Friday, December 30, 2011
How else can I best begin this note than with a hearty compliment of the season to you and the rest of the family here on blogger.
All too soon, 2011 is coming to a close and in less than 48hours, we shall bid farewell to 2011 and welcome 2012. Hmm! What a year 2011 has been.
Before I go any further, I want to say to the bishop of my soul, my Lord, Savior and King, the only true redeemer, the reason I live and breathe, to my Lord and personal Savior JESUS CHRIST, I want to say a very big THANK YOU.
Had it not been for you Lord, none of us would have come this far… Lord thank you for life, health, security, providence and all you have done for us. We say we are grateful.
So much has happened this year… is it the unrest/revolution in the Arab peninsular that saw the outstare of three dictator presidents and the death of Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi or the numerous earthquakes, incessant flooding or the drought in the horn of Africa?
So much happened this year that I cannot make a list of them all. Having said that, regardless of all that happened in our world and all that is happening around us, God’s grace has kept us and we have to give Him thanks.
So many times we focus on the negatives. We take time out to count all the things that don’t go well with us… the contract we didn’t get, the failed relationship, the job disappointment, etc but we seldom take time to appreciate God for all He has done for us.
Let me even ask you? Hasn’t God been good to you? I know you had plans for the year and probably, not all of your plans came true and I know you had tough times (we all had did too), but even will all the not so good times, God kept you and I.
We all have gone through one experience or the other, had disappointments and terrible times, but though it all, someone sustained you… Who did? God Almighty.
I don’t want us to end this year with the thought that we didn’t achieve anything. Some of us had so much to celebrate while some others had not so much to celebrate but all in all, we all had something to celebrate and thank God for.
Think of the growing state of insecurity in our world today with bombs flying about like knockouts, God kept you.
All over the globe, there have been heavy flooding which took many lives and destroyed properties worth billions of dollar but look at you… you are alive and well. Who do you thing kept you? God Almighty…
Friends left you, relatives deserted you, loved ones hurt you but God never closed His door on you. Even when you erred, God still drew close to you.
I know there were times in the year when you had no job, no money and no support but you didn’t starve to death did you? Who provided that meal? God… Who gave you that job? God again... Who kept you healthy? God Almighty…
As we prepare to go into the New Year, I want us to go in with a voice of thanksgiving. Enough of complains and enough of murmuring. Let’s be thankful. There is so much to be thankful for.
I know we all have needs (jobs, life partners, admission, etc) and a lot of other things we are trusting God for. Let me assure you that if you believe God like I do, He will bring all of your heart desires to pass.
Get ready for abundance. 2012 I believe that it will be a year filled with exceeding and abundant goodness of God.
As I round up, I want to say thank you to everyone who has been part of my life this year. I know I have the most wonderful friends in the planet and I thank God for the gift of friendship.
Take care of yourself, happy new year and hey, I LOVE YOU…
Just Sharing My Thought
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Monday, August 15, 2011
Corruption- Africa’s cancer
Can you imagine a peaceful and orderly continent with healthy people? This is what Africa ought to be. God has immensely blessed us (Africans) with all the natural resources needed for a good healthy living.
We have abundant sunshine, great rivers, expansive farmland and of course a huge human resource yet most Africans continue to live below the poverty line due to bad leaders- leaders who only care about creating wealth for themselves and their families.
There are loads of problems (poverty, diseases, unemployment, illiteracy, hunger) affecting growth and development in Africa but the mother of them all is CORRUPTION.
As a matter of fact, all the problems bedeviling the continent stem from corruption. Corruption as we know takes different forms from “rigging of elections”, “looting of state treasury”, “injustice”, “nepotism” and much more.
If there were no corruption, money would be distributed equally, government officials will not steal from public coffers, jobs will be created, contracts will be awarded on merits, elections will always be free, fair and credible and there will be development all over the continent.
When it comes to world ratings, African countries are rated first in corruption but last in development- why? Because wherever there is corruption, there is hardly any development. No society can make progress when corruption is rife.
If this continent is ever going to have real developments in terms of infrastructure and in the standing of living of her people, then the cancer called CORRUPTION must be done away with or else development will continue to be a dream.
My personal experiences and observations have proved to me that nothing is eating up growth and development in the continent like corruption. This is why I can’t help but talk about it.
What would you call a situation where people have to pay bribe to see a doctor or pay bribe to get admission (into school) or pay bribe to get a job that doesn’t exist- is that not corruption? Corruption whether we like to talk about it or not sure exist.
It will do us more harm than good if we choose to keep quit over issues such as this. George Washington said “The day we start keeping quit about what matter, we start dying”. Well I sure don’t want to start dying that is why I write stuff like this.
The issue of corruption trust me is one very big issue that cannot be treated in one piece of writing or essay but I hope my thought was worthwhile.
For the sake of the younger generation and generations yet unborn, let’s stand up and speak up against CORRUPTION. CORRUPTION is a CANCER that can be CURED and must be CURED.
Refuse to be corrupt and say no to corruption…
Just Sharing My Thought
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Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Read and You shall Know
Much have been said and written about reading yet many still don’t read. We live in a world where so much knowledge abounds yet many of us (youth) still live and act in ignorance.
In a world where designer clothes, designer shoes, designer perfume, expensive phones and a lavish lifestyle is the other of the day, it is not surprising that young people pay more attention to clothes, shoes, phones and looks than they do to READING, good morals and of course character formation.
I’m not implying that designer clothes, shoes and perfumes are not good and I’m not saying looking good is bad- far from it. It’s ok if we paint our faces, get a funky haircut and the rest but aside looking good, there other cool stuff we should do like READ.
In today’s world where everything is moving at the speed of light, knowledge is very imperative. Our concentration should be on knowledge as we can only make sense of our world if and only if we are well informed about it.
READING for so long has been sidelined and this has cost us greatly. We have a generation that knows so much of the things that don’t matter and so little of things that do matter.
For many of us (youths) the place of knowledge is zero. We’d rather chat with friends, watch movies, listen to music, and listen to entertainment gist than READ. Of course it’s cool to be entertained but so also is it cool to open a book and this is of great concern to me.
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu said, “No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting.”
Too much chat (gossip), too much movies, too much music has made us less informed about our world and everything in between so time and again, we find ourselves doing silly stuff that if we were informed about wouldn’t do.
Most of our problems stems from lack of knowledge. The increasing rate of intolerance amongst the human race is a clear sign of ignorance. Knowledge of what tolerance implies is thus very pertinent.
Lyndon Baines Johnson said “A book is the most effective weapon against intolerance and ignorance.”
Some people will lie, cheat, steal and back-stab to get ahead when all they have to do to get ahead is READ. Margaret Fuller was right on the spot when she said, “Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.”
The more you read, the more you know. The more you know, the more you understand. The more you understand, the better you handle situations and issues. The better you hander issues and situations, the better a person you become.
As young people, we are encouraged to give topmost priority to READING. “Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life.” (Mortimer J. Adler)
Books also make great companion and that is why I agree with Charles W. Eliot when he said “Books are the quietest and most constant of friends: they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.”
Walt Disney tells us that “There is more treasure in books than in the entire pirate's loot on Treasure Island.” “An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest” Benjamin Franklin also said.
No matter how busy we may think we are, we must find time for reading. The importance of reading cannot and will never be over emphasized. As for me, I have resolved to read (don’t know about you) and nothing will stop me from reading.
Let me end this note by saying that what you know is not as important as what you do with what you know so don’t only get knowledge do something with it.
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom; and with all thy getting get understanding. - Proverbs 4:7”.
Just Sharing My Thought
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Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Leave Your Past in the Past
I once knew a guy who spent most of his time lamenting about the things he did but did wrong. He never stopped talking about how he had disappointed and hurt his parent (his mother especially) and how he regrets all of the things he did.
He kept going back and forth about is woes and mistakes all of which were in the past. Time and again, I tried to talk him about letting go of his past but he wouldn’t bulge out of them. He kept feeling like his past was hunting him whereas he was the one holding on to his (ugly) past.
Every human being has a history some of which we are not so very proud of but even though we regret some of our past mistakes, we don’t perpetually dwell on them- do we?
Although the mistakes we make often have a profound effect on each of us, we do have to live our lives as if we are defined by our mistakes.
A lot of people often struggle with their past not realizing that “REFUSING TO LET GO OF THE PAST IS REFUSING TO EMBRACE THE FUTURE.”
The mistakes or size of the mistakes we made in the past really don’t matter as the lessons we learn from them. So then past mistakes are no big deals as long as we take the time to learn from them.
Failures, mistakes or errors of that past are always in the past and must be left there. Don’t be like the guy who perpetually dwelled on his past woes.
In one of my blog notes titled “failure is necessary” I talked extensively on the fact that failures are not entirely a bad thing. Perhaps you should see it.
For some of us, it is when we fall that we learn the lesson of “look before you leap” and like I earlier stated, what matters is not ‘what happened to us’ (it is always in the past); what matters is how we react to ‘what happened to us’ and the lesson learnt from them.
Personal I always say I don’t have regrets because all of the things I have regrets for are in the past and my past is one place I don’t want to visit. Of course I did some things in the past that I’m not proud of but they only made me a better person.
