I am grateful to God for 2014. It’s been a year of bliss, grieve, joy, ups, downs and more but with all that happen this year, God has brought us this far.

Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD”. – Psalm 105:6

Some of you may [or may not] know that every year [since 2010] I write my thanks giving testament highlighting some random things I am thankful for and this year sure won’t be an exception.  When I look at all the LORD has done for me [and those around me], I can help but be thankful.

That said, here are a few random things that I’m thankful for in no particular order:

I am thankful for a relationship with God through Jesus. Following the LORD is the best decision I ever made and I urge you to get to know Jesus [if you don’t already know Him]. It is the most important decision you’d ever make.

I am thankful for each and every second for another opportunity to live. Many died this year but God loved me enough not to take life from me. To have lived another year is a blessing, God alone gets the glory!

I am thankful for family; I’m blessed to have a mother who raised me in the LORD and siblings who love and fear the LORD. I love each of them to the end of the world and back. “As for me and my household, we will FOREVER serve the Lord.”

I am thankful for my Church, I am thankful for the body of Christ, I am thankful for All nations for Christ Bible Institute, I’m thankful for the opportunity to serve in God’s Kingdom.

I’m thankful for Radisson Blu [I thank God I have a job]. If you have a job, be thankful for it; many people don’t have one. I love my job and I don’t take for granted all that I’m tasked to do there.
I am thankful for deep, purposeful friendships that have enriched my life. God bless you Sunny Okafor, Francisca Atie, Mary Achieng, Wahab Wahab Ajibola, Emmanuel Peter, Afolabi Olajide, Winifred Orji, Tosin Adetunji, Bolade Olatunji, Adebimpe Adeleke, Comfort Olibamoyo and everyone who has been part of my life in anyway. You inspire me to be the best person I can be. God bless you.

I am thankful for the Somtochukwu Ifunaya Michelle [and her family]. I won’t say much about her but I will say that God presented her to me in almost the same way he presented Eve to Adam. I am truly a blessed man.

I am thankful for social media - Twitter followers, Blog readers, Face Book friends and the whole social media community. Social media has given me a platform to share my heart and thoughts with the world and I appreciate all the feedback I get by way of comments.

I am grateful for trials, temptations, challenges; difficult people, annoying people all of which have helped me mature and become a better person. Indeed all things work together for Good to them that love the Lord.

I am grateful for good books, and for the love of reading. This year I was able to read 14 books [aside my Bible of course]. Did you read a book this year? If not, why not? Recommit to reading. Knowledge sets you apart from the rest.

I am thankful for good health… Ebola came but God didn't allow it get to us.
There is so much that I am thankful for but there are isn't enough words to describe God’s goodness. I am beyond thankful.

Are you thankful? If not, why not? Never feel you have nothing to be thankful for. Can you count you amount of breath you receive in a day? Who woke you up this morning? If you think you don’t have any blessings, remember your heart is still beating.

Don’t be among those who count their blessings on their fingertip but magnify their problems with a calculator; instead do the reverse.

There are people who will gladly take your problems than deal with theirs. There are people who have a lot less than what you have and are thankful. No matter your lot in life understand that God gives each of us enough to take us through the day. Be grateful for your portion.

The constant attitude for believers should be one of thankfulness. We should be thankful we did not lose everything even when it appeared we lost some things. True joy and satisfaction doesn't come from earthly things but from CHRIST – cling to Him.

“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”- 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Until next time, stay focused.

Just Sharing My Thought
Listen. Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share.

Grace to you and Peace.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Let’s talk about Purity [Part Two]

P: s this is a continuation so if you haven’t read part one, be sure you read it here.

Some of you have mentioned [and rightly too] that purity is more than refraining from sexual activity.

I did say in part one that my conversation with with a certain married man who asked if my relationship was sexual was what led me in writing these purity series and since sex was the topic discussed, I’m sharing my thought on sexual purity and not purity as a whole.

That said I will like to make clear that purity is much more than avoiding sexual immorality. Some people, when they hear about purity only think in the sense of avoiding sexual immorality but purity involves much more than what we do in one area of our life; it has to do with what we choose in every area of our lives.

Purity is simply not a good thing, it is a God thing, it is what God wants, it is God's plan and that makes it the best plan possible.

So why must we choose Purity? Is purity even possible? If yes, how can one pursue purity?

Well the answer to the above question is not far-fetched but before I go any further, I will like to say I don’t know/have a 10 step plan to purity. All I intend to do is share with you the wisdom God put in my heart that works for me [and since it works for me, I have no doubt it will work for you].