Most people everyday blame themselves for their past they have no control over. Don’t be one of such people. Don’t spend time tormenting yourself over mistakes that has already happened.
For me, the wrong we do, we can’t undo but we can redo. So if you disobeyed your parent in the past, truth is you can’t undo it but you can begin to obey them.
Someone said “no one is rich enough to buy back his past” so do yourself some good by leaving your past in the past. No matter how terrible you feel about the things you’ve done in the past never allow it slow your progress nor stop you from making something out of life.
A lot of people began from failure to become successful individuals. If others could move on from failure, we too can do same. The fact that you have an ugly past doesn’t mean you should have an ugly future so take your mind off your past failures.
Just Sharing My Thought ™
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Dealing with life’s Challenges
Life we all say is not that fair. Every now and then, life throws a challenge at us that we have to deal with. As far as human beings are concerned, there’s none that is immune from life challenges.
At every point in life, it is always either we are going through one challenge, getting out of a challenge or about getting into a challenge.
Anything can be a challenge. A job, A relationship, Accommodation, Un-employment, Career, Ill health, A nagging Husband/Wife, Friends, Family, Finance, you name it…
When challenges set in, life may appear to be hard but that’s because challenges are never pleasant but then challenges are not always bad. Some challenges are opportunities for growth. Sometimes it is when challenges sets in that we sort ourselves out and this is so true.
We turn to become more organized when problems come knocking. We turn to learn how to save and spend money wisely when we go broke.
Challenges either make the WORST of us or bring out the BEST in us (we should settle for the latter). Challenges make us work harder. They make us try to be the best person we can afford to be, they make us make adjustments.
We are sometimes compelled to let go of some attitudes in order to be able to handle a challenge. Again, challenges help us know who are true friends are. It is said that “it is circumstance that reveals who our real friends are.
Some people are friends only in good times and not when trouble shows up or a challenge comes knocking. Respectfully letting go of such friends is like sweeping the bits of your life away. The people who stand by us in our difficult times are not necessarily our friends.
Challenges always pop up when we least expect and when they do; our minds become plague with worries as to how we are going to face “the sudden problems”. Challenges always turn to disorient and discourage us.
It is a known fact that when one is in crises, it is very easy to lose perspective but depending on an individual’s capacity and strength; a challenge could either be a comma or a full stop.
So when life’s many challenges show up should we run away? Personally I wouldn’t advice that neither will I advice that we try to go around them- (the things we go around always come around somehow).
Running away from a challenge doesn’t make it go away. Learning to face challenges squarely is getting it over and done with.
So how do we deal with challenges? Truth is I don’t know but here is how deal with mine. Firstly I believe no matter how bad things turn out, it can be sorted out with time.
Secondly, I go to God with my troubles and problems. Why do I go to God with my problems you might ask? Simple! If I can trust Him with my life, I can trust Him with my problems. The truth is before I got the challenge, God has the solution.
When life’s challenges set in, we all ask the question, where is God? God why me? Instead of us saying God why me, say LORD here is my problems. Help me fix it. I’m not much of a preacher but this much I know and that is, there is nothing that happens to us that God isn’t aware of.
When adversities, afflictions and challenges come, the best way to deal with them is by calmly talking to God. If He cannot fix it, no one else can.
A challenge might appear to be bigger than us but no challenge is bigger than God. God always comes through for us whenever we invite him into our situations.
It is not over until God says it over so no matter the challenges you go though in life, keep looking on the brighter side because God is going to come through for you.
So friends, when life seems so vague and all you see is trouble everywhere, you might be tempted to look elsewhere for help but the best place to look is to look to God. Challenges are sure going to come but then, we can overcome every challenge with God on our side and if we endure long enough, we are sure going to win.
Life has never been easy but many has made it through life despite its up’s and down’s and we to can make it through life.
God bless you and may He see you through any challenge that you are going through. Life might not be fair but God is always fair. Gracias…
Just Sharing My Thought
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At every point in life, it is always either we are going through one challenge, getting out of a challenge or about getting into a challenge.
Anything can be a challenge. A job, A relationship, Accommodation, Un-employment, Career, Ill health, A nagging Husband/Wife, Friends, Family, Finance, you name it…
When challenges set in, life may appear to be hard but that’s because challenges are never pleasant but then challenges are not always bad. Some challenges are opportunities for growth. Sometimes it is when challenges sets in that we sort ourselves out and this is so true.
We turn to become more organized when problems come knocking. We turn to learn how to save and spend money wisely when we go broke.
Challenges either make the WORST of us or bring out the BEST in us (we should settle for the latter). Challenges make us work harder. They make us try to be the best person we can afford to be, they make us make adjustments.
We are sometimes compelled to let go of some attitudes in order to be able to handle a challenge. Again, challenges help us know who are true friends are. It is said that “it is circumstance that reveals who our real friends are.
Some people are friends only in good times and not when trouble shows up or a challenge comes knocking. Respectfully letting go of such friends is like sweeping the bits of your life away. The people who stand by us in our difficult times are not necessarily our friends.
Challenges always pop up when we least expect and when they do; our minds become plague with worries as to how we are going to face “the sudden problems”. Challenges always turn to disorient and discourage us.
It is a known fact that when one is in crises, it is very easy to lose perspective but depending on an individual’s capacity and strength; a challenge could either be a comma or a full stop.
So when life’s many challenges show up should we run away? Personally I wouldn’t advice that neither will I advice that we try to go around them- (the things we go around always come around somehow).
Running away from a challenge doesn’t make it go away. Learning to face challenges squarely is getting it over and done with.
So how do we deal with challenges? Truth is I don’t know but here is how deal with mine. Firstly I believe no matter how bad things turn out, it can be sorted out with time.
Secondly, I go to God with my troubles and problems. Why do I go to God with my problems you might ask? Simple! If I can trust Him with my life, I can trust Him with my problems. The truth is before I got the challenge, God has the solution.
When life’s challenges set in, we all ask the question, where is God? God why me? Instead of us saying God why me, say LORD here is my problems. Help me fix it. I’m not much of a preacher but this much I know and that is, there is nothing that happens to us that God isn’t aware of.
When adversities, afflictions and challenges come, the best way to deal with them is by calmly talking to God. If He cannot fix it, no one else can.
A challenge might appear to be bigger than us but no challenge is bigger than God. God always comes through for us whenever we invite him into our situations.
It is not over until God says it over so no matter the challenges you go though in life, keep looking on the brighter side because God is going to come through for you.
So friends, when life seems so vague and all you see is trouble everywhere, you might be tempted to look elsewhere for help but the best place to look is to look to God. Challenges are sure going to come but then, we can overcome every challenge with God on our side and if we endure long enough, we are sure going to win.
Life has never been easy but many has made it through life despite its up’s and down’s and we to can make it through life.
God bless you and may He see you through any challenge that you are going through. Life might not be fair but God is always fair. Gracias…
Just Sharing My Thought
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Sunday, June 12, 2011
Let the BOMBINGS stop
On Friday October 1st 2010, Nigerians all over the world joined in celebration of Nigeria’s ‘Golden Jubilee’. Amid of the joyous celebration, the unexpected happened. Two bombs went off in ABUJA, Nigeria’s capital city.
Since the Independence Day disaster, bombs have gone off in different states in the country.
With the rate of incessant bombings in the country (especially the one that claimed the lives of 10 youth coppers), the issue of security has become a cause of concern for many.
Although it appears as if it is only the northern part of the country that has come under attack truth is, the perpetrators of this inhuman acts really don’t care where they do it- North, South, East or West. All they care about is that they cause MAYHEM…
The issue of security is a collective one and must not be relegated to the hands of the security agencies only. For the sake of peace, let’s all with one voice speak up against this preposterous act so that this country doesn’t become a ‘safe heaven’ for these rascals.
Knowing well the implications of an unsafe society, we must not allow our beloved Nigeria to become the next Pakistan or Afghanistan where bombs go off incessantly. Already, there are many issues that need urgent address and I don’t think we want to add bombing to the long list of ‘to do’.
Before now, most violence that erupted in the country was assumed to be religiously motivated. Recently, we hear the bombings are political motivated so I wonder if politics is a thing of war.
As far as I’m concerned, RELIGION is a thing of PEACE and POLITICS is not a DO or DIE affair so anybody that perpetrates any act of violence in disguise of RELIGION or POLITICS should have his/her head examined.
No sane (right thinking) human being would take the life of another for the sake of RELIGION or POLITICS… Nigeria is in a threshold of new beginning and so much is been expected from both Nigerians and the international community.
Maybe you are wondering why I wrote this; well, I care too much about this country to see it turn into an inferno. The violence in the NORTH is not peculiar to them only.
The mare facts that this attacks are not happening where some of us are doesn’t mean it can’t happen there. We must therefore not wait until it happens where we are before we condemn this act.
This country has to go forward by any means necessary so let me announce to all those that don’t want progress, IF YOU DON’T WANT TO GO FORWARD, PLEASE DON’T HINDER US.
I will continue to preach the gospel of togetherness, oneness and unity and I entreat everyone to do the same. Nigeria will not get better until we see each other as one people and to do this, LOVE should be given topmost priority.
Love is the answer to most of our problems. With LOVE in our hearts, BOMBINGS will instantly stop. Let’s live in love.
Just Sharing My Thought
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Wednesday, June 8, 2011
HATE- The worst disease in the world
India Arie! An American songstress sang "the worst disease in the world is HATE" and I couldn’t agree with her less. Indeed the worst disease in the world is HATE.
Diseases like CANCER, HIV/Aids, and GONORRHEA are of course dangerous and terrible diseases but they are not as disastrous as HATE… HATE is the only disease science cannot deal with let alone discover a cure for.
So what’s the cure for HATE you may ask? The cure for HATE is LOVE. LOVE is more powerful than HIV, CANCER, GONORRHEA all put together.
Some people say there’s a thin line between LOVE and HATE but I’m not up for that. I believe there’s absolutely no line between LOVE and HATE. Hate is hate and Love is Love; no connection, no relationship.
It takes a dead heart to HATE but a living heart to LOVE so what kind of heart have you? You decide…
LOVE is an inherent attribute GOD placed in every human being but sometimes we choose not allow LOVE guide us when we do some things.
Irrespective of our religious beliefs, we all claim to love God. In 1st John4:8 the bible tells us " He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love." So if we say we love GOD yet don’t love ourselves, then who do we deceive?
The effect of a world filled with HATE is very clear for everyone to see. All the hate and wars has brought nothing but excoriating pain and untold sufferings to our world.
if we love each other the way we’re supposed to, most of our problems would instantly go away.
Love is the energy of life- without it, life is tasteless. Love is the sunshine that sets everything straight. Like Bob Gass nicely puts it, "Love should be the reason we wake up in the morning."
I know it’s hard to get past some of our personal beliefs about love but at the same time we must realize that HATE is not something that is going to go away like a cold. It’s a disease and it has to be cured.
I’m sounding this alarm while there is still time to do so and I entreat everyone that feels the way I feel to join in this campaign. Nothing else matter in life like LOVE. Love help bring out the best in people. Love pushes people to reach the height of their potential.
Love requires that we be a person of pleasant character; love requires that we be the best person we can afford to be at all times and imagine a world where everybody tries to be the best person they can afford to be… wouldn’t it be a world filled with nothing but LOVE?
Someone wrote "Love isn’t love till you give it away" so let’s give love, share love, preach love and live in love…
No matter what it will cost us, we must strive to live in love. The future of humanity is in our hands and I believe that we prioritize love; it would deliver the better world we all seek.
Leo Tolstoy said "One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love."
Nothing else matter like love. Let’s LOVE.
Just Sharing My Thought
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Friday, June 3, 2011
My brithday remark
I woke up this morning with a smile on my face… although not unusual, this time, it was special.
Over two decade ago today, a child was born. That child has since grown to become a young promising man. That child was yours truly (Emma Nuel). Exactly today many years I cried my way into this beautiful world.
It’s been many years of God’s grace, favor and benevolence and to that end, I want to say a heart-felt thank you my Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST. Thank you Lord for adding yet another year to my many years.
Growing up is always beautiful but what is much more beautiful is having wonderful people around celebrate with you as you grow wiser (not older).
To everybody that called, texted, twit at me, posted on my wall to wish me a HBD, I say thank you and may the blessings of God never cease in your lives. Indeed I can say of a fact that I have the most caring, loving and adorable friends in the world.
Ebi Smart; thanks for your prayers this morning. It is such a wonderful feeling to know that somebody cares about you. Thank you for having my back all day, every day. Love you endlessly.
To my bosom friends, Emmanuel Peter and Shade Tinubu, thanks guys… you were the first to call me. Feko baba, you were the first to text me - I appreciate.
To my wonderful family {Kathy Boat, Mercy Quansah, Wahab Wahab Ajibola, Lola WAPA, Comfort Maxwell,}, I say a very big thank you for mentoring, guarding and helping me grow over the years. Your presence in my life is worth more than anything in the world…
To the most beautiful mother in the world, Mama; how can I forget you? Thank you for been there through thick and thin. God bless you ma’.
Thank you to everyone that celebrated with me today. Just as you celebrated me today, so shall the good Lord celebrate you and elevate you to greater height in Jesus name-Amen.
Just Sharing a Heart-felt Gratitude
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011
A better world is possible and it begins with you
The world we have today is not perfect or even close to the word perfect. It can be easily said that overtime; our world has gone from bad to worse. War, hunger, murder, terrorist activities, theft, rape, corruption, etc., are rampant everywhere.
For most people, there’s no way this world can ever get better. But I don’t share in that view. Although terrible things are happening everywhere, I hold a view that a better world is possible so let’s not get all pessimistic and hopeless.
Of course the climate has changed; prices of food have become ridiculously expensive, transportation cost has become incredibly high, loads of people live hand-to-mouth and each day we put on our T.V set, we see innocent people (mostly women and children) killed for no just course but I still maintain that hope has to be maintained- a better world is possible.
There are still good stuff about our world and there are a lot of good people pushing and working hard for our world to become better for us all. Those involved in deeds such as charity, voluntary work, raising money for sick children and other humanitarian works are example of those committed to the course of a better world.
Think about this: If our world has gotten worst overtime, can’t the reverse also happen overtime?
It’s one thing to say we want a better world and quite another to actually follow through the rigorous processes required for a better world, but as long as we are making an honest effort and doing our best nothing stops us from getting the world we all yearn for.
Wanting a better world or wanting to change the world is cool but truth is, it begins with each one of us (youths). The world will not get better over night. We must first be committed to changing ourselves only then can change really happen in our world.
If we want everybody else to change first then I’m afraid only conflict will occur. It is only self-transformation that will lead to true well-being of any individual, any society and the world at large.
Changing ourselves to live right and be a good person no doubt is not as easy as it sounds but if we all put our minds in it and stay committed to this cause, we will sure be better people and ultimately have a better world.
My rule for a better world is that "we do not treat people in a way that we will not like being treated.
So what does that mean? It's simple;
If we don't want to be deceived, we must not deceive anybody.
If we don't want anybody to steal from us, we must not steal from people.
If we won’t accept that our spouse should have an affair, we shouldn't have an affair ourselves.
If we don't want people to hurt our feelings, we shouldn't also hurt anybody’s feelings.
If we don't want to be told lies, we should try as much as possible to be honest with people.
If we won’t appreciate being looked down on by anyone, we shouldn't also look down on anyone.
If we won’t appreciate being treated unfairly, we should endeavor to always treat people fairly.
If we won’t appreciate being disrespected, we should always try to respect everybody.
If we don’t want our streets to flood, we must not throw trash into the gutters.
If we don’t want bad leaders, we must ensure that we participate fully in elections processes and vote for only competent individuals.
If we want the government to be alive to their responsibility of providing social amenities, we must be alive to our responsibility of paying our Taxes…
The bottom line of the whole matter is that we only get back what we give out. It is only a mischievous person that thinks s/he can reap what he has not sown. Having said that, if we want a better world, we must sow seeds for a better world
I believe the ‘golden rule’ [do unto others what you’d wish them to do also to you] can help us in this regard. We must learn to sometimes to put ourselves in people's shoes and then treat them the way we will like to be treated.
Let’s not forget that this is our world and each one of us has the power to make this world a much better place… Let’s stand up for this worthy cause… A better world is possible. Let’s make it happen- it begins with you.
Be the best person you can afford to be at all times and pass the same values to your family and those around and each time you pray, do say a prayer for our world.
Just Sharing My Thought
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Sunday, May 29, 2011
Face book
In my last note, I talk about social networking and how is has redefined the dictionary meaning of friendship… Although loads of social networking sites exist, face book appears to be the number one social networking site for many.
Couple of years back, “yahoo messenger” and “yahoo chat room” was the coolest thing. I remember then in secondary school, me and my boys will go to the cyber café after school and chat with as many people as our pocket would allow us.
Yahoo chat room was so cool that I never for once thought it could ever be outdone but here we are... today it’s all about " Face book”.
Face book has given millions of people around the world a common platform to come together and socialize. And with it cool and unique features, even a 5year old can operate face book account.
Without searching for old friends, they pop up in a corner of your page and you guys instantaneously reconnect- now this is one feature only face book has.
There have been a lot of friendships, hook ups, relationships amongst other stuff courtesy of face book.
These days, one does not necessarily need to print invitation cards to invite friends for an event. By simply creating an event on face book, you can invite as many friends as you like from anywhere in the world.
Although face book offers us a huge platform, many of us do very little with it.
Many are those that are unemployed and urgently need employment. If know of a job vacancy, put it up here let us know. Many are those in need of business ideas, plans and partners. If you have a business idea, share with us.
Many are those in need of somebody to cheer them. If you can inspire people, write inspirational notes for us to read. You if think you can help with any of these and more, please do.
Feel free to flaunt your talents here. Whatever you do that is worthwhile, let us know of it so that we can learn from it. Face book aside socializing can and should serve us in this regard.
With the aid of face book and other social networking sites, many people have organized protest and perpetrated inhuman crimes around the world. But I don’t suggest we do that. I’d rather we will use face book as a medium to build ourselves as young people.