We need to understand that God has called us to a holy living. And for us to grow closer to God, it’s crucial to pursue purity because purity leads to holiness. “But as he who has called you is holy, so you be holy in all manner of conduct; because it is written: "Be holy; for I am holy." - 1 Pet 1:15-16

Furthermore, as Christ followers, one of the things we are called to do is be examples. Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example to them that believe, in word, in manner of life, in love, in faith, in purity.” 1Tim 4:12

How can we pursue purity?

First things first… Develop a relationship with God.

It’s hard to please the heart of God if you do not KNOW Him so do you know the Lord? If NO may I encourage you to get to KNOW Him…when you get to know the Lord you will realize that true joy and satisfaction comes from God not from [sex or] anything else.

Decide to honor the Lord not your flesh.

True purity is choosing to love God more than you love anything or anyone else, and expressing that love by wholeheartedly devoting your life to God. It’s important to pursue purity because it is a requirement to see God. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Mat 5:8

Understand that true Purity begins from the HEART

Scripture clearly teaches us that the real issues of life are spiritual and are really matters of the heart. An impure heart will lead to an impure life and vice versa. When impurity resides in the heart, it will be exposed in all that the person does [speech, actions, character etc.].  Ponder on the scriptures below…

For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. –Mathew 15:19 [ESV]

A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. – Luke 4:45 [KJV]

The truth of the matter is, nothing good can come out from an un-regenerated heart. It is only when our minds [hearts] are renewed by the word of God that true purity will become possible.

Rely on God not your effort.

Many have ended up failing in their pursuit of purity despite their best efforts because achieving true purity is not easy however it is possible. We have to stop relying on our effort and rely on Jesus every day to empower us to live in purity – a life he has called us to. “[Not in your own strength] for it is God Who is all the while effectually at work in you [energizing and creating in you the power and desire], both to will and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight.” - Philippians 2:13 [AMP]

Watch your thoughts… Guard your eyes, ear and heart.

The quickest way to our heart is our eyes and ears… it is important that we guide both. And also we have to guide our thoughts. [As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he". The sums of a person’s thoughts are seen in their
character and character influences everything he does.
If you don’t know what to think on, Philippians 4:8 offers a great advice.  “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
To live a live a life of purity, we have to think pure thoughts. Our lives really go where our thoughts go.  Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the
knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ – 2 Corinthians 10:5

There is really so much to say but I will conclude this part here. If you read this and it convicted you in anyway, please do not beat yourself down. You may in time past have gone the wrong path, but understand that despite your disposition, you can begin to do what’s right from today. You may not have started well but you sure can finish well.

I have chosen the path of purity and I urge you to join me. Purity honors the LORD and since all of our lives if for the glory and honor of the LORD, we must all pursue purity.

Someone my read this and say, this is not for me. I am not struggling in the area of purity. Well if you are not struggling in this area, praise God but understand that many are so there is still work to be done.

Love your friends and family by telling them the truth. Reach out to them and encourage them to abstain from impurity [particularly sexual immorality]. Encourage them to honor God instead of giving in to the lustful desires of the flesh.

Text them regularly to check on them, call them often and encourage them to good works.
Impurity creates many complications… It ruins the best of men and women and brings forth major issues – even death.

Let's choose purity, let's choose to honor the LORD.

Until next time, stay focused.

Just Sharing My Thought
Listen. Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share.
Grace to you and Peace.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Dear Myles Munroe

I couldn't resist the of not temptation of writing this note as my heart is truly heavy... this is actually the second time this year I have felt this way in some time. Hearing that Myles Munroe has passed has truly saddened my heart.
This is a special tribute to him.
Dear Myles Munroe, you are one man that affected my life greatly… your wisdom, your style, and teachings were out of this world. No one has challenged my thinking the way you did.
I’m thankful for your inspiration. Your messages/teachings on the KINGDOM, LEADERSHIP, RELATIONSHIP, LOVE and LIFE have impacted me, and have molded the way that I see life. I still carry around with me the many kingdom principles he taught because they work.

One of my favorite quotes of yours is “the greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose.” This quote changed my life. It made me begin to do everything with purpose.  Out of the books that I own, your books take up the most space. Words can't express the way that I feel about your demise.