About three years back, I use to someone who could not go a day without checking his face book account but today there are people who cannot go 30 minutes without checking their account; as a matter of facts some people practically live online.
Check out these amazing facts about face book.
Every 30 seconds, 50,000 people update their facebook status, more than 250,000 comments are made, the same numbers of photos are uploaded and messages sent amount to almost 70,000.
According to
- 750 million photos were uploaded to Facebook just over the 2010-2011 New Year weekend!
- 48 percent or nearly half of 18 to 34-year-olds check Facebook when they wake up.
- 28 percent check their Facebook from bed with smart phones.
- The 18 to 24-year-old group that uses Facebook grew by 74 percent last year.
- More than 70 percent of the Facebook users are outside of the U.S.
- More than 71 percent of the U.S. Web users are on Facebook.
- More than 30 percent of the userbase is over 35 years of age.
- There are more than 500 million users on Facebook.
- That means one in every 13 people on the entire earth are on Facebook, and that means one in every 4 internet users are on Facebook.
Indeed, we cannot possibly thank God enough for Mark Zuckerberg- the creator facebook. And by the way, have you seen “The Social Network”, It’s a movie on how facebook was formed … I think you should see it.
In the interim, have fun and feel free to let me know what your experience with “Face Book” has been like.
Just Sharing My Thought
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Social Networking
Social networking has come a long way from just being a platform for people to meet and interact, to one of the major tools of business. The main objective of social networking (sites) still remains the same - meeting and interacting with friends, old pals and like-minded people anywhere in the world.
Yes! Anywhere in the world and this is why I think social networking in general is so special and cool. Social networking sites help us to reach out to the world.
Socializing, doing catching up with friends and keeping in touch with our extended families is much funnier than ever before.
Take Face book for instance, friends of friends can meet and start new friendships; and we can make a new friend from the comfort of our homes without any effort. We can also share ideas, pictures, films, music and so on with anyone we want to share it with.
Gone are the days when distance between different countries and continents was a barrier. With social networking sites, distance is no longer a barrier. We can communicate fast and easy with the people dear to our hearts irrespective of where they may be.
We are living an era of the globalization where our world has become a global village. As social beings who love to share our experiences with others, social networking sites sure present us with a common platform to share our thoughts and ideas with the world.
Having said all the fun and cool stuff about social networking, I must also add that SN is not all fun fun. Although chatting with friends and family might seem to be a harmless activity, it could also pose serious threat. As the information we are share can be seen by almost everybody anywhere in the world.
One major concern for many people is that one cannot always be sure about the true intentions of a new friend.
I did read somewhere that murders has been reported as a result of the information the murderers gathered from social networking sites. It went further to say that the murderer had everything at hand as regarding the location of the victims, their lifestyle and daily schedule.
Time and again, I have heard friends say my account is being hijacked or somebody has changed my password or somebody is using my account with me.
We can curtail some of these things if we manage the personal info we put out there. Keep in mind that there are bad people online who only care about hurting as many people as they can help, so we must ensure we keep personal information safe. What we let out can eventually be used against us.
To conclude, I’d say that, I enjoy social networking. It has given me a huge platform to share my thoughts by way of writing and helped me meet great people from all over the world.
Indeed social networking is great and has countless opportunities for us all to explore- let’s explore but with caution… Like Jesus Christ would say “be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.”
Just Sharing My Thought
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Thursday, May 19, 2011
Reading Quotes
Before reading this quotes, I’m guessing you’ve already read my post titled ‘reading matters’. And I equally hope you’ve resolved to begin or re-begin to read.
There is so much information around us. We have to as much as we can assimilate as much knowledge we can afford too.
Knowledge they say is power and it is so true. Many of the great world leaders (past and present) were great readers. ‘Thomas Jefferson’, ‘Bill Clinton’,
‘Benjamin Franklin’ are but a few great leaders that give heed to reading. Enjoy these amazing reading quotes.
“Never be entirely idle; but either be reading, or writing, or praying, or meditating, or endeavoring something for the public good.” Thomas a Kempis (1380 - 1471)
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” Sir Richard Steele
“If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are rotten, either write things worth reading or do things worth the writing.” Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790
“Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours.” John Locke (1632 - 1704
“No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting.” Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689 - 1762)
“If the riches of the Indies, or the crowns of all the kingdom of Europe, were laid at my feet in exchange for my love of reading, I would spurn them all.” Francois Fenelon
“Happy is he who has laid up in his youth, and held fast in all fortune, a genuine and passionate love of reading.” Rufus Choate
I cannot live without books. Thomas Jefferson
The book to read is not the one which thinks for you, but the one which makes you think. James McCosh
A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. Chinese Proverb
Anyone who has a library and a garden wants for nothing. Cicero
Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life. Mortimer J. Adler
Be as careful of the books you read, as of the company you keep, for your habits and character will be as much influenced by the former as the latter. - Paxton Hood
Don't join the book burners... Don't be afraid to go in your library and read every book. Dwight D. Eisenhower
A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. Martin Tupper
Books are the quietest and most constant of friends: they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. - Charles W. Eliot
A library is a hospital for the mind. Anonymous
If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads. Ralph Waldo Emerson
In a very real sense, people who have read good literature have lived more than people who cannot or will not read. S. I. Hayakawa
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go. Dr. Seuss
The best effect of any book is that it excites the reader to self activity. Thomas Carlyle
When I step into this library, I cannot understand why I ever step out of it. Marie de Sevigne
Prefer knowledge to wealth, for the one is transitory, the other perpetual. Socrates
When I got [my] library card, that was when my life began. Rita Mae Brown
We are drowning in information but starved for knowledge. John Naisbitt
The books that help you the most are those which make you think the most. Theodore Parker
None is poor save him that lacks knowledge. The Talmud
An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. Benjamin Franklin
Learning is weightless, a treasure you can always carry easily. Chinese Proverb
Literacy is not a luxury, it is a right and a responsibility. If our world is to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century we must harness the energy and creativity of all our citizens. - President Clinton
You're the same today as you'll be in five years except for the people you meet and the books you read. Charlie "Tremendous" Jones
No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance. Confucious
Some people will lie, cheat, steal and back-stab to get ahead... and to think, all they have to do is READ. Fortune
Today a reader, tomorrow a leader. Margaret Fuller
A book is the most effective weapon against intolerance and ignorance. Lyndon Baines Johnson
When you sell a man a book you don't sell him just 12 ounces of paper and ink and glue - you sell him a whole new life. Christopher Morley
The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who'll get me a book I ain't read. Abraham Lincoln
There is no substitute for books in the life of a child. May Ellen Chase
Reading takes us away from home, but more important, it finds homes for us everywhere. Hazel Rochman
Reading gives us information. Information gives us ideas and ideas rules the world so if you want to rule the world, all you need do is read.- Emmanuel(Yours truly)
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Reading matters
'Read and you shall know', was one quote, I often heard my (late) dad say and that inspired me to read. The more I read, the more I realized I needed to read more.
In today’s world of competitiveness, it's always advantageous to amass vast knowledge, and there is no better way to do so, other than reading. My (late) dad again did say “no amount of knowledge no matter how small is ever wasted.”
Have you asked yourself the question, "Why is reading important?” I guess a very simple and short answer to this question is that reading enriches one in all aspect of life.
According to Prof. A.C. Grayling, “To read is to fly: It is to soar to a point of vantage which gives a view over wide terrains of history, human variety, ideas, shared experience and the fruits of many inquiries." This is so true isn’t it?
Reading provides our mind with nourishment. Knowledge is the food for the mind. Reading encourages us to think. It increases our hunger for knowledge. Knowledge clarifies the difference between the ‘right’ and the ‘wrong’ and helps us inculcate the right virtues.
It is very sad to say that many of us (young people) don’t read. And those that did read have stopped reading… the reason for this is that the reading culture overtime has deteriorated and of course not all of us were introduced to the concept of reading early in lives.
Reading thus has become a struggle for some of us. Our societies also have refused to give top priority to reading. Our education system has become ignorance of the important of reading- the no library or library no books conditions in our (public) schools speaks volume.
One can easily understand that we’ve all become very busy with our day to day work. And in these busy times, where we don't have time to eat breakfast, it isn't surprising that most of us have forgotten the importance of reading.
Having no time ourselves means not having time for books but then, the importance of reading cannot be over emphasized. Reading yields great benefits thus there is absolutely no excuse whatsoever why we (young people) shouldn’t read.
Some of us tend to restrict reading to be only reading of (school) textbooks but there is more. We can and should read everything from encyclopedias, novels, newspapers, magazines etc. It really doesn’t matter what we read. What matters is that we read.
As to whether you like fiction or non-fiction is also not important, what is important is whether you like reading or not!
In the ancient time, reading was limited to books. But today, it goes beyond books to reading on the web. Reading from the Internet is an easy option for those of us that don’t like walking around with books. There are some very good sites that provide us with authentic information.
Books and the web are the richest sources of information. They cover a wide range of topics and provide us with an enormous amount of information. They tell us so much about ourselves, others and the world we live in.
It is quite easy to distinguish between someone who reads and someone who doesn’t. Anyone who takes to reading will definitely become a better person. Reading helps us develop mentally. Reading helps us shape our lives- it shows us the right path. As youths, books should be our closest companions.
Reading is one of the best way of relaxing. Books make very good friends. Reading leads us only to read more in the never-ending pursuit of knowledge.
My pastor once said “when you read, you know and when you know you understand. So true! Understanding is very keen if we want to be successful individuals.
Reading also improves a person's vocabulary and communication skills. More importantly, a good reading skill is directly related to good writing skills (so don’t wonder how come I write this well).
I know this is such a ‘big call’ to many of us but it’s a call we must endeavor to answer. Let me reiterate that the importance of reading cannot be over emphasized. It is the beginning of a journey in search of enlightenment.
Let’s become curious about reading. Curiosity will cause us to thirst for knowledge. It will cause us to open up a book and read even when we don’t feel like doing so.
Together, let’s revive the dying reading culture by resolving to read because READING MATTERS. …
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Apology (Sequel to ‘reaching forgiveness’)
The thought of admitting a fault and apologizing is more difficult than actually doing it. For some of us, apologies don’t come easy. It is thus prudent that we learn how to be apologetic so that we make things right whenever things turn sour.
In our daily business dealings, social and personal lives, there are always times when we either intentionally or unintentionally hurt people- even the people we love.
The first step involved in reaching forgiveness is acknowledging that something was done wrong but oftentimes, we fail to acknowledge the things we do wrong let alone render an apology for it. Most people only want to take credits for the things they do right.
Each time we say and [or] do something we know we shouldn’t have said and [or] done, it behooves us to admit our faults and apologize for them to avoid any form of conflict.
If we don’t want to lose the relationships we have with people, we will have to say sorry for whatever it is we do that is hurting to someone.
Many of us fail to realize that an honest ‘I am sorry’ can soften the hurt, anger and pain some of our actions and inactions cause others.
When things don’t go according to plan, an apology provides an opportunity to show to people that you care about their feelings. A sincere apology can restore friendship and [or] mend a broken relationship.
People often misunderstand the purpose of an apology. They think it is just saying ‘I am sorry’ and that’s that but there is more.
Making amends requires much more than saying ‘I am sorry’. The apology is only but the first step. Many of us after apologizing go back and do the same hurtful things over and again (because our apologies are not genuine).
A genuine apology should lead to a genuine change of heart. In that regard, we must display sincerity and honesty when we extend our apologies.
Apology means learning to change and learning to become a better person. It is making conscious to prevent a repeat occurrence of something awful.
Don’t be afraid to acknowledge your faults no matter how big they may be.
Don’t be afraid to say “I’m sorry.” You may at first hesitate in rendering an apology but always remember that you have to render it because it is the right thing to do.
Being apologetic doesn’t mean you are weak neither does it take anything from you rather it makes you a better person. I believe if we all learn to be more apologetic, we will have fewer conflicts in our world. Don’t you think so?
Just Sharing My Thought
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Monday, April 25, 2011
Kudos Nigeria
With the successful completion of Nigeria’s general elections, Nigeria deserves much more than a warm applaud. Indeed Nigeria has entered the history books for the first time having delivered a free, fair and credible election…
The manner in which Nigerians comported themselves throughout the electioneering period is indeed very commendable. The international communities and observes could not overlook the level of maturity displayed by Nigerians at the various polling units.
And when I heard all the nice things being said about Nigeria and Nigerians with regards to this year’s pools on BBC and other international NETWORKS, I smile and say “yes! This time we got it right”.
It is by no means an easy thing to have democratically elect leaders given the bombings and pre-elections violence that rocked the political landscape before the elections proper. For a second I felt like the success of the elections were nothing short of a ‘fluke’ but truth is it wasn’t. It is a reflection of the hard work Nigerians ready to make things right.
Jega and his team did tremendously well. Although not everybody gave him a chance, he still delivered. Of course the elections were not 100% perfect, it was good and successful making it the best elections ever in Nigeria’s history.
At this juncture, I will like to say to all elected leaders that it is our prayers that they serve selflessly and discharge their duties credibly and transparently as we all look forward to the best years of our great country Nigeria.
Lastly let me say a big congratulation to all Nigerians who came out to perform their civic duty in such an enviable manner. The Yoruba’s will say “eku ise” which means well done. Together we have made this happen and together we can build the Nigeria of our dreams.
Naija oni baje o!
Long live Nigeria, long live Nigerians…
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Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Reaching forgiveness
Have you ever tried to forgive someone only to discover that you are still angry toward that one? Well you are not alone in that situation…
There is a natural instinct in every human being to feel upset, angry and offended when someone wrongs and or hurt them however, some people are more easily offended than others. It is thus important that we learn to forgive so as to free ourselves from unnecessary pain.
Have you observed that whenever you feel hurt, wounded, abused, abandoned or violated, it is usually caused by the ones very dear to you? Yeah! And this often makes reaching forgiveness very difficult.
Oftentimes we feel we have valid reasons as to why we shouldn’t forgive certain people because of the weight of what they’ve done but the truth is, no amount of grieve, pain, hurt or anguish will undo what’s already done.
What is done is done and of course there is no future in the past so we all must learn to look beyond whatever was done. Only then can we forgive freely.
What forgiveness really does is to heal us of all the hurt and the pain of the past so that we can be at peace with ourselves. Like Tyler Perry said, “forgiveness is not for the other person(s), it is for you.”
When we hold on to hurt, we hurt ourselves even more. Letting it go is letting our self loose. Many of us hold on to bitterness and anger for far too long; sometimes for years.
I’m not saying you don’t have a right to be angry over something that was done wrong. Anger they say is a common response to insult.
All I’m saying is that you learn how to let go of your anger, because every moment you spend angry is a moment of happiness you can't get back.
As human beings, it is not strange that we often want vengeance and some of us think that holding off from reaching forgiveness is the best way to get even but that is where we get it wrong. Two wrong can never make a right.
It is not about getting even. It is about doing what is right. The desire to get even with people who offend us is what hinders us from reaching forgiveness.
We must realize that forgiveness in itself is a two way thing. You have to forgive in order for you to be forgiven.
I know some hurts are heart wrenching but it really doesn’t matter the weight of the hurt we feel.
There is no hurt that is too great to be forgiven.
As you go through life you’d realize that even the one person that wasn't supposed hurt you or ever let you down, probably will and you too will hurt people.
Not to forget, we’ve all hurt and wronged God in many different yet even before we ask Him for forgiveness; He would have already forgiven us. This is exactly what is expected of us too.
Let’s all strive to reach forgiveness. Just like the Bible rightly puts it, “to err is human but to forgive is divine.”
Forgiveness is that feeling of compassion that springs forth from within you. Let it out and forgive freely just as your heavenly father forgives you.
Just Sharing My Thought
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Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The blame game
When something goes wrong, some of us feel it's time to determine who is at fault and who is not.
As human beings, we have the tendency of blaming others for even the things we do wrong so it is not surprising that oftentimes when things turn out differently from what we originally intend, instead of taking responsibility for what has happened, we look for people to put the blame on.
Interestingly, when someone is blamed, that person tries to pass off the blame to another person and that person either tries to put the blame back on the first person or pass it to someone else so the ‘blame game’ goes on and on.
In many homes, when a child behaves badly, the father will blame his wife for not doing her job well and the wife on the other hand will blame the husband for not staying at home often to see to his fatherly responsibility and so the blame game goes back and forth.
It behooves couples to deal with challenges that confront them together but the habit of blaming others for the things that have gone wrong has caused and disharmony in many homes today.
Many people blame their parents for the things that have gone awry in their lives. They say that their lives would have turned out better if they had gone to school but the truth is, it is not everybody that went to school that had their parent send them to school.
Some too say their lives would have turned out better if their parent were richer but reality check reveals that it is not only those born with a silver spoon in their mouth that make something out of life.
I sometimes wonder if it is an inherent aptitude in humans not to accept responsibility for their own life and deny responsibility for their own mistake or wrong doing.
If something isn’t working well in your life, must it always be somebody else’s fault?
This person did this; that why I am this way or that way doesn’t hold water. I read somewhere that “you are not a failure until you blame someone else for your failure”.
Don’t say you’re not involved with this because everybody somehow plays ‘the blame game’. We blame friends, parents, government, and society for a lot of things.
On a wider spectrum, we are quick to blame politicians for their failed polices and promises however when it’s election time, many of us don’t vote and even those that do vote, do not vote for credible and competent leaders.
Many of us say Africa is what it is today because of our colonial masters but after 30years, 40years or 50years since they left, is our underdevelopment still their fault?
Undoubtedly, it is so easy to blame others for our downfalls. But even when we blame others does it really make us feel better about ourselves?
It’s not as if people and our societies don’t have a hand in the things that go wrong in our lives but must somebody always be responsible for everything that goes wrong in our lives?
If somebody is always responsible for everything, what are responsible for?
In the end it doesn’t really matter who you blame or who is to blame because nobody in the world that has won laurels for playing ‘the blame game’. And don’t forget that when you point a finger at someone, your remaining fingers points at no other but yourself so if you really want somebody to blame, look in the mirror.