You lived what you taught and preached. You are not like “some others” whose lives are rocked by many scandals… You lived your life with great passion; you pursued truth and spoke out where many others kept quiet.
You may be gone but I will forever cherish the wisdom that you have deposited into my heart. You lived your life to the fullest. You left your mark on this left your mark on me.
There is really so much I can say but I will conclude by saying have fun hanging with finally get to see him face to face...a gift you truly deserve. Until we meet, I will be my best, do my best and work harder to continue where you left off...changing the world.
Dear Myles Munroe… Rest in the bosom of our LORD.
If you are reading this, you will agree with me that Dr. Myles Munroe’s demise is a shock and a great loss. And at such a time at this time, we are reminded of the urgency of the time in which we live in. Like never before, we need to do God’s business until he returns.
We have to make the best use of our time while we have it... life here on earth is temporary. Life is but a vapor that passes away so quickly. We must make sure we are living a life of purpose and doing all that God has ordained for us to do so that when it is our time to go our legacy will still be left behind.
Lastly, cherish each person who is in your life, especially those who challenge you to be your best [for God and humanity] and encourage you to good works.  You never know when they will either leave or pass away. There's no time to waste. Let people know how much they mean to you today.

Until next time, stay focused.

Just Sharing My Thought
Listen. Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share.
Grace to you and Peace.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Let’s talk about Purity [Part One]

Purity is one topic that has been one on my mind for so long. I’m glad I finally get to talk about it in this note.

A few days back, I had a chat with a certain man who has been married for over six years and he asked about my relationship so I told him, Michelle and I are growing very well, God has been doing an incredible work in our lives and we trust Him for a beautiful future together.

He said “that’s ok…” and a whole lot of different things then he asked, “Have you had sex with her yet?”

I said NO. We are not married yet and we are committed to honoring the Lord with our body.
He said “well that’s the only way you two will bond. You know women cannot be trusted that much I’m talking from experience.”

I responded your experience will not be my reality. If having sex [with someone who’s not my spouse yet] is the only way for us to bond then I don’t want to bond. I’d rather lose a relationship than build one on sin. If I cannot lead her in purity, what area can I lead her?

Well our conversation ended as there was nothing else to talk about. I refused to be dragged into a godless conversation. As a matter of fact, I think I sat with him for too long.  “Evil communication corrupt good manners” scripture says.

Walking out on him seemed rude but you see we do not have to apologize or explain ourselves when we are seeking to make righteous decisions. We do not have to explain why we have to separate ourselves from certain situations, circumstances, or people that cause [or may cause] us to stumble and fall. Scripture repeatedly tells us not to walk in the counsel of the ungodly nor heed to their advice.

How can we truly stand out if we are constantly trying to fit in with the crowd? We must make sure every conversation we engage in and every situation we find ourselves is edifying, encouraging, God-led and God-honoring.
Singles, engaged couples, newly married people, we must all be very cautious about those we take relationship [and marriage] counsel from. We must take care not to take counsel from those who do not take counsel from God.

Michelle and I have decided we will only seek and adhere to godly counsel therefore regardless of the individual giving us advice, if our "advisors" words don't match the words of God, their word will not be heeded. We cannot expect to drink from unclean waters and not get sick. Any advice that doesn't come from the throne of God is soaked in sin and filthy in nature.

Early on in my relationship with Michelle, we discussed extensively and decided on the issue of purity. We concluded that purity for us is a must. Sex for us will only happen in marriage not before. We know better than to build our relationship on the sinking foundation of sin when God has called us to a holy living. We know God will not bless sin.

We’ve decided we will honor God not our flesh. We’ve decided to honor God with our life and body. Scripture tells us our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. The temple of the Holy Spirit [our body] must be holy. We refuse to provoke the Holy Spirit to anger.

I know many people [singles and even those in relationships] struggle in this area of purity even though many would not readily admit it. If you are one of such, I want you to know that purity is possible. You can do all things through Christ and that includes being pure.
You and your mate should repent before the Lord, seek to honor Him, grow in discipline, get accountability and keep away from every situation that could cause you to fall. A convicted and repentant heart cannot continue in sin. The convicted and repentant are so sensitive to the Holy Spirit that they dare not grieve Him.

Sexual intimacy is reserved for a married man and woman and that is not going to change today, tomorrow or any other day regardless of what anyone thinks or what the culture says.

There’s a whole lot more to be said but that will be in a different note. As I conclude part one, I propose a purity challenge to all. I believe you all saw the Ice bucket challenge that went viral online. Let’s go viral with this #PurityChallenge. Let’s encourage each other to good works.

Gentlemen this challenge is particularly for us. We must lead the cause of purity. If we cannot lead the women in our lives in love and purity, what area will we be able to lead them?

Understand that until you marry her she is not your wife.  She is your sister so treat her with absolute purity. “Treat older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity” 1 Timothy 5:2

And to the Ladies, like Apostle Paul would say, I beseech you by the mercies of God that you make sure your legs are closed. Don’t give to a man the benefit of marriage when he hasn’t married you. True love waits. I say that again. True love waits. If you give to him the benefit of marriage when he hasn’t married you, what will be the incentive for marrying you? Choose the path of purity.