One of the many lessons life has taught me is that I’m always solely responsible for my actions. As to whether I was influenced by somebody or society doesn’t matter.
We can't always blame your friends, parents and others for everything because everybody has got a life and what they do with it is totally up to them.
Instead of spending ample time blaming others, take time to check yourself. And while doing so, ask yourself what can I do differently to change things for the better in my life.
Where you find variances in the kind for life you lead, endeavor to make the necessary adjustments and that way, you won’t have to blame others for everything that goes wrong in your life.
We must all learn to hold ourselves responsible for our actions and for whatever happens in our lives because we will all give account of our lives and when the time comes for us to stand before the LORD and answer for our life; we will be standing ALONE.
Stop playing the blame game. The life you have is all you have and will ever have so take charge of it and make it count…
Just Sharing My Thought
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Monday, April 4, 2011
Celebrating Mothers
Mother’s Day offers us a wonderful opportunity to celebrate and pay tribute to our mothers but truth is, one day out of 365 days in the year isn’t just enough.
In commemoration with mother’s day celebration, I dedicate this note to every mother in the world especially - single mothers.
What is sweeter than a good mother? I have been blessed with a special, precious gift called a “mother” and I hope you’ve been blessed too…
A mother’s love is pure, tender, forgiving, irreplaceable, indescribable and immeasurable.
A mother’s love is the most inexplicable love of all. Starting from giving birth to us as a child, mothers plays various roles in our life.
They inculcates in us values and virtues that will help shape our lives, they teach us the difference between right and wrong, help us realize their potentials, and open our eyes to the world around us.
Aside the many roles mothers play; they simultaneously perform the role of a wife, a sister, a daughter, and many others.
When we do wrong, our mothers arms is the safest place in the world to run to because when it comes to mothers, second chances do not exist. They give us a billion chances. You will never find a deeper human love then that of a mother.
All the things a mother does, she does without expecting something material in return, except maybe for a loving embrace. She loves in spite of everything, hoping for the best for her children.
With all what a mother does, it is sad to say that oftentimes we get so much used to our mothers that we take them for granted.
Of course nobody can ever repay his/her mother for everything she’s done, we can appreciate and celebrate them. A mother’s love is much deeper than anything that can be repaid in cash or kind.
Think about this:
Can we repay our mothers for carrying us nine months in the womb? Do any of us have any idea how painful child birth is?
Can we repay our mothers for all the times they had to wake up late in the night to breast feed us?
Can we repay our mothers for the unnecessary weight they gained and all the stretch marks that appeared on their bodies as a result of child birth?
Can we repay our mothers for waking at 4:00am (when daddy will probably be snoring) to prepare our meals and also prepare us for school?
Can we ever repay our mothers for all the luscious meals they always fed us?
It is not an option that we appreciate, treasure and show respect to our mothers, it is a must and one sure way of doing so is to be loyal to the moral principles, values and discipline they taught us since when we were children.
In the Bible, God Himself commands us to "Honor our father and your mother, so that we may live long.
In view of what the bible commands, I dedicate this part of this note to the most beautiful mother in the world (My mother).
Of all the beautiful and wonderful women in the world, if I’m to pick one to perpetually be with, I’d pick her. Who’s her? She is none other than my mother. Mama is the best thing that has and will ever happen to me.
Though I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth, you’ve never let me go to bed hungry. You’ve always protected and kept me away from any form of danger.
You’ve always made sure that I have roof over my head and food in my stomach.
Each time I behaved naughty, you never failed to reprimand me and teach me the difference between right and wrong.
When daddy died, you adapted to the new realities of life and with your gentle shoulders, you carried the weight of the family and still ensured that you give us comfort.
Mama, you’ve done so much for me and I don’t think I can ever repay you for everything. You are the strongest single mother I know and I pray that God continues to give you strength.
Words alone cannot explain just how much I truly love you. I am eternally grateful to God for your life.
I respect and honor you, I treasure your presence in my life, I value your wisdom, I admire your courage but most of all, I cherish the endless sacrifices you have made for me and my siblings. God bless you, and I love you endlessly.
Even though Mother’s Day is a great day to honor Mothers, one day out of the year is not just enough to show appreciation to our mothers. Every day is a good day to appreciate and show our mothers just how much they mean to us so let every day be YOUR mother's day.
Endeavor to appreciate and celebrate the unique human being whom we call "mother".
Just Sharing My Thought
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Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Choose or Lose Nigeria
Elections! Elections!! Elections!!! That is all we hear and breathe as the election days draws nearer. The race for who will sit in the throne at “Aso Rock” and governors offices around the country has intensified over the past weeks and months.
On television, radio and the print media, all we see, hear and read is politics and election stories.
From the streets to our living rooms, the topic being discussed is “Who is fit to lead and deliver the Nigeria that we seek”.
For months and weeks now, the politicians have been all over the place campaigning and making promises upon promises.
When it comes to promises, we have more than enough politicians who can give them but when it comes to delivering on promises, there is only but a few politicians whose words hold water.
A noticeable event going on at campaign rallies is the politics of blame and insults. This party is accusing that party of what they did but did wrong and what they didn’t do but should have done and so on.
Nevertheless, these events are not new to us. They are political gimmicks to canvas for votes. Ideally, what the politicians should be telling us is what they will do and how they will go about what they want to do should they get the nod to lead instead of throwing tantrums at fellow politicians.
The problems of poverty, bad roads, epileptic power insecurity etc are not problems that are peculiar to a certain political party, ethnicity and don’t care about personality.
We have heard all they have to say; it’s now our turn to decide who goes where. It is about time we change everyone and everything that is not working.
Many people in the past vote sold their votes for little favors and some too just vote for a political party they sympathize ignoring whether or not it has a candidate that can deliver.
Ideally, where our vote should sway should not be based on the name or size of a political party. If a party has got a candidate that you think can deliver irrespective of its name or size, vote for that one. Don’t follow the crowd.
Good roads, a proper education system, proper health care, safe drinkable water, improved electricity, employment, security etc are not privileges; they are basic necessities of life that every Nigerian deserves and it is only the right candidate can deliver all of these and more.
Vote for someone that has the plight of Nigerians at heart and is ready to serve selflessly.
Vote for someone that will involve the people to move the country forward and not someone that will exploit the people and make their pocket fatter.
Please vote for a true Nigerian that will deliver the Nigeria we all crave for.
On our own, we can never know the true intention of any politician. It is only Almighty God that knows the true intentions of any human being so trust Him to lead you to vote for the right man/woman.
Lately, there has been a rise in politically motivated violence. The irony is that, politicians never send their children to fight or kill for them so why should we hurt or kill others so that a so called politician can get into power?
Be wise. Shun pre or post elections violence. Politics is not a do or die affair. NO POLITICIAN IS WORTH THE BLOOD OF ANY NIGERIAN.
Furthermore, do not cease to pray for Nigeria. If there is anything this country needs now than ever before, it is certainly prayers.
History beckons on us so be part of history by going out to vote. Your vote is your power; your voice is your voice. Make it count.
Finally, always remember to be the best Nigerian you can afford to be.
Naija oni baje o…
Just Sharing My Thought
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2nd April is local government elections. 9th April is Presidential election, and 16th April is Governorship and State Assembly elections.
On television, radio and the print media, all we see, hear and read is politics and election stories.
From the streets to our living rooms, the topic being discussed is “Who is fit to lead and deliver the Nigeria that we seek”.
For months and weeks now, the politicians have been all over the place campaigning and making promises upon promises.
When it comes to promises, we have more than enough politicians who can give them but when it comes to delivering on promises, there is only but a few politicians whose words hold water.
A noticeable event going on at campaign rallies is the politics of blame and insults. This party is accusing that party of what they did but did wrong and what they didn’t do but should have done and so on.
Nevertheless, these events are not new to us. They are political gimmicks to canvas for votes. Ideally, what the politicians should be telling us is what they will do and how they will go about what they want to do should they get the nod to lead instead of throwing tantrums at fellow politicians.
The problems of poverty, bad roads, epileptic power insecurity etc are not problems that are peculiar to a certain political party, ethnicity and don’t care about personality.
We have heard all they have to say; it’s now our turn to decide who goes where. It is about time we change everyone and everything that is not working.
Many people in the past vote sold their votes for little favors and some too just vote for a political party they sympathize ignoring whether or not it has a candidate that can deliver.
Ideally, where our vote should sway should not be based on the name or size of a political party. If a party has got a candidate that you think can deliver irrespective of its name or size, vote for that one. Don’t follow the crowd.
Good roads, a proper education system, proper health care, safe drinkable water, improved electricity, employment, security etc are not privileges; they are basic necessities of life that every Nigerian deserves and it is only the right candidate can deliver all of these and more.
Vote for someone that has the plight of Nigerians at heart and is ready to serve selflessly.
Vote for someone that will involve the people to move the country forward and not someone that will exploit the people and make their pocket fatter.
Please vote for a true Nigerian that will deliver the Nigeria we all crave for.
On our own, we can never know the true intention of any politician. It is only Almighty God that knows the true intentions of any human being so trust Him to lead you to vote for the right man/woman.