In this day and age of sexual perversion, Michelle and I have chosen the path of purity and we urge you to join us in our decision to honor the Lord with our life and body.

True love leads closer to God and not to sin. Purity is a MUST.

Until next time, stay focused.

Just Sharing My Thought
Listen. Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share.
Grace to you and Peace.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Happy Birthday Somto (and Happy Anniversary)


Today will always be a very special day for me as it is a day that is very special to someone who is very special and important to me.

On this day, twenty something years ago was the day the woman I’m going to spend the rest of my God ordained life with Miss Somtochuckwu Michelle Ifunaya Ifeka was born. And today doubles as one month anniversary of our relationship (yeah we only just started).

That said; please join me in wishing Somto a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I won’t tell you her exact age but I will tell you she’s between 1 and 15 years. Lol… 

 On this your special day love, there are a few things I would love to share with you.

Firstly, there’s nothing I would love more than for you to know your maker the more; nothing else matters outside of Christ babe… HE is the reason for [y]our existence.

He created you, He made you beautiful, and He put you on this earth for a purpose for His glory. You are His beloved, His Joy, His Pride, the apple of His eyes. You are worth more to Him than peals and diamonds.

I encourage you to grow closer to God. The more I grow in my relationship with God, the more I realize that real maturity is not about age. Real maturity is making right decisions based on the word of God. Making decisions contrary to the word of God is immaturity.
I can't help but be excited about everything God is doing in your life. Please don't get distracted by anything. Enjoy life’s journey and embrace everything that will help you become a better woman for God.
Stay disciplined, grow in grace, grow in purity, grow in love, and grow in His WORD. True joy and fulfillment comes from Jesus, not an event (birthday).
Here is my special wish for you dear...

I want you to be beautiful not beautiful like the world but beautiful like Jesus. I want your face to show his love, your arms to show his strength, your hands to show his grace, your feet to show his selflessness and your words to show his mercy.

I pray that people see Jesus in you every day and that you inspire people to live and enjoy the life they've been given.

Happy Birthday Sunshine…

Now unto our Anniversary

Babe it’s been 30 magical days… we started this journey (our journey to covenant) on August 22nd 2014 and it’s been one of the most incredible 30 days of my life. I want you to know that I love you and I love you a lot.

I had no idea that what I have been praying long and hard for was right next to me. I thank God He opened my eyes and lead us both to this point. He is so faithful.

Babe although we've talked about this, I still want to reiterate that fact that the goal of our relationship is to honor God. He brought us together for His glory and for our good.

Yes we’re only thirty days in but I can say without a shadow of a doubt that you my princess are the coolest lady I know-- I don't know many girls who are young saved and godly for obvious reasons.

I want you to know that you’re not my crush for 30 days; you are my lady for life. I don't take likely anything God does so be rest assured that I won’t take you for granted… not ever. I’m going to rock and enjoy this life with you.

You my dear will be the co-captain of my ship, the queen of my castle, my very best friend and my (future) wife forever!!! I'm so thankful for the day that you were born! I'm convinced that God made you from me for me.

You've brightened up my life and provide a presence that cannot be matched by any other. I only have eyes for you. You are and will forever be my favor, my crown, and my rib. Thank you for agreeing to marry me advance ;).

I would tell you that I love you from the bottom of my heart but for you, my heart has no bottom.

Happy anniversary baby… Cheers to many more beautiful days, weeks, months and years. I look forward to us fulfilling all God has tasked us to do.
Grace to you and Peace.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Real Life – Honesty Moment

I decided to blog about something different from the usual encouragement I put out. I decided to write about real life… my real life.

I have for some time now been going through some extremely difficult situations. Things are heightening, there is pressure to perform, I've gotten into many troubles for doing what is right and a whole lot more that could make a sane person go insane. Many of you are not aware of this because I refuse to wear my problems on my face. I sure can complain but I just choose not to.

That said one thing I know for sure is that the darkest seasons always come before the brightest ones so are you going through some kind of storm? I encourage you not to give up or give in whatever what you’re going through. Please keep praying (and keep me in your prayers too).  I know God will come through! He always does.
We all go through tough times… it is a natural phenomenon so don’t go about thinking that the reason you’re going through so much is because God doesn't love you or that God is angry at you. Understand that tough time really is an opportunity to trust God. Tough Times = OPPORTUNITY TO TRUST GOD.