Lately, there has been a rise in politically motivated violence. The irony is that, politicians never send their children to fight or kill for them so why should we hurt or kill others so that a so called politician can get into power?
Be wise. Shun pre or post elections violence. Politics is not a do or die affair. NO POLITICIAN IS WORTH THE BLOOD OF ANY NIGERIAN.
Furthermore, do not cease to pray for Nigeria. If there is anything this country needs now than ever before, it is certainly prayers.
History beckons on us so be part of history by going out to vote. Your vote is your power; your voice is your voice. Make it count.
Finally, always remember to be the best Nigerian you can afford to be.
Naija oni baje o…
Just Sharing My Thought
Listen. Laugh. Smile. Relate. Share.
2nd April is local government elections. 9th April is Presidential election, and 16th April is Governorship and State Assembly elections.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Speak up
Many people today are often too scared to speak up when they should. In a bid to avoid rejection and criticism by others and the society at large, we oftentimes shut our mouth and swallow so much of what we shouldn’t swallow up.
There are a lot of people faced with lot of issues and challenges yet don’t want to talk about them so I wonder how they are going to get help.
At times all you need for an issue to go away is to talk about it but we seldom talk about the real things that trouble us. Some of us want to be seen as one with less or no problems but that is where we get it wrong.
There is nobody in the world that hasn’t gotten a problem or two. We all smile and laugh with each other but dip down we know there is a burden that we wish could just go away.
The first step involved in being liberated is “speaking up” so speak up. If you don’t speak up, you can’t fight for or against. Only you truly know what troubles you and if you don’t speak up, how can anyone know?
Many people have missed great opportunities because where and when they should have spoken up, they failed to speak up so the opportunity comes and goes begging.
Many are those in abusive relationships yet they fear to speak up for the fear of not losing whomever. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in that relationship. An abusive relationship isn’t something that anyone should stomach up.
Anyone in any of such relationship obviously needs help so if you are one of such, speak up.
Don’t think that the hurt you feel inside will pass with time. Hurt and pains only get deeper with time.
There are many women that are suffering from domestic violence yet won’t speak up. To them, speaking up is weakness. They say a real woman can deal with anything.
There are also loads of children who are being abused even right under their parent’s roofs, by uncles, aunties, relatives and whomever but because they’ve not been thought to speak up, they keep quiet and wallow in pain and misery.
I use to be someone who hardly talked about anything that troubled me. I concealed every form of discomfort. I felt no matter the situation I was in, it was going to die or phase-out with time but I was wrong.
For a long while, I wallowed in loads of pain, hurt and discomfort until I realized the value of speaking up.
Speak out your fears. Somebody might hear and help you get through them.
Speak out your worries. Somebody might hear and help you get over them.
Of course it is not everything that you will blatantly say out but certain things shouldn’t be concealed. If you feel speaking up would bring you trouble, concealing it certainly will bring you more trouble because if you are troubled within, you will inadvertently be troubled without.
There is at least someone around that you can talk to/with and even confide in. If you can’t find anyone like that then you probably haven’t looked well enough.
If you don’t speak up, no one will hear you let alone reach out to help you. Don’t whisper where you should speak out. Speak up! Even if nobody hears you, God hears you.
Speak up against domestic violence, speak up against child abuse, speak up for what’s right, speak up for good morals and values, speak up for responsible living; speak up for good governance.
Think about this; all the crimes and bad things happening around are not only because of wrong doings of the bad ones but more because of the silence of the good ones. SPEAK UP FOR A BETTER WORLD.
Just Sharing My Thought
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Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Our words matters
Have you ever been in an unhappy situation and somehow someone shows up and says something nice to you and suddenly you begin to smiles? Yes! That’s what kind words do.
People battered and wounded by life situations are often healed by the words of encouragement we dish out to them. Kind words can bring back the lost, change the past and correct the present.
Words are like seeds. If we sow the right words, it can inspire someone to reach his or her potential. If we sow the wrong words, it will bring about deceit, strife, malice etc.
Human beings are such that even when we are wrong, nobody likes been corrected so be careful with how you correct others.
Be humble with your words. Hurtful words can escalate an already dreadful situation. A true friend always cares about the feelings of others so always speak the truth in love.
Many of us have broken hearts, broken trust, broken friendships and relationships because of the hurtful things we’ve said about someone.
If you hear something about someone, don’t hurriedly jump into conclusion.
Ask yourself if it is true. If you are not certain whether it’s true or not, say nothing. The truth will always reveal itself with time so wait. Careless words break trust; careless words break friendships; careless words cost lives.
Anyone who cannot control his/her tongue inadvertently will speak wrong and hurtful words so please endeavor to control your tongue and watch what you say.
When people say cruel and hurtful things to you, you shouldn’t say hurtful things back nor curse them. Words have creative powers and nobody can take back what they’ve already said. I RETRACT MY STATEMENT RETRACTS NOTHING. Once it’s said, it’s said.
Be quick to say words like “I’m sorry”. It doesn’t matter who caused what; a sorry heart is a cheerful heart. Do not say to someone I WILL BE THERE FOR YOU if you know you won’t and do not say I LOVE YOU if you don’t mean it. Our words require us to be responsible.
Always bear in mind that you more likely to regret the things you say than the things you don’t say. Hurtful words can cut like a knife. It might take you just three seconds to say them but its effect can last a life time so be careful what you say because YOUR WORDS MATTERS.
Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the mind and healing to the body. Proverbs 16:24 (AMP)
Just Sharing My Thought
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Monday, February 28, 2011
Celebrating Fathers
Fathers are the least appreciated amongst our parents. (I stand to be corrected though)
If I’m to ask ten people who amongst their parents they like the most, seven are bound to go for their mothers. Why? Mothers are caring, loving and affectionate; they easily understand and they don’t scold as often as daddy etc.
Well, the truth is, we all love our dads but we are fonder of our mothers… It is a natural phenomenon and I don’t think it will change. Many of us feel more comfortable being around our mother than our father. (Very few exemptions)
Leave or take, the importance of a father in one’s life can never be over emphasized. Father’s are integral parts of our lives; in fact, they gave us life…
They are the bread winner; they provided shelter, clothing, food; they pay the bills (Medical, school, water, electricity etc); and together with our mothers, they guide and help us mold our lives properly.
Take fathers away and life will look vague and ambiguous.
To some of us, the fear of our father is the beginning of wisdom. *He smiles… (Those with strict fathers will understand better)
We all need to first be grateful to GOD for giving us wonderful fathers and be thankful to our fathers for always been there for us and always been alive and committed to their responsibility.
For many reasons, some people don’t have fathers but that doesn’t make them bastards. In fact, there are no bastards. There are only irresponsible fathers.
If you fall under this category, please don’t feel bad. Always know that the greatest father of all is undoubtedly our Heavenly.
Not all of us have/had outstanding fathers. Some have/had great fathers and some have/had not so great father but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t respect our fathers. Every father deserves to be respected and appreciated.
Some people feel like they’ve grown so they talk back at our fathers. I have seen it a lot of times and I must say it is so wrong. No matter what/who your father is, he deserves to be respected. God in his infinite wisdom brought you to life through him.
Don’t walk out on your father because he couldn’t pay the bills and don’t talk back at him because you owe school fees. What you should do is to love, respect and pray for him to be alive to his responsibilities. Being a father is not an easy thing.
My late dad wasn’t the greatest father in world but to me, he was the best. He taught me so much and I can never stop thanking God for giving me him.
As a human being, daddy had his weakness but so also had he his strengths. He was a man with a great mind and I just wish he is still around.
Nevertheless, I have no doubt in my heart that he is happy for the man I have become. I miss you daddy and I love you endlessly.
This part of the note is dedicated to Comfort Maxwell; Ebi Smart; Victor and Victoria Ita; Promise Ekpe; Esther Sunday; Oluchi Adingupu; Nduka, Estelle and Amechi Chukwuemeka; Me and my siblings and anyone who have lost their father.
Death, though a natural phenomenon, isn’t a pleasant experience especially when it involves a loved one. And in this case a father.
If you’ve lost your dad, please don’t grieve for long. Death is just another stage in life. God knows best so put your total trust in HIM. Believe that if He took your father away, He is going to be your father and guess what? HE will care of you like no one else would.
I know you miss your dad; it is normal that we miss our loved ones when they are no more. Know that you are not alone. God is with you and everything will get better with time. Just trust GOD…
Our daddies might have passed on to glory but their memories will continue to live on in our hearts. May their gentle souls rest in the bosom of the Lord.
Just Sharing My Thought
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If I’m to ask ten people who amongst their parents they like the most, seven are bound to go for their mothers. Why? Mothers are caring, loving and affectionate; they easily understand and they don’t scold as often as daddy etc.
Well, the truth is, we all love our dads but we are fonder of our mothers… It is a natural phenomenon and I don’t think it will change. Many of us feel more comfortable being around our mother than our father. (Very few exemptions)
Leave or take, the importance of a father in one’s life can never be over emphasized. Father’s are integral parts of our lives; in fact, they gave us life…
They are the bread winner; they provided shelter, clothing, food; they pay the bills (Medical, school, water, electricity etc); and together with our mothers, they guide and help us mold our lives properly.