Life is tough… I must be honest and tell you life is tough. It's only by of the grace and mercies of God that I'm able to endure some of the things I’m going through. He is my focus and my HOPE. I walk by faith, not by my physical senses. I trust Him no matter the cost, discomfort or sacrifice. Life’s storm isn't comfortable, but my hope in Christ keeps me at peace.

The central theme for the life of Christ-followers is summed up in one word--endurance. We are called to endure even the toughest things and run the race that has been set before us. Its sure isn't easy but it is necessary. We are living in a crucial time. Everything about us must be focused towards God.

We must not be moved by what we hear or see. We must refuse to quit no matter how hard it gets. Quitting is just not an option. Each of us have purpose, and we must fully live it out as God directs.

We must trust His guidance, and not follow the voice of another. We must become sensitive to Gods voice and focused on completing the assignment He's purposed in our heart to finish. We must work smarter. We must sacrifice more. We must give all of myself, go the extra mile and do what others choose not to do.

Friends, do not surrender to life's difficulties although you will get tired and weary. It is not easy however; Christ makes all things it possible. The Scripture tells us that we can do all things through Christ, and that my friend is so true. We can do all things when we rely solely on His strength and not ours.

I just want to encourage us all to good works. Truth is, we are not called to an easy life. We are call to a holy life therefore we must pursue holiness. Eternity is before us, we must ensure that absolutely nothing hinders us from being with the LORD.
The struggle is real but what is more real is the grace of God that sustains us. We must endure to the end.

Grace and Peace be multiplied onto you immeasurably.

Just Sharing My Thought
Listen. Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Birthday Chronicles

As some of you may know, I turned a year older yesterday.

What a journey life‘s been. I am thankful for every second God gives me breathe… I know without a doubt that the same God who has kept me through these many years will keep me through many more years!

Birthdays for me are not mare but special days because it is the anniversary of a person’s arrival to planet earth and that’s huge. I am humbled and overwhelmed for all the love, prayers, text, face book message and tweets I received. You all are amazing and I pray God smiles on you every single day of your life.

Out of all the texts I received; the line that stood out for me was “happy birthday, long life and prosperity”. Year in year out, the message is happy birthday, long life and prosperity but if we’ll be honest most of us don’t have happy lives. Happy birthday does not translate into a happy life.

Are you the same person you were a year ago? If yes, that can’t be a happy life. A lot of people are getting older but not get any wiser. Every year, we ought to be growing in grace, in knowledge, in wisdom, in mercy, in love, in holiness, etcetera.

We need to realize that we are not just adding numbers to our age but practically growing old therefore we must live life in a hurry… not in making decisions but in living out our life’s purpose. Our time here is but for a moment…

One big misconception about birthdays is that it is supposed to be all about the celebrant but NO. True the person was born on that day so therefore, it’s ok to honor them and celebrate their birth. However, the celebration of the person should never grow to a point where it exceeds the glory and honor that is due only to God.

Now let me flip over and talk about something I heard that cracks me up.

I heard some very religious people say; we’re not supposed to celebrate birthdays because according to them, the Bible never said we should celebrate birthdays. Well the Scripture is silence on birthdays but does that mean we shouldn't celebrate birthdays? ABSOLUTELY NOT! The Bible never said we should or should not celebrate birthdays.

Birthday celebration is purely a thing of preference. If you don’t want to celebrate your birthday you don’t have to. If you want to celebrate, do so… you won’t go to hell for it. Birthday celebration shouldn't cause division amongst believers.

That being said, instead of concentrating on the outward celebration, we should consider our hearts and our worship.

The objective in birthday celebrations is to make sure praise and worship goes to God so to you reading this, do not wait for a phone call, text message, gift, or surprise to feel special. That isn't the reason God put you on this earth. You were born for the glory of God so live in light of that.

Celebrate everyday God gives you breathe. You are special. God loved you enough to keep you alive this long. Don’t expect anything from anyone, but appreciate everything that you get.
Be more concerned about living for our Lord and King Jesus. Stay focused on sharing the Gospel and glorifying God in all that you do. Take time to lead others to Christ, be content with all God has given you, bear spiritual fruit and abstain from immorality.

And people, if we have to wait until a person’s birthday before we tell/show them they are loved and special, then it means they really aren't so special. Let’s not wait until birthdays to make people feel special. Let’s purposely set out each day in whatever way to make others feel special, loved and encouraged.

That said, no matter what length we go to celebrate a person, we mustn't forget that our primary praise must only go to God.

Finally, I want to again thank YOU for the birthday wishes. There were too many messages so I couldn't respond to everyone individually. Please know that I love you, and I thank you for sharing my special day with me.

God bless and keep you.

Grace and Peace!!!!