Take fathers away and life will look vague and ambiguous.
To some of us, the fear of our father is the beginning of wisdom. *He smiles… (Those with strict fathers will understand better)
We all need to first be grateful to GOD for giving us wonderful fathers and be thankful to our fathers for always been there for us and always been alive and committed to their responsibility.
For many reasons, some people don’t have fathers but that doesn’t make them bastards. In fact, there are no bastards. There are only irresponsible fathers.
If you fall under this category, please don’t feel bad. Always know that the greatest father of all is undoubtedly our Heavenly.
Not all of us have/had outstanding fathers. Some have/had great fathers and some have/had not so great father but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t respect our fathers. Every father deserves to be respected and appreciated.
Some people feel like they’ve grown so they talk back at our fathers. I have seen it a lot of times and I must say it is so wrong. No matter what/who your father is, he deserves to be respected. God in his infinite wisdom brought you to life through him.
Don’t walk out on your father because he couldn’t pay the bills and don’t talk back at him because you owe school fees. What you should do is to love, respect and pray for him to be alive to his responsibilities. Being a father is not an easy thing.
My late dad wasn’t the greatest father in world but to me, he was the best. He taught me so much and I can never stop thanking God for giving me him.
As a human being, daddy had his weakness but so also had he his strengths. He was a man with a great mind and I just wish he is still around.
Nevertheless, I have no doubt in my heart that he is happy for the man I have become. I miss you daddy and I love you endlessly.
This part of the note is dedicated to Comfort Maxwell; Ebi Smart; Victor and Victoria Ita; Promise Ekpe; Esther Sunday; Oluchi Adingupu; Nduka, Estelle and Amechi Chukwuemeka; Me and my siblings and anyone who have lost their father.
Death, though a natural phenomenon, isn’t a pleasant experience especially when it involves a loved one. And in this case a father.
If you’ve lost your dad, please don’t grieve for long. Death is just another stage in life. God knows best so put your total trust in HIM. Believe that if He took your father away, He is going to be your father and guess what? HE will care of you like no one else would.
I know you miss your dad; it is normal that we miss our loved ones when they are no more. Know that you are not alone. God is with you and everything will get better with time. Just trust GOD…
Our daddies might have passed on to glory but their memories will continue to live on in our hearts. May their gentle souls rest in the bosom of the Lord.
Just Sharing My Thought
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Thursday, February 24, 2011
Women are humans too (Guys treat them right)
Not every one of us guys had our father around to teach us how to be a man. We just learn as we grew so I guess some of us deserve some credits for being great guys… (Ladies please applaud)
Being a man is much more than being a male. It is putting your family first, always being there for you children, forsaking all other women and making your wife your only true queen, not breaking the vows of matrimony and most importantly, staying committed to God.
Interestingly, not all our dads fit this description. In fact, many don’t even come close but that doesn’t mean they aren’t great dads. They are. They are great fathers and wonderful husbands (at least that is what mummy will say).
I find it very fascinating that there are more irresponsible men than responsible ones; more fatherless babies that motherless babies; more single mothers than single fathers etc why?
Is it that men are not doing well enough or what? It’s a man’s world isn’t it? So why aren’t men making the most of their world?
Come to think of it, the phrase “it’s a man’s world” is a phrase I think is demeaning to the whole of womanhood.
Instead of saying “it’s a man’s world”, I would rather we say “it’s a human’s world” because if it solely a man’s world then it certainly means women don’t belong here.
This kind of statement often leads people into discriminating against women and long before they know it, they start to discriminate against their very own wife, sisters and mother.
Women are humans too. If they were lesser beings, God wouldn’t have created them.
Women they say are everywhere but good women obviously aren’t everywhere but that notwithstanding, women everywhere deserves respect.
I frown at guys who delight in hitting their girl friends and men who have turned their wife into punching bags. The practice of hitting a woman is very wrong and should not be encouraged.
The fact that you saw your daddy or your grand daddy do it doesn’t mean it is the right.
I know some women are very provocative but hitting a woman is never right under any circumstances.
Provocation will always make you do something that you will regret later so I believe no matter how hard someone provokes you, the best thing to do is to walk off and cool off.
The truth is, real men don’t hit their women.
Lately, there have been a lot of noise about gender equality… the truth of the matter is, both genders can never be equals because God made it so. God in his infinite wisdom placed man as the head of woman and that will never change. However, that doesn’t mean women don’t have their place.
Guys! As future husbands and fathers, it is very important that we inculcate in us an attitude of appreciating the women God has placed in our lives (beginning from mothers, sisters, female friends to our wives) because they are God’s gift to the universe and all we need to do is love them and treat them right.
If your woman is not getting along, take your time and help her understand you and every other thing. Don’t hit her. Don’t say mean things to her. Make her your QUEEN and she will surely make you her KING.
Just Sharing My Thought
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Being a man is much more than being a male. It is putting your family first, always being there for you children, forsaking all other women and making your wife your only true queen, not breaking the vows of matrimony and most importantly, staying committed to God.
Interestingly, not all our dads fit this description. In fact, many don’t even come close but that doesn’t mean they aren’t great dads. They are. They are great fathers and wonderful husbands (at least that is what mummy will say).
I find it very fascinating that there are more irresponsible men than responsible ones; more fatherless babies that motherless babies; more single mothers than single fathers etc why?
Is it that men are not doing well enough or what? It’s a man’s world isn’t it? So why aren’t men making the most of their world?
Come to think of it, the phrase “it’s a man’s world” is a phrase I think is demeaning to the whole of womanhood.
Instead of saying “it’s a man’s world”, I would rather we say “it’s a human’s world” because if it solely a man’s world then it certainly means women don’t belong here.
This kind of statement often leads people into discriminating against women and long before they know it, they start to discriminate against their very own wife, sisters and mother.
Women are humans too. If they were lesser beings, God wouldn’t have created them.
Women they say are everywhere but good women obviously aren’t everywhere but that notwithstanding, women everywhere deserves respect.
I frown at guys who delight in hitting their girl friends and men who have turned their wife into punching bags. The practice of hitting a woman is very wrong and should not be encouraged.
The fact that you saw your daddy or your grand daddy do it doesn’t mean it is the right.
I know some women are very provocative but hitting a woman is never right under any circumstances.
Provocation will always make you do something that you will regret later so I believe no matter how hard someone provokes you, the best thing to do is to walk off and cool off.
The truth is, real men don’t hit their women.
Lately, there have been a lot of noise about gender equality… the truth of the matter is, both genders can never be equals because God made it so. God in his infinite wisdom placed man as the head of woman and that will never change. However, that doesn’t mean women don’t have their place.
Guys! As future husbands and fathers, it is very important that we inculcate in us an attitude of appreciating the women God has placed in our lives (beginning from mothers, sisters, female friends to our wives) because they are God’s gift to the universe and all we need to do is love them and treat them right.
If your woman is not getting along, take your time and help her understand you and every other thing. Don’t hit her. Don’t say mean things to her. Make her your QUEEN and she will surely make you her KING.
Just Sharing My Thought
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Saturday, February 12, 2011
Love is in the Air
It’s a season of love and indeed love is in the air. Not just the love between the opposite sexes but love for all of humanity.
Many people will take this time to rekindle their love and spend quality time with their partner; some too will simply blow their partner away with amazing surprises.
It is a good thing to celebrate your partner in this season of love but also know that you don’t necessarily have to wait for valentine to show whomever how much they mean to you.
Every day is a good day to show the ones that mean the world to you how much they really mean to you. I know love in itself cannot be quantified but it certainly can be expressed so go out, have fun but not too much fun. And if you must DO IT please PROTECT YOURSELF but like I always say, ABSTAINACE still remains a very wise DECISION.
Valentine is a time to show love and not a time to take advantage of the ones we claim we love, do things we are not prepared for or make UNWANTED babies.
Valentine only comes once in a year but love is always around all through the year. In as much as you celebrate love with/for that/those very special person(s), equally celebrate love for all of humanity for love is the very essence of existence.
It is no news that love is the most powerful force in the world. Love is one thing that transcends culture, tribe, race or skin colour. Everyone is capable and deserving of love so show love to everybody…
Ok! Maybe you are thinking… Why is Emma talking so much about love? Is he in love or is he some sort of love ambassador? Well, I am a self acclaimed love ambassador and I will continue to push for us to love ourselves as long as God keeps me alive.
Let’s face facts; hatred is by no means man’s friend. It has caused so much harm and it is still causing much harm.
Hatred restricts; love releases. Hatred strangles, love gives freedom. Hatred brings remorse; love brings peace. Hatred agitates; love calms. Hatred divides; love unites.
Hatred hardens; love softens. Hatred hinders; love helps. I guess it is even now much clearer that hatred has absolutely nothing to offer humanity but love is loaded with so much for us all.
It’s not a season to hold on to hurt so forgive freely and love like you've never been hurt. Make that phone call. Mend that broken friendship; you won’t regret it.
Let all that you do from the time forth, be done in love and don’t forget to show love to all and not only to those you know or because of what you’d get in return.
Just Sharing My Thought
